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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Look man. If you’re gonna get called out on not reading the **** you post, step one is to read it, then figure out how to proceed. Not copy/paste another section without reading it. This is basic **** dude. Get it together. Cliff notes: We we’re discussing violent crime what I posted was about violent crime in similar sized cities. what you posted is violent crime compared to all cities and towns of all sizes their one little blurb about comparing to similar sized cities is about ALL crime, which they note majority of Richmond’s crime is PROPERTY related I thought you said you were done like 10 times? please be done.
  2. Also Richmond is a major economic player in the state that was RANKED #1 IN THE COUNTY TWO YEARS IN AS ROW FOR BUSINESS (2019 and 2021, there was no 2020 ranking, maybe it’d be three in a row if there was!!) https://www.virginiabusiness.com/article/breaking-virginia-wins-cnbc-top-state-for-business-in-2021/ So either this guy knows all the business owners trying to flee one of the 3 major economic areas in the #1 ranked state for business in the country (which sounds like maybe not real smart business owners), or….. or…… he’s just saying things without actually knowing anything about it @TryTheBeal! and I report you decide
  3. It pays to read the description of the data you’re throwing around congrats. Yes. If you compare a major metropolitan areas to small towns you’re going to be able to produce the narrative you seem to think is so great. Conversely if I compare small towns to major metro areas on economics the small towns would look like **** holes. You’re smart enough to know we normalize things and try to compare apples to apples for a reason. act like it.
  4. https://realestate.usnews.com/places/virginia/richmond/crime #50 in best places to live #66 in best places to retire hmmmmmmmm. Im not looking cause I don’t have time but I’m going to go ahead and guess that your take on business and such is about as right as your take on the crime situation, and the whole roving gangs gonna burn down the whites people take. when you develop a tendency of “every time I look up what this guy says, he’s not only wrong but like way wrong” it just becomes the default way of viewing what you say.
  5. Education policy idea that’s not worth its own thread: don’t change anything about existing funding, it’s not a penalty. but states get a % in bonus funding if they abolish localized school funding and establish a state wide funding equality framework maybe even throw in some extra over time if you can show good faith efforts in the results of significant increases in outcomes
  6. If the “gotcha” here is that business owners in those areas are upset, and that there are plenty that are black, then that’s a thing everywhere those protests went on. i think that’s but a small corner of the picture @TryTheBeal!is painting here. and yeah, I remember the posts, the discussion, and yeah it’s a small corner.
  7. If you haven’t played in a league that dropped the kicker spot and replaced it with a super flex (qb-rb-wr-the) … you should give it a try
  8. I’m scared to die. I don’t know how old my children have to be, but I imagine at some point they’ll be old enough I won’t be scared anymore. im terrified of never getting to see the type of people my children turn into. Or not being there to help along the way. i used to be scared in general but as I have grown older ive realized (to quote our former poster now you tuber): existence is a nightmare. I couldn’t care less for it anymore. I’ve had a great life, I’ve had so much fun, I’ve done ir experienced so many cool things. I look around now and just shake my head. But I’m not ready to leave my children yet. (ps- If there is a god, and god is what I believe god is supposed to be, he’d consider what we’ve currently made of his gift to be pathetic. So much wasted potential. So much wasted life and death. And for what? Even today it all boils down to tribalistic bull****.)
  9. Given the whole history of statues and such, I’m cool with a new statue that is a tribute to the freeing of slaves. Probably need quite a few more. I was in Charlottesville in august. Uva put a new monument up in recent years (don’t know when but it looked new). It has the story of the slaves that were used to build the school. I learned a lot about that area, during that time, that I otherwise wouldn’t have known. Spent like 20 minutes there. But that’s all it took. Which, I think is the point. To make sure that part of history, the part where certain people where abused horrendously, isnt lost or whitewashed over. so the people that have a problem with some statues to honor the people our country wrongfully and shamefully abused… can go **** off somewhere else with their gripes. the fact that there’s likely a crossover with many of them with being against removal of confederate statues, or thinking BLM is a terrorist organization, or any of the other ridiculous things… whatever. You people suck. we’d be better off without you. You hold this whole country back, and for a heinous reason.
