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Everything posted by Fresh8686

  1. This Tom Cotton guy must have failed history class. He ever read about the Boston Massacre or the Kent State Shooting?
  2. It's crazy to me that people haven't yet made the deeply fundamental connection between integrity and health. Health both in the individual sense, and in the collective or societal sense. Not only is integrity a continued requirement for the healthy functioning of an individual and society, but in order to advance or further civilize a society, even higher standards of integrity are required. I personally worry more about mental/emotional/physical/spiritual health than whether people believe in God or give a name to what we are all connected to, because it's ****ing obvious how things are supposed to work, the healthier you get and the more your holistic palate harmonizes with the interconnections of reality. And these interconnections were here and working based on these requirements before language, the bible, or humans even existed and they will still hold true in the future if life takes on different forms in different locations of the universe. When I talk about integrity, I am talking about something beyond morality that is so fundamental to the structure of the universe and the structure within us, that it is a requirement of movement and communication in every level of life from the quantum to the quaint.
  3. I'm worried about clashes between these guys and local forces, just as much as I'm worried about things between normal people. Luckily the protestors have been smart about filming things and trying to defend an accurate narrative, which helps them maintain nationwide support. If they keep that support there will be hopefully enough political pressure to keep this from getting worse. Remember these guys are federal agents/DHS which is different from the military, whose guns are just as big as theirs.
  4. Go ahead and try it ****ers, people aren’t gonna stand for paramilitary occupation across the country. Yea there a lot of ****ing sheep in this country but everyday fighters are being activated by your evil and will stand up against you. The backlash of progress to your thuggery is coming for you ****es.
  5. Yup, dude has been laying it down for decades.
  6. I really like S. Charles as well. He’s got great footwork, lateral agility, and a strong anchor. The main thing he needs to work on is hand technique and creating a more active neural connection that marries his hands with his feet better. I was kind of hard on him for his hand placement after reading Bullocks piece in the Athletic, but while he does have a point about it, I wonder if he follows Joe Thomas’ technique of one hand at the opponents pec and the other on the bicep to harness the off-angle leverage and sliding action that naturally happens during a rep. Which makes sense because rarely are you perfectly squared up against an edge defender as they attack off the line. I do wish he had a better punch though and looked to attack with more controlled aggression on run plays. But, I do like the chemistry he has with Moss already and hope that continues for us. The dude definitely has potential.
  7. I feel you and I wasn't meaning to imply that you were. I appreciate the nuance you brought to the subject of case numbers. It just alarms the hell out of me, that this country is so lacking in operational discipline for the common good, that all we can hope for is 70% of the populating getting this for herd immunity or a vaccine in the near future. That leaves people like me and my wife having to be in near total lock-down for who knows how long while this plays out. It's exhausting having your life on the line every day while also dealing with previous issues that are hard enough to survive with as it is.
  8. At least the new law offers this much "Criminal records of simple possession will be sealed, and employers and schools will be banned from asking about prior simple possession convictions." But, your right about background checks. I'm already a felon so it doesn't matter to me as much.
  9. I worry about how the above changes once kids are back in school and flu season comes back around. Then I also worry about the long term debilitating effects having this virus can cause in people and how they will be weaker the next time around if this virus does indeed come back every year. I'm still not clear in my understanding in how well people can fight off getting this virus once they've had it already, hopefully given the relatively low occurrence of mutation we might have some case for optimism? There are so many different variables to consider, that has me worried that people are hoping for things to happen that just won't be the case.
  10. Not yet. As of today everything that is an ounce or lower, even concentrates or "hash oil" is decriminalized and just a $25 fine with no court costs or jail time. They are also reviewing the next step for legalization and have a report on it due to the government on Nov. 30 2020.
  11. In a similar vein to the above, I’ve often said that it’s mostly only good people that worry about being bad people. They are the ones actually trying to hold themselves to a standard and worrying about how their actions measure up. Bad people don’t self reflect like that or they lie to themselves, project, or scapegoat others to protect themselves from the positive disintegration of self accountability.
