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Everything posted by purbeast

  1. I had ESPN on last night and sat down for a few minutes and saw this so I had to take a video. Can someone explain to me how this is not a travel? Watch it on .25x speed too lol.
  2. Halloween Kills Terrible. Just terrible. And I'm a Michael Myers fanboy.
  3. I hoped you missed the game on Monday too, for your happiness.
  4. You all got me thinking about Driver from back in the day lol.
  5. Since I now know the types of games you like in giving up on Demon's Souls, I'm going to recommend Angry Birds and Candy Crush for you. They will be right up your alley.
  6. Yeah that is one of those games you just burn the tape and pretend it never happened.
  7. Yeah that is definitely not what I expected the reboot of that show to be like. It looks like it is going to be pretty good as long as you just try to not compare it to the original.
  8. Forza has been stale as **** since like part 3. It's the same old **** with better graphics. They even have a lot of the same tracks since they are real tracks. Simulation racing in general is boring as hell to me now a days though. I enjoyed Forza Horizon as well but same thing - by part 3 I had no interest because it was just more of the same.
  9. If you are into that I would get PS5. PS5 has better exclusives in my opinion and all of those other games you mention are on PS5 too.
  10. I don't think it is at all. I have PS5, XSX, and Switch. I've had them all since their launch. Switch by far gets played the most with PS5 next and XSX a distant 3rd. I've pretty much only played Gears of War 5 on it, an X1 game. I started Doom Eternal too but didn't really like it, but again, an X1 game. I have no desire to play Halo really and I used to love it. I also don't care for Forza. If you are into Forza, Gears, and Halo I'd say it's worth it. Other than that, there really is nothing on it you can't get elsewhere.
  11. In Rockville we got more than the 1-3 they said. Just cleaned my car and driveway off and its like 4-5 inches. I was surprised. I'm so used to the weather people being wrong all the time and they have kind of nailed these or under-predicted the amount this past week. It was cold as **** outside too and windy.
  12. That says more about TLOU2 directors cut and then the article then comes to the conclusion that means remaster for some reason. There is a Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut on PS5 right now and it's not a remaster. It's just the PS5 patched version with some other QOL improvements and little additions. It's not a remaster though. I would guess TLOU2 would be similar to that if they refer to it as a "directors cut". Again, all speculation though so I don't really have any insight. That is just what I'm getting out of it. And I agree there is zero reason for a remaster. The game came out at the end of the PS4 life cycle it's not even 2 years old. We don't need it.
  13. I actually am on the other side fence and don't think they will do it. At least not any time soon. They already put out a PS5 patch for TLOU2 and that is as far as I think they will go with it for now. I can see years down the road when TLOU3 is being announced and they put out a remaster to get people hype for it though.
  14. I don't remember the names of the 2 characters but it was the whole reason those 2 little kids abby ends up going with left their home, because the parents couldn't accept that the one did not want to be what the parents wanted him to be and he shaved his head and was basically disowned. It's been a long time since I played it so I don't rremember the exact details but it was that character.
  15. Yeah it boils down to people crying because they direction of the game/story did not go the way they wanted it to go. I was just like you and finished it without ever watching/seeing/reading a peep about the game other than the very first trailer they showed, and afterwards I heard about all this controversary and was like WTF? Then I heard what it was about and just facepalmed.
  16. It was just a vocal minority who hated it for some of the reasons below. That is basically it.
  17. PSVR2 officially named ... PSVR2! https://blog.playstation.com/2022/01/04/playstation-vr2-and-playstation-vr2-sense-controller-the-next-generation-of-vr-gaming-on-ps5/ Some more info given out about it at CES today. Looks like Guerilla has a HZD game coming exclusive to PSVR2 as well, built from the ground up for it. I will preorder PSVR2 as soon as it's available for preorder.
  18. Yoku is fantastic, loved every minute of that game. Switch is by far my most played console out of that, PS5, and Xbox Series X.
  19. That is the one and only Souls game I have played and it's fantastic. It is hard, yes, but it is not like unfairly hard. Every time you die it's because you get your ass kicked, but like in a fair way. It's hard to explain until you play it. But like when you die, you pretty much know what you did wrong and missed a dodge or something like that. I also didn't really know anything about leveling up or anything and I didn't look up guides online or anything. I did start to explore a bit online though as far as like items to use, etc. It's a really awesome game though and don't let the first level make you give up. I probably spent like 4 hours on the very first level (1-1) and then once you beat it, it "opens up". I really like how it's done though in the sense that sure if you die, you have to start the level over and lose all your gains from that run, but I like how the shortcuts are permanent and all your upgrades, etc too.
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