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Everything posted by Fresh8686

  1. I'd almost bet money that that mother****er is just repeating a line he heard from a movie.
  2. Ain’t nobody said that **** here. I get the pent up feeling but people are more often rightfully pushing back against people with uninformed opinions who oversimplify what is going on and often do so while ignoring the constant pain that is causing this **** in the first place. There is a difference between having your opinion shut down because of your skin color versus because one is saying some off brand ass ****. Which again no one here is doing to you from what I’ve seen.
  3. I feel you, I feel it too. The struggle is all in the open now and people are engaged, rather than apathetic and we’re adapting. We know their playbook of divide and conquer and yes they have their base, but this is our time. Millennials outnumber boomers now and we’re more educated and diverse than ever before. But, if we **** this up and go back to apathetic and allow this **** to keep going, the next generation will be too far behind the starting line with too high a hill to climb. The plutocrats are readying for their next big step and readying the courts and legislative drones to pave the way. Now is the time to strategize, organize, and mobilize so we shoot our shot to knock these ****ers down before they put the boot on our necks as surely as they did to Floyd. I actually feel more hope, not less, as I see my people and my leaders responding and holding their standards as they protest while also trying to protect themselves and others from the virus. My heart both breaks and rises for their courage and integrity.
  4. I wouldn’t go that far yet, but it’s close. We’re in a gradually closing window where we get to the point where technology allows the Plutocrats enough leverage to permanently yoke the rest of us and maintain as extreme a parasitical state as they possibly can. We can still kill them, but again that window is closing.
  5. Reading this broke me down hard. For over a year my body was broken to the point of causing me near constant positional asphyxiation that never killed me but ebbed and flowed based on how much I could move my body to get a fraction more position to expand my chest and breathe. I’d wake up every night choking for breath and having to walk around and work on my body to breathe and I’d often pass out after taking a shower because the hot water and vasodilation having an effect against the constricted pathways of my body and level of carbon dioxide. I’m still working on my body to this day, almost 4 years later so I can breathe better and better and I’ve came so far. Sorry, I say all that to say I know a terrible part of what George Floyd felt as he died. And it’s knowing that he felt that pain and terror that I NEVER want anyone to ever feel that broke me down.
  6. This is what leadership looks like.
  7. How is that these dudes are tear gassing women, but when a bunch of white guys larping with semi-automatic rifles storm the Capitol building its all quiet and the cops are at ease? Even when these ****s are violating the 6 foot space of nurses to yell and spew the rancid spittle of their ignorance and toxic entitlement. I hate this **** so much.
  8. Thanks and yea, I’m keeping my distance. As soon as I saw he was there I went back home and got my N95 mask and kept it on at work till after he left for the day. He won’t be back in till we see the results from his latest test. Whoever his doctor is, he’s nuts. How do you determine the line between having symptoms vs lessened symptoms and when to decide he’s no longer contagious? According to the cdc guidelines he should still be home.
  9. My boss, who had had the coronavirus for the past 4 weeks, came back into the office today. He's still coughing and weak, but somehow the doctors told him he was safe to come back to work today... yet he's also going to the doctors today to take another coronavirus test? His fever went down just last week and I just don't see any way how he should have been given the green light to come back. **** has me stressed out. He could be contagious right now and spreading stuff all over the place. So I'm working at my desk with my N95 mask on. He's since left the office thank god, but I am not using the bathroom for nothing now and washing my clothes as soon as I get home.
  10. He was one of my favorites of the receivers when it came to ability to retain fine motor control in surprise, quick twitch situations. I think I had him in a lower but close tier to Ceedee Lamb in that specific category. Most guys get spasmodic to some degree in those situations. They get too tight and can’t muster the precision and smoothness on a consistent basis to adjust and corral the ball like AGG has shown.
  11. Thanks y'all I appreciate it. We are all in this together and it's important we keep that feeling of connection alive and realize we need to share in our care and responsibility for each other. There are so many others like me and many more who are in even worse situations and it breaks my soul to think of the agony and fear they're dealing with. Then I think about the people who take their health for granted, blindly kicking down the sandcastles of frail health these others are trying to protect and I am filled with so much rage. I've worked so ****ing hard trying to climb out of the hell my body has become only to find a new hell to deal with in the threat of this virus. But, at the same time I feel blessed, because there are people dealing with both hells and many other different flavors as well, who don't have the shelter and support I do. I can't wait to be healthy enough to help those people and to make sure no one ever again feels the types of things I've had to feel.
  12. A lot of people don't realize how dangerous this virus is yet, it is NOT just a respiratory virus. It may start as one, but then it becomes a cardiovascular virus via it's direct attack of the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels throughout our body. This **** scares the **** out of me, because I already have stage 3 chronic kidney disease from a berger's immune inflammation response and this virus can end up doing the same type of damage. My boss has already tested positive for COVID and I'm just counting down the days to see if my contact with him from the week before last was enough to get me infected. Plus, I have seizures from severe spinal stenosis and the last thing I need is anything else ****ing with my brain and central nervous system. I just regained my sense of smell on the left side of my face from months of work and I not gonna lose that progress to this virus.
  13. Didn't you just get into a back and forth a couple posts ago with someone about how it's just like or similar to breaking bad? They are laundering money for a Drug Cartel and then have run-ins with heroin dealers in the first season. I really don't give a **** if it's the centerpiece of the show or tangential to it. It's still ****ty people doing ****ty things. Which is still a waste of my time.
  14. Meh. Man like Mobeen is more my speed or the 1st season of All American. If you have no character, I'm not ****ing with you. Selling drugs and all that **** is boring and the same holds true for mafia movies. All the mobsters I knew in prison were whiny as **** and the MS-13 shot-caller I knew was sick from drugs, stuck doing life+90 and probably on his last legs already. Gangsters are weak. **** them.
  15. Nah, I'm good. I don't like shows like Breaking Bad, Narcos, and this one. A bunch of weak ass people doing ****ty things to other ****ty people.
  16. I've watched the first episode of Ozark so far, but I'm glad I read this thread so I don't waste my time with it. I hate watching shows where the characters are all ****ty people. A show I was surprised at how much I liked is Man from Mobeen on netflix. It's a British show that's surprisingly hilarious and about a Muslim dude trying to get his life back together and look after his little sister and friends while getting away from his criminal past.
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