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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. The first one I took was the day after I started feeling symptoms. The second one was about 26 hours later when I felt worse. Then the next day I was feeling about the same and got an AG and PCR test and those were both positive. Kind of like @TryTheBeal! today was the first day I woke up and felt pretty much 100% other than slight nasal congestion, which is very usual for me outside of covid, this time of year anyways.
  2. After having 2 negative tests of these then getting a positive AG and PCR a day later, it's hard for me to really trust these. I know there are a lot of variants that go along with testing, but my experience has made me suspect of these now.
  3. Yeah Gladiator is a GOAT movie for sure. Everything about that movie is flat out fantastic. I love the music in it. I haven't watched it in a long time I should watch that as well. The extended bluray has some scenes in it that I really wish were in the original movie.
  4. Rest of the fam tested this morning. Wife and 6 year old had negative AG results so they had them take a PCR test to be sure due to better accuracy. 16 month old tested positive on the AG test though so no need for PCR. I'm pretty sure he's on the upswing considering he had a fever Monday into Tuesday and since then has maybe had a little runny nose and sneezing more than normal. But he's acting completely normal.
  5. Yeah and people at home, myself included, probably aren't swabbing as well as the people at the clinics.
  6. Never said they couldn't detect them. I said they don't detect them as well. It's straight from the FDA. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/29/health/fda-antigen-test-sensitivity/index.html
  7. One problem is the at home tests don't detect the omicron variant as well, at least not yet. I took 2 at home tests. I started feeling scratchy throat on Xmas at night time. Then the next day I had a sore throat and cold symptoms so I took a test at noon and it was negative. Next day I took another one around 2pm and it was negative, but that was after I had found out my sister tested positive that same day. Then after wasting so much time on Tuesday and Wednesday driving around trying to get a real test, I finally got one last night and it was positive. I'm honestly not even sure how to solve this problem trying to get tested at clinics. I mean the one I went to only had 10 walkins available at 3pm. I still didn't even get my test taken until like 5pm, and they close at 5pm. They also had appointments in between the walkins. So like even if they had 20 walkins, they wouldn't have had the man power to administer them. We went to a clinic this morning at 7:50am, that opens at 8am, for my wife and kids to get in line to get tested. We were like ~20 in line at that time. She registered the 3 of them and we're at home waiting for htem to call us back to go in. We are like 5 minutes away and are supposed to be in the parking lot waiting, but this is the place that called me back on Tuesday, 4 hours after I registered. We're not waiting in a car for 4 hours with a 16 month old and 6 year old. I am so happy I could contribute!
  8. Yes I'm up to date and it ****ing owns. It has had like 2 episodes that were pretty slow though. Any episode that focuses on Casey's family is bottom tier and they have had at least 1 of those.
  9. Well getting rapid tests right now is a huge problem. I literally have driven to 8 different testing sights the past 2 days and ended up waiting by myself for 2.5 hours just to get my test done, and I was lucky, because they were taking 10 walkins at the time, and I was the 10th person. There were people behind me who did not get tested. And while I was waiting, tons and tons of people walked in and right out because they were looking for a test and no more walkins were being taken.
  10. Welp I tested positive tonight. Took an AG and PCR test and AG results were positive. I get the PCR results tomorrow and expect the same. We're going to try and get AG tests for the rest of my fam tomorrow but it's going to be tough as **** because all of this crap is a huge cluster**** trying to get tested right now.
  11. i literally just drove to 4 spots. 1 of them is only taking online appointments and there is no way to make one online. 1 of them accepts walkins but you have to pay out of pocket, but even that line was booked and they weren't taking any right now. She said to come back in an hour or two and see if they have less people. The other 2 were the same company at 2 different locations, and I could tell the lines were longer than they were yesterday. The parking lots were full and people were just sitting in the cars. Considering I went there yesterday, i know all those people registered and are just waiting to be called. I am going to call my PCP and see if he has any leads but I may also go back to that other one around 3pm and see if I can get in.
  12. It's pretty unreal how hard it is to get a covid test right now. I started feeling scratchy throat on Xmas at night. Then felt kinda crappy the next day just like a bad head/sinus thing going on. No fever. I feel better now but not 100%. I took an at home test on Sunday and then Monday, and both were negative. Then Monday my 16 month old had a fever that reached 101.8 and yesterday it was gone and he's been fine since. Also found out Monday that my sister who I was with Thursday tested positive on Monday. I also found out my wife's niece we saw on Friday tested positive Monday. I've been trying to get a test for my son and myself, and now my whole family, since yesterday morning and we haven't had luck. We went somewhere yesterday at 2:30 and registered. By 3pm they hadn't called us to come in so we left since I was with a 16 month old getting antsy. They literally called at 6:30pm to tell me they were ready for me. So yeah that ain't happening. Then this morning I went to a county site at Montgomery College that should have been quick. I get there and today they aren't testing there and instead it's in Burtonsville. So I took the whole family over there 25 mins away, get there and it's over an hour long wait. Again, I'm not waiting that long with a 16 month old out in the cold and my 6 year old. Oh and on top of that, most places aren't testing non-symptomatic people, so only myself and 16 month old can get tested at those places. The county ones we all could have but again, long ass wait and I'm just not doing that. Then you have all these places requiring appointments but you look online and there are none until like Jan 3rd. I plan on going to one near me by myself around 1pm and waiting myself for it. It's an antigen test and get results back pretty quick I think. While I'm there I'm going to ask if I can come back with my 16 month old that was showing symptoms and just skip the line and see what they say. If I test positive then everyone else will test positive. It is just a complete **** show.
  13. Why aren't you all providing any links to any of this?
  14. It's because we ****ing suck. If we were any good or even mediocre then that would have been okay for him to post. But after Dallas brought their own benches into our home and whooped our asses, and then we brought our own benches to Philly and got our asses whooped, he then brings our benches to Dallas and makes a stupid meme post like that before we get the biggest ass whooping possibly in franchise history? Yeah, we're just not good enough to have someone that high up posting stupid ass meme pics like that. This dude clearly has no clue how the **** to read the room, and he even said so with the whole Sean Taylor debacle. Apparently he still has no clue how to do it though.
  15. Oh and the burgundy on burgundy uniforms are THE WORST UNIFORMS that they have ever worn. We always get crushed when we wear those. Just burn em for good.
  16. I wonder how many of the people in this thread saying "YOU HAVE TO GO SUPPORT THE TEAM AT THE STADIUM NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE NOT A TRUE FAN IF YOU DONT!!" are going to the game this Sunday.
  17. LOL how the **** is there still 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and its nearly 11 already?
  18. I know a server who works in his suite. He works a suite I go to sometimes at Capital One. He said Snyder spends the majority of the time in his private office behind closed doors while he's in the suite. So no cameras in there. Not sure about away games like this though.
  20. LOL dude dropped a gifted INT. WE ****ING SUCK SO ****ING BAD FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  21. Let's trot out Kyle Allen can we? At least let's see if we have anything. Taylor is done. He's mentally checked out.
  22. STFU about running up the score these are professional ****ing athletes. Run the score up all you want JUST ****ING STOP THEM IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM TO RUN IT UP.
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