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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. Depends if they look like PS4/X1 games or not. That game doesn't even look as good as launch titles for PS5. I hear it's going to be a Souls type game and it doesn't even look as good as Demon's Souls. And Halo Infinite didn't look like a PS4/X1 game. It looked like a PS3/X360 game.
  2. Graphics on that game look like PS4/X1 though. Very underwhelming from that perspective.
  3. Nope. Dulles is the worst airport in existence.
  4. How can we lose if we shut everyone out? Even if we tie, it's still undefeated!
  5. So based on what I'm seeing/reading of all the WFT happenings thus far, we're clearly winning the Super Bowl and going undefeated. Just like every year before the season starts. I CANNOT WAIT! EDIT: Oh and every game is going to be a shutout.
  6. Black dude to the right of Ms. Magneto has the best reaction at the very end of that video lol.
  7. Yeah, I had this exact same conversation with someone yesterday before I read your post lol.
  8. They played that clip on the Junkies a little while ago and I'm just listening to it and couldn't tell who was who lol. As much as I can't stand Danny, his impression of Barkley is on point and I gotta give him his props for that.
  9. Wait ... is that an announcement of an announcement of a preview of a trailer?
  10. Eh, dude clearly instigated him and pushed him first, and Embiid just did it right back. The double tech was the right call. On another note, the Wizards belong nowhere in this second round. Every team is clearly better than them.
  11. Play through TLOU2 with the 60fps patch on PS5. I wish I could experience that game for the first time again at 60FPS. It's a generational game. RE8 is good too but if you aren't in a rush to play it, I'd return it and buy it later cause it's already been on sale for $50 and will probably hit $40 in a month or so. And then buy Rift Apart after TLOU2.
  12. Ratchet and Clank getting pretty raving reviews. I'm pretty hype to play it this weekend. This is the first true "next gen" first party game this gen and it looks like the graphics do not disappoint at all. Pretty much every review I have watched/read said it's one of the best games graphically they have ever played on a console.
  13. Watching the 2 games tonight, it's so clear that all 4 of these teams with maybe the exceptions of the Bucks, are so much further ahead than the Wizards are. Suns/Nuggets game is like on a whole other level than the Wizards games. The pace is ridiculous.
  14. Yeah half the time my son would put his mask on before we even got in the car to go to school. I'm like dude, you don't have to put it on yet. Although I will say, it may be one of the reasons that when we traveled a few weeks ago he had no issues wearing it for 6+ hours straight (other than eating) during the whole airport/flight experience.
  15. Yeah I will say my son going back to school in March 4 days a week in MoCo has been very good for him. Hell even this past Wednesday he threw up and got sick (think it was old bread he ate) but we had him stay home Thursday just in case, and he was upset that he couldn't go to school on Thursday because he likes it. He hates Wednesdays which is supposed to be "at home learning" but it's really 1 hour of virtual stuff and then he is done for the day with school. It was supposedely when they are cleaning the school and stuff but it really doesn't seem necessary at this point. He is in Kindergarten and while he did okay with virtual school, usually by Thursday he was checked out. He clearly had trouble focusing as well. I was happily surprised however at how well he was doing with his sight words and math in general though. Going to in person again helped out tremendously though. I believe they have like 48 or so sight words they need to know by the end of the year and his last assessment a few weeks ago he knew 44 so I'm not concerned at all. He did however go to preschoool the past 2 years prior to his kindergarten year. He went for 3 days a week both years, for 4 hours those days, but he at least knew what school was and the routine and stuff. So I'm thinking that could have also helped him. One of his other classmates who lives right up the street, she is different however. Her mom said she pretty much got nothing out of virtual school. She knew like 10 of the sight words before going to in person learning. Her parents are weighing all options such as summer school or even holding her back but are undecided right now. As for covid cases, we didn't hear a thing about any cases at all in the school, so I am assuming there were none. At least not in his class for sure since we definitely would have heard about it. It's also amazing to me how these 5-6 year olds have no problem wearing a mask all day and you have grown adults making a huge fuss over wearing it in the store for 30 minutes. Just mind blowing. My son even wears his mask when he plays with kids down the street who are still doing virtual learning, and he does it by choice because he knows he is in school around a bunch of people and they aren't.
