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Everything posted by Fresh8686

  1. This country can’t survive another republican majority. They are doubling down on their fascist bent and will only get worse. It also can’t survive another 2-4 years of legislative inaction. We need to get rid of the filibuster and pass changes the majority of this country want. That’s the only way people will see that democracy is effective and the only way Dem’s will keep the majority. I hope someone in the Democratic Party conveys this reality to people like Manchin and Sinema. And I hope it doesn’t take another domestic terrorist attack to hammer that home. Unchecked aggression always escalates. We’ve seen this escalation over the last 4 years. It’s not just going to suddenly stop it’s trajectory.
  2. I can't take you seriously when you can't even bother to spend one second focusing on the implicit racial bias in this country which has already been statistically proven to cause under-representation. We don't have an equal opportunity system right now, especially with regard to front office positions in the nfl because of... implicit racial bias and the numbers and history show that as evident. IIRC, you're the guy in the tailgate who was freaking out about overblown BLM "riots" in Richmond, when others living there saw things much differently. I guess I'm wasting my time writing this. Anyways, this'll be my last post about this here because it's becoming off-topic.
  3. Only reacting to the compensation, which is an incentive to fix under-representation and not reacting to the implicit bias that causes the stark numbers of under-representation is flawed thinking.
  4. Trading for Stafford (or less likely Watson) is our best bet for reaching the super bowl by 2023. I don’t see any qb in reach for us this year or next year that will make that timeline. That’s why I’m cool with 2 firsts if that’s what it takes. We’re picking 19 this year and most likely later next year. Who is going to be available in those spots that has a higher likelihood of getting us to that 2023 timeline than trading for Stafford? Even if you were going to draft a qb, you’d have to give up that other first or a second to move up and even then there is no greater chance of success compared to the proven commodity Stafford is. Hopefully, we can get him for less, but I see the value either way.
  5. Glad to see Tim Gribbles got a promotion to director of college personnel and we’re keeping him. Kyle Smith spoke highly of his contributions to the draft early last year and was a big part of our past success.
  6. I'm sorry but this is bigotry and the women who share this sentiment with you are bigots as well. The fact that a bunch of you think like this does not justify the view. You're going to have to learn to deal with fluidity of gender and come to grasps with the fact that inclusion and sharing space with those who are gender fluid does not erase or diminish the meaning of being a female (or male for that matter). Differentiation and diversity adds to a spectrum, it does not erase the other parts of a spectrum. No more so than my being a mix of arab, black, and white erases the meaning of each of those cultures. You're going to have to learn that people who are gender fluid are not a monolith and don't deserve to be demonized or mis-characterized with the broad brush you are using here. Being fluid does not automatically mean they are all trying to trick you into sex, they have their own lives and their own worries outside of how you fear they may impact you. They have a right to their own identity and the recognition of that identity just like you do. You don't get to decide what they are or are not. I understand that you have those fears and worries about a specific sub-segment of gender fluid people and you have the right to say no to sexual overtures and protect yourself when those situations arise. However, that fear does not give you the right to the prejudice that spews out of you every time this subject comes up. This is the same kind of energy racists pull from and it's not a good look at all.
  7. The biggest knocks I've read on Hurney was that he missed on players outside of the 1st round and over-payed guys on contracts. Here in Washington, we have Rob Rogers doing contracts so that problem is handled and we have Eric Stokes and his staff, plus Kyle (if he stays), and the input of coaches who have done well with their choices (Turner for Antonio Gibson, Hoener for Logan Thomas). I'm okay with things if there is more to come. Still in wait and see mode, though.
  8. I wonder if these cops feel any different about posing with insurrectionists when one of them might have murdered one of their own.
  9. They just carted out a gravely injured dead woman on a stretcher. Aired it on msnbc while literally trying to palpitate her heart and blood all over. We looked into her eyes and her life was gone. It hit both me and my wife.
  10. my wife is watching it right now and telling me which dresses she wants.
  11. i think they have the last of us 1 for free on ps plus or it’s at least on sale right now for cheap. This is the kind of game that if you want the full impact from the story you should play the original first.
  12. Yup, I completely agree. This is the first and probably only game where I couldn’t wait for the final “boss” battle to end. The way it feels to just kill and make your way through the game, turned completely on its head at the end. I won’t go further to spoil anything, but I’m sure you get what I mean. It’s an emotional masterpiece of a gaming medium and a brutal one.
  13. Awesome description @Momma There Goes That Man, I feel the same way. This is the most emotionally impactful game I’ve ever played and the way it challenges the very foundation of killing in games with its characters and story and the trauma they deal with as a result is just incredible. But, then the smooth gameplay, pacing, and tension of cat and mouse as you deal with ever dwindling supplies in the face of brutal enemies makes it so satisfying to beat, over and over again. It’s one of the most mature games ever made imo and I mean that from how it chooses to ground you in their world and not gloss over the consequences of brutality.
  14. Replaying the Last of Us 2 on the PS5 and that action sequence when your ducking between buildings against kill teams with dogs for the first time is still some of my favorite gameplay for the entire year. I’m just skipping all the story sequences and focusing on the gameplay to avoid any feels. I gotta play something during my time off now that cyberpunk **** the bed. I got tired of Valhalla super quick and still haven’t bothered with Immortals whatever it’s called yet.
  15. That made me super happy to hear @BatteredFanSyndrome. I hope you all have a great time with the gifts and that everyone in here had a merry Christmas and happy holidays.
  16. I’d say that depends on a mixture of character and the varying levels of culture a person is influenced by. Unfortunately, American culture doesn’t seem to hold higher values of sharing, caring, and critical thinking in much prominence.
  17. It’s be awesome if we could trade down in the first and then use that later first rounder to get Stafford.
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