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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. The intro in the premiere of season 4 of Yellowstone may be some of the best television in history. It's like 16 minutes long and just like HOLY ****ING **** the entire time. It was simply fantastic TV and one of the scenes had a MAJOR Heat vibe to it. God damn that show is just so good. Beth is one of the best TV characters ever. Out of any show. She is just fantastic. When I heard her talking with a (I think) British accent in some BTS thing I was blown away. I had no clue she was not American. I'm like 6 eps into Narcos Mexico Season 3 and that is fantastic as well.
  2. Pacific Rim 1 has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. I don't mean the music I mean just the sound being blasted on a loud system. It's one of those movies I use to show off my system.
  3. FYI Halo Infinite multiplayer beta is now open to everyone and will be open until launch. Stats will carry over to full game too. @The Evil Genius don't get an S they are a waste of money. There is a reason they are easy to get, because they suck and no one wants one. It's just a tweener from X1 and XSX.
  4. Came here to say this, was not disappointed I did not have to do it.
  5. Gibsons first goal line TD is one of my favorite TD's this whole season. The drive and push after it looked like he was mad short was just awesome to watch and a team effort to push that pile.
  6. If you don't mind ghetto bootleg streams it's pretty easy to find them from a very specific website. It won't be 1080p/4k or anything. They will be littered with ads you have to click and X out but it will work. If you can't find it shoot me a PM.
  7. Anyone interested in a non-banned modded launch Switch? I modded it this past weekend. I'm including a 128gb SD card as well as the jig that is needed every time you want to boot up the CWF if you completely power it off. But if it's always in standby you won't need to do it. There is a small scratch on the screen but it's outside of the actual display. I also have the box and stuff so it would come with that. The joycons have also been sent to Nintendo for drift issues that they fixed.I'm going to put it up for sale on FB marketplace like next week some time but figured I'd ask here first if anyone is interested in it.I'm in Rockville, MD. Shoot me a PM if interested.
  8. Interesting. I had heard stuff all over the board from word of mouth but everyone here seems to kind of have the same experience.
  9. Kind of strange how the booster did not really have much side effects on me at all. Last night I felt a tad off, almost like how you feel when you feel a bug coming on, but I took some ibuprofen around 8pm and also had a couple drinks during the Caps game, but by like 9pm I felt fine. Woke up this morning and feel pretty much normal. Shoulder isn't even sore at all and never was, unlike my first 2. I feel it a bit if I push on the injection site on my shoulder, but the injection site of my normal flu shot feels it more if I put pressure on that one. First 2 I could feel it big time if I just moved my arm/shoulder and second one was ridiculously sore.
  11. Just got my booster. Opted to stick with Pfizer. Got my flu shot in the other arm. Tomorrow my shoulders gonna feel great I bet! I purposefully did it today after I worked out because I don't hit the gym up again until Monday.
  12. Made a huge video game related purchase today and using my 40th birthday in 2 weeks as the excuse to spend that kind of coin. Will post pics of it when I get it.
  13. So I got a question for you all - how do you explain Black Lives Matter to a 6 year old? Background: My wife is Nicaraguan and came here when she was 13 and I'm a white boy. So our kids are mixed. The other day I was on a walk with my 6 year old and now that he can read in first grade, he's reading everything and saw a BLM sign on someone's lawn. He then asked me "Daddy, what does Black Lives Matter mean?" And I had no idea how to answer that. I basically just kind of repeated it a few times that it just means Black Lives Matter just as much as everyone else, but he didn't get it at all. I think a major reason is because my wife and I have really steered clear of labeling people by race at all. Like we have never once said "that black kid" or "that asian kid" or "that white kid" etc. It's not that he doesn't know kids are different, it's just that we never point it out to him. He's in a super diverse school and our neighborhood is also super diverse so he sees it all. So any idea on how to explain that to a 6 year old lol?
  14. You're making up stupid terms to try and make a stupid argument. WTF is an "athletic task"?
  15. Hockey is in the ****ing Olympics. You (not you, the other guy) have to be obtuse as hell to say it doesn't have a world wide appeal.
  16. You can use google to find out a lot of information about how vaccines work, since you clearly don't understand them. Just make sure to stick with results on the first page though.
  17. We started 2-7 last year and we're going to start 2-7 this year and you think we're close to something special? LOL. Only thing we're closer to is that #1 draft pick.
  18. I'm getting my booster (along with flu shot) this Thursday. Hope I don't feel like ass on Friday.
  19. Morris has taken lessons from Lebron. I give him a 9.5/10 for his flop. Deducting a .5 because it's a bit over the top with him laying motionless on the ground after.
  20. Another ****ing game RUINED by these STUPID ****ING TAUNTING PENALTIES. **** the NFL with this stupid ****ing rule. I cannot stand this ****.
  21. Could just be a temp thing that will be off once it's out of the pending status. LOL. Unless you are a poor college student or homeless I don't know why you'd ever fly Frontier (or Spirit).
  22. Oh duh wasn't even thinking about layovers and non direct flights lol.
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