  16. Nah they literally had unrealistic expectations. It happens all the time in the development world and it's because the higher ups have no clue how development works. It's exactly the reason the game turned out how it did. Higher ups don't understand how long stuff takes to do and will give you a month to do 3 months worth of work. And you know what happens when that 3 months worth of real work is crammed into 1 month? You get a buggy ass product with a lot of issues. And then months/years down the road, you get a patch for a more polished product. You know why? Because that extra time is what was needed, and they probably needed more time for the patch because they have to go back and fix the bandaids they implemented, then put it through a whole new QA and patch process. Many higher ups do not understand the "spend more money up front save money in the long run" concept of development. I am running into it right now on one of my projects where the lead who thinks they are a tech person isn't a tech person at all and would rather us not do code reviews or implement stuff herself just to get features in. She worked on some code in an area that was exclusively mine about 3 months ago and completely botched stuff, and just yesterday I was still having issues and fixing stuff due to what she did. I've already requested to get off of this project and am going to shortly because I know it's going nowhere. I am fairly confident the devs wanted it to just be a PS5/XSX game and nothing more. New tech excites devs and motivates you. It's fun to learn and use. But then they had to make it for multiple other previous gen platforms too. All of this takes a lot of time to implement, more than the devs were given, even after those 2 (or whatever) major delays they had. It's not the devs fault at all at what happened IMO, it's the higher ups forcing dates and features on the devs that simply are not realistic. News came out this past week that their stock is down mainly due to the failure of that game too. So again it goes back to the "spend more money up front to save money in the long run" concept and had the higher ups known this is how good development works, they wouldn't be in this situation.
  17. Finished RE8 tonight. I liked it and recommend it even though it's not scary really at all.
  18. Yeah I definitely agree with this. It doesn't mean I have to like it though. Microsoft flat out said they will not have any XSX exclusives for at least 18 months after the launch. That puts 2022 at the earliest for an XSX exclusive game. I've literally played 2 games on my XSX - Gears 5 and started Doom Eternal - and those are both X1 games. They did look fantastic on XSX though. Oh speaking of Microsoft - do you remember when they showed the first gameplay of the new Halo game on XSX? Do you remember how ****ty it looked? Do you honestly think if it was being designed for the XSX specifically it would have looked that bad? No change it would have looked like that crap they showed. It was clear that developing the game to run on an X1 was holding it back big time. I mean it literally looked like a 360 game in parts. And because of this and all the negative feedback, they went back to the drawing board with that game.
  19. Yeah Spider-man is this gen, which is why I said it's new this gen. And let's not kid ourselves - that is a PS4 game ported to PS5, not the other way around, which is why I hate this whole cross gen crap. Look what happened to Cyberpunk. The game was designed from the ground up for next gen consoles (PS5/XSX) and then back ported to the previous gen. Look how the whole debacle turned out. Game was delayed to ****. And the native PS5/XSX version STILL isn't out. Little Big Planet 3 - okay that is one game then for PS3/PS4 that is first party. Would you say when it came out on PS4 that it was a "next gen" looking/feel game? This right here is my issue as well. As I said, look at Ratchet and Clank PS4 version and then look at the new one coming out. It is night and day as far as how much "stuff" is going on in the game. There is no way in hell that much stuff could be going on if it was on the PS4 version. And then you even can just go into art style and stuff. I'm not talking about the stupid buzz words like 4K and ray tracing and HDR. I couldn't give two ****s about that stuff if the game from the ground up has a poorly designed art style. There is just some stuff that PS4 can't handle that PS5 can when it comes to that stuff due to hardware. As a developer myself who has designed for cross platform, I can tell you that there will be tradeoffs to be had when doing so. There are things that just won't work on one platform that works on the other and then you have to figure out a way to handle that situation. And it means there is more code to be written. Which means more design, more testing, and more bugs to be had. And that means more time and likely hood of not having as polished of a product.
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