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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. Smash sucked back on N64 just like it sucks now. It was just the first mashup game which is why you thought it was cool. If it was good back then it would still be good now just like real fighters are such as SF2, MK2, etc. Fighting games age better than most genres. Oh, but that is another issue - it's not a fighting game, it's a party game. 😛
  2. I just hope BOTW2 has traditional dungeons. That was my really only major complaint about BOTW. The beasts were fun but there were only 4 of them.
  3. BOTW2 is the only thing I really cared about from this. I didn't think it would be 2021 so that is no surprise.
  4. Nope not me. I hate it and the only time I'll ever play it is when my son wants to play it with me. Thankfully he's into Splatoon 2 now so we haven't played it in months.
  5. I'm not hype about ANYTHING Smash. My son has that game and it still sucks on Switch just like it did on N64 when it debuted.
  6. And thanks to these assholes, most airlines still aren't serving alcohol in non business/first class seating.
  7. Halo is literally the only game they showed in their 90 minute presentation yesterday that I have any interest in, and even that doesn't get me too hyped up. Last multiplayer I played was part 3 which wasn't quite as good as part 2. I wish they showed some single player though.
  8. I don't remember exactly who it was for certain but I think it was Travis Thomas on his show talking about it, but he said he was basically a Caps beat reporter at the time and the reason Trotz didn't get a new contract was because he didn't kiss ass.
  9. The Trotz hot lap pumped me up every time I saw it.
  10. Thanks but that is way too much effort for something I probably won't even use much lol.
  11. More info? I won't support gamepass with my wallet but I'll support it for free.
  12. Yeah I was pleasantly surprised with Gears 5 myself. I played 1-3 and by the end of 3 was bored with it for the most part. Then when I got my XSX I grabbed Gears 5 from Best Buy on BF for like $5. And I really enjoyed it. I could have done without the whole skiff part though. I prefer those games just being straight up linear from point A to point B and them trying to force some open world concept on you in Gears 5 was lame to me. Just stick with what you do well. All it did was artificially lengthen the game. That said, it wasn't really a big knock on it for me. I still really enjoyed the game. The only downside is how abruptly it ends. I wanted more and it just kind of ends while your adrenaline is high.
  13. So I got past that part and it was very strange. I loaded up a backup save from like a bit before I got to that part, and this time when I went through the club the first time it immediately took me to the part where I'm following phantom. Before that when I got into this weird state, I went a completely different direction and went through the factory before following Phantom. So I don't know wtf happened but somehow the game put me on the wrong path my first go around and that seems to be what made everything get out of sync.
  14. When I'm chasing the Phantom dude and you glide down to this area, there are supposed to be enemies that spawn there (after I saw a video of it) and once you kill em the nut unlocks. Well no enemies are spawning so I can't unlock the nut to proceed.
  15. So Ratchet and Clank is buggy as ****. I've gotten stuck where I couldn't move and had to restart from checkpoint. There are parts where you can walk on air and clip right through some stuff. And right now I'm experiencing a game breaking bug where I can't get past a part. There are supposed to be enemies that come out and you fight and after you fight them it unlocks this nut to turn. But the enemies never come out. I have restarted from last checkpoint, restarted the game, restarted my PS5, changed difficulty, nothing. I'm like 2 hours into the game too on the hardest difficulty and don't really want to restart the ****ing game at this point. I tweeted Insomniac with a video of the bug so I'm waiting to hear what they say back, if anything.
  16. That was my problem with that game. I always felt overwhelmed with trying to do all the different things. Like the weapons and stuff were cool in theory and how they are supposed to work, but I never really could get stuff to work as it was intended like with the traps and stuff. The voice acting also really turned me off in that game. I tried twice to start it and made it like 2-3 hours each time before giving up. I'm going to probably get HZD2 though because it also looks awesome. Hopefully the controls and stuff are a bit more streamlined.
  17. Yeah, Ratchet and Clank is the best looking game I've ever played. It's incredible looking. The sound is awesome too. What they've done with the haptic triggers is pretty cool too and I've only gotten 2 extra weapons. The control is super tight as well. I'm playing on the hardest difficulty which is tough so far but that way it will also make the game last longer. And I'm using performance mode with ray tracing. I don't really understand why they are putting time and effort into these high fidelity modes in these games. Both this game and Demon's Souls (the only 2 I've seen these options on) are virtually unplayable in 30fps mode after seeing it in 60fps mode. It feels even slower than 30fps mode, which it might be, but it just seems like wasted effort for the most part. I guess there are a handful of people who would play games with crappy framerates for a slightly better looking game maybe. But I can't even tell a difference graphically between the two so the difference is super miniscule.
  18. Ghost of Tsushima is one of the very few open world games that I liked and played the **** out of. I never got bored of it even though it was repetitive as hell. The environment, sound, graphics, lore, everything kept me interested. I nearly 100% the game but there were some collectibles I didn't bother getting. That said, I prefer games like TLOU2 that are super story linear and story driven. I'd put that and God of War over Ghost of Tsushima for me personally, but God of War also has a history and is another reason I liked that open world game too. I hope we get some sort of Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 though, built from the ground up. I can't imagine how good it would look.
  19. The Last of Us 2 Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Ghost of Tsushima Demon's Souls Many to pick from.
  20. I guess it depends on where you are and how your kids handled it. My son did okay in virtual but once he could go back he loved going to school. I'm happy with how much he progressed with reading and math. On the flip side one of his friends who lives up the street that was in the same exact boat is having trouble with the sight words they are supposed to know by the end of the year, and she may either be held back or take some summer school to help with it.
  21. Depends if they look like PS4/X1 games or not. That game doesn't even look as good as launch titles for PS5. I hear it's going to be a Souls type game and it doesn't even look as good as Demon's Souls. And Halo Infinite didn't look like a PS4/X1 game. It looked like a PS3/X360 game.
  22. Graphics on that game look like PS4/X1 though. Very underwhelming from that perspective.
  23. Nope. Dulles is the worst airport in existence.
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