  12. I think you might be underselling his mix of size and speed with a couple of those statements. 4.39 speed at 228 lbs isn’t always waiting around in the later rounds. Yea, he had a small sample size but he absolutely killed it when given the opportunity at over 11 ypc and the leading broken tackles percentage. Plus, he wasn’t making it out of the third round according to scouts and wouldn’t have been available with our next pick. As as far as these kinds of guys it was Laviska Shensult, Antonio Gibson, and Lynn Bowden who were available and taken in that order. Laviska was taken before our pick and AG has higher upside than LB so the pick makes sense. Especially, when you factor in how many receptions CMC had when Scott Turner was with the Panthers and what Stormy laid out above.
  13. Y'all know you are talking about AGG in the AG thread right? I get the confusion, I had to double check myself. Anyways, sorry for this repost, but I should have originally put it here instead of the old draft thread. Been watching a lot of analysis on this past years successful rookies like McLaurin, Metcalf, Brown, and Samuels. Plus some stuff on Christian McCaffery, Joe Mixon, and David Johnson to get some idea of where Antonio Gibson might be able to succeed as both a WR and RB. One thing i like about Kyle and his team is they draft with balls. They aren’t afraid to go after guys who show high upside across multiple traits, even if the sample size is small. AG broke at least one tackle on over 48% of his carries which lead all running backs. The guy in second place to him, was a full 10% lower than him. According to the redskins he’s 6’2” and 228 lbs which is taller and heavier than both AJ Brown and Deebo Samuels while also running a 4.39 40 yard dash which is faster than both of them who ran 4.48/4.49 respectively. He’s also never fumbled the ball in his college career, was injury free, and averaged over 11 ypc. However, the problem with AG is his jab step is inconsistent at best and rarely forces the DB to commit to a given leverage. If he can work on some of that hip tightness and jab and drive more forcefully he should be able to win more effectively at the line and out of his breaks in the ways both AJ and Deebo did. However, AJ has actual straight up pass rushing moves he uses to fight off press that I don’t expect AG to show at any level this year. I hope more for a Deebo level and pathway for success in accelerating out of press. I think DK Metcalf’s level of acceleration and double move ability is out of AG’s reach, but he’s just a notch below and still has the capacity to make both LB’s and corners pay if he can get their hips turned just a bit. I’m looking for three steps or less on breaks in hook or hitch routes to have any chance of separation and AG has shown that. He’s got the speed to be enough of a threat to see consistent off coverage and he has the strength to maintain leverage on his routes, however his contested catch percentage is poor and you’re asking too much of him for any serious work on the outside this year. He’s got potential to be a 3-Down capable running back and he’s able to be our pass catching back who can flex to slot right now (albeit with a limited route tree). Our bigger Christian McCaffery, although CMC is obviously a much much more polished and proven product, especially when it comes to setting up blocks and route running. I really like AG and what he can eventually turn into, especially if we can really get him going in both the run and pass game. He’ll free up Sims to focus more on just playing the slot and will be our inside zone, sweeps, and screen guy. And although it’s a small sample size I did like his run blocking potential and have some hope for his pass-blocking on 3rd down. It should be fun as hell watching him along side AP or Guice in two back sets with McLaurin and Harmon/AGG on the outside and whoever the hell our TE will be, I guess Logan Thomas.
  14. Yup, terp profile and entourage effect are way more important than THC level alone. One of the many reasons why I hate distallate and follow my nose when choosing strains rather than reading a label. This is also why there is an art to mixing different kinds of strains, depending on the person, time, and mood/chemistry.
  15. @Skinned Aussie i understand your stress and pain, but you don’t fight racism and ignorance with racism and ignorance.
  16. You know this is some xenophobic, racist, Karen ass **** right?
  17. Basically, we're at the point where I need to get a note from my doctor telling them I have stage 3 CKD, seizures, and breathing issues, even though my boss knows I have these problems already. I've got a phone appointment with my doctor today and hopefully she can find the time to write a quick note for me. It's nonsense, but I'm jumping through the hoops and getting it done rather than fighting with them further about it.
  18. My work is trying to ignore the part of phase 2 that explicitly states that employers are to “encourage telework whenever possible” and get everybody back in the office. **** is super stressful for me and my wife, who spent all weekend going through EEEOC and ADA websites to find information to push back against that, especially since I'm high risk. My hands are shaking from the stress and fighting with my boss about it this morning almost sent me into a seizure.
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