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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. @Llevron I bet playing games in 4k @ 10fps would be a ****ing blast! Imagine how much fun you could have playing Smash Bro's at 10fps? Sounds like a great time! It would run about half as smooth as Driver did on PSX back in the day.
  2. It appeared to me last night that a lot of the Bucks loss was mainly on the coaching. I'm not even an expert strategist at basketball but even I was yelling at my screen after the 5th time Lopez was 1-on-1 with CP3 or Booker. And then it also happened to Portis. And those guys got torched, to no fault of their own. Where the hell was the adjustments by the coaching staff? Why did they just continue to do the same thing over and over?
  3. Screen is bigger. It's 7" versus 6.2". Anyone who thinks there was going to be a 4k Switch when PS5 and XSX can't even do 4k @ 60fps consistently is completely out of touch with how technology actually works and also completely out of touch with how Nintendo operates. As a Switch owner from day one, I'm glad they aren't going the route of 4k.
  4. Who cares what they said. That is part of their whole schtick. The fact that it bothers you and others just plays right into their schtick. It's nothing more than a bit.
  5. Yeah Marv Albert has ****ed up like 10 times a game this series. It's comical but it's also sad because you know he's getting old and just can't do it. I had no clue he was even done broadcasting until the end of the game tonight. But it completely makes sense considering how much he messes up. And damn, the Bucks are just a very likeable team. Watching them get the trophy after the game, it's hard not to root for those guys. The NBA finals are going to be fun to watch. And then we will be running right up on NFL training camp. I like this later-than-usual NBA playoff schedule. Especially how they weren't doing games every 3 days and it was every other day instead. The ECF/WCF was awesome because we had a game every night.
  6. Yeah RE8 took me a while to get into as well, but it really does pick up and is a fantastic game.
  7. It's officially official. Now I wish I hadn't played this yet so I could play this version as my first experience.
  8. Not sure what you mean by him being wrong. He never made any claims as to what the outcome would be.
  9. Randomly came across this video on youtube and it was pretty interesting to watch and informative. It's also tough to watch because he keeps showing the injury while explaining it. Cliffs notes is that this doctor would be shocked if it's not a significant injury.
  10. The crowd serenading Giannis at the free throw line is hilarious. He's 0/3 from the line with 2 airballs. They are completely in his head.
  11. That cop could just dial 911 to send on duty cops to stop the drunk driver, just like any normal person would do, but I'd think if a cop called it in they would take it even more serious. I'd argue an unmarked cop car trying to pull over a drunk driver would make that situation way more dangerous than the off duty unmarked cop not doing anything.
  12. Watched this last night not knowing anything about it other than seeing it on Netflix. I assumed it was a normal Kevin Hart comedy. Wow I was really surprised and thrown back by the movie, pretty quickly into it too, but in a good way. I have a completely new found respect for Kevin Hart and had no clue he had that kind of acting chops in him. It is a heart warming movie with a lot of ups and downs and tugs on your heart multiple times. It is a bit slow at points but I never lost interest and thought it was fantastic.
  13. If you look up "crazy eyes" in the dictionary, this is all it shows.
  14. He's a fat lazy ****. Nothing is surprising about him not doing public appearances/rallies.
  15. Yeah I am afraid it's going to be so easy that it's boring very quickly. I also don't have much interest in the speed golf or battle golf, but we'll see how it is when I try it out.
  16. Even though the reviews aren't the greatest, I decided to give it a go. Worst case is I sell it for like $45 next week.
  17. Finished Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart the other day with all collectibles. The ending sequence is ridiculously good in that game and just a long drawn out battle that I never wanted to end but was so much fun. Then I immediately started the challenge mode and ended up playing that for over an hour lol. I see myself finishing it at least one more time and probably twice because I would like to level up every weapon to the fullest just because I find that stuff so much fun.
  18. Yes that is definitely worth it. We did something similar where we went from the same rate on a 30yr to 15yr at 1.625%. We shaved off 7 years and our payment is like $10/month more. We paid like $10k closing costs and it was still worth it.
  19. Oh look, another trailer with no gameplay. Do people still actually get hype for Madden? Or do people just begrudgingly buy it year in and year out since there are no other NFL games?
  20. I turned off the 6ers game with like 1 minute left in the 3rd quarter because they were down 24 and wanted to play some PS5 before I went to sleep. I got a text from my buddy a while later saying he fell asleep and that the Hawks came back? So I checked the score and they were up 105-104 with like 1:30 left. I was like WTF and turned it on immediately. I was salty I didn't see the comeback.
  21. LOL "We're not forcing you to get vaccinated, but if you don't, we ARE going to make your life a living hell."
  22. Yup. I went to play last night at 8pm until tipoff. Next thing I know it's like 9:30pm and I missed most of the first half. And I was only doing some optional missions for the most part.
  23. I have never once said I liked Smash. You can search all you want and you won't find it because I don't like it at all. Maybe you mistook me playing it with my son for me liking it. The dumbest thing about the game was unlocking 60 or whatever characters.
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