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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/01/03/22156917-kim-jong-uns-executed-uncle-was-eaten-alive-by-120-hungry-dogs-report Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs: report By Eric Baculinao and Alexander Smith, NBC News BEIJING -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's powerful uncle was stripped naked, thrown into a cage, and eaten alive by a pack of ravenous dogs, according to a newspaper with close ties to China's ruling Communist Party. Jang Song Thaek, who had been considered Kim's second-in-command, was executed last month after being found guilty of "attempting to overthrow the state," North Korea’s state-run news agency reported. The official North Korean account on Dec. 12 did not specify how Jang was put to death. Hong Kong-based pro-Beijing newspaper Wen Wei Po reported that Jang and his five closest aides were set upon by 120 hunting hounds which had been starved for five days. Click the link for the rest. Holy crap.
  2. Wow, Michelle's turned shoulder in and sideways glare in the last pic says it all.
  3. Pffff. In Soviet Russia, bungee cords are for girls.
  4. Judging by the massive amount of warning signs and destroyed guardrail, that wasn't the first time it happened.
  5. One of my military friends lived over there for a while. He said their DMV is so corrupt that all you have to do is pay a "fee" and they give you your license. No class, no driving test, nothing.
  6. While we're on the subject of car crashes... I always enjoy a good Russian dash cam compilation. http://youtube.com/watch?v=y2t10pW28Us
  7. The ineptitude is astounding. I feel like I'm watching a Redskins football game...
  8. The R helmets are the worst piece of equipment in our repertoire. And yes, the 70th anniversary jerseys are better than the 75th.
  9. I really REALLY miss the burgundy pants. We've seen way too much of the white pants this preseason.
  10. Taped to the underside of the toilet seat? Nice. When you want to get a message across to another dude without a chick knowing...
  11. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6809517824/hA4FABA36/
  12. That's probably my least favorite combo. I was bummed last season when they decided to keep the white pants instead of the burgundy ones. Not as weird as half and half, that's for sure. True. Can't wait for the return of the burgundy pants. We'll probably see that combo the most this year, especially earlier in the season, when it's still pretty warm. If that's the case, I will be very happy this year. That's the uniform combo I grew up with, so that's the ideal Redskins look to me.
  13. Those old Buccaneers uniforms alone deserve to be in the Own3d thread.
  14. That's probably my least favorite combo. I was bummed last season when they decided to keep the white pants instead of the burgundy ones. Not as weird as half and half, that's for sure.
  15. While it might not be as good as a burgundy collar, the white collar is light years better than the gag inducing "polo" look. I do want to see what it looks like with a helmet though.
  16. I don't know, but I wouldn't doubt it with the way her body collapsed against the stage. Something's gotta give. And yeah, stage diving is cool, but you can tell that guy's an idiot with the way he jumped.
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