  10. Re: compromising vs standing your ground i personally break that into two categories: - right now I don’t expect democrats to compromise with republicans. They are, whether they admit it or not or whether it’s all of them or just a sizable chunk (and the others keep quiet about it), and existential threat to our democracy. At the moment. Hopefully things change and I can come off that opinion sometime in the future. - I fully expect democrats to compromise with each other. Because they’re the only thing we have to fight said existential threat. I think AOC is right and we need to invest more. I also think AOC should compromise with the other Dems to get something done now (just using her as an example, not saying she won’t compromise) I agree with you but I think the reason infrastructure was chosen first is because Biden thought he could get some Republican support, and that would help with a lot of things right now. he was wrong. I knew he was wrong when he first tried it. I think most of us knew he was wrong. but I think that’s really why they did. I also think the reconciliation aspect plays into it. They wanted to use it as a threat to try to encourage support from republicans. They got none; and now they can’t even execute the threat.
  11. I don’t have a problem with that. Companies have the right to protect their internal stuff, including policies. If it was a leak about an egregious thing that was run up the chain of command and blocked, that’s one thing (whistleblowing) otherwise screw off. It’s not your right to leak internal stuff just because it’s a popular company that people are interested in.
  12. I don’t like that it’s an out. I’m also unsure of how you can do it any other way. Except reassign them to all be together doing menial stuff somewhere that has to be done…
  13. I’ve been seeing them many just in passing, but I’ve been seeing them. it’s the most frustrating part. I’m someone who supports most of what they’re doing. I’m not even a democrat. but there are problems needing solving and only one sides ideas at least make sense, even if I’m not a big fan of them. I mean. The infrastructure needs fixing right? Is there anyone that disagrees? Have the republicans even offered anything of size? I mean… I think AOC is right, this bill was too small. Doesnt construction just get more expensive? Why do we want to kick cans down the road? Put people to work. Fix our ****. Invest in ourselves. How is not offering a real investment an option?!
  14. You’ll be a retired vet youll be able to blend is as much as you want to consider it front row seats to a never ending comedy, with a bar you swim up to
  15. There are also people who have legitimate medical reasons. I know one. They do exist. Incredibly small group but they exist.
  16. By the way is it forensic accounting? shouldn’t it be accounting forensics ?
  17. Yeah we’re gonna fruit and vegetables our way out of this.
  18. No youre right. I’ve just absolutely loved the last 18 months. It’s been the great. Wearing a mask everywhere. Being instantly terrified if I cough. Or someone else coughs. Or someone I was around 5 days ago let’s me know they coughed. My kid couldn’t go to school. That’s just made me get warm butterflies in my stomach, my son not being able to go to school. I’ve loved working overtime constantly. Still. I love my wife working 70 hours a week to run try to keep you people alive. Our family hasn’t suffered problems due to prolonged immense stress, we’re all handling just ****ing peachy. yeah man you discovered my devious plan. thought I was smarter than you, but you always get me don’t you.
  19. You do deliver. Oh my do you deliver. I know you’re busy these days. But stop by more often. But this is golden “Could it be…? Could it possibly be that the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine?” Yeah man. You’re right. It’s our fault you’re idiots. We knew that if we pleaded with you over the data, the science, and the importance that we’d be able to trick you into not taking the vaccine. Which is hilarious. Because as hard as they’re trying to now sound smart about the vaccine, the most important part goes right over their heads. ITS GOOD FOR US IF YOU GET VACCINATED YOU STUPID ****S Ps - I think that may be the first article I’ve actually read on that site. “And if the left is all vaccinated and we’re not, who’s winning?” NO WE’RE ALL LOSING YOU DUMB, MORONIC PEOPLE WE’RE ALL ****ED FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS BECAUSE OF YOU
  20. Additionally it’s allowed people safe haven. they get one person from a safe seat to do it. and all the people in not safe districts get to go along for the ride with some form of: I like some of the things, I don’t like some things, I’m not really going to comment further until we get a vote, btw I really wish we would have a vote make those mother****ers vote. Yay or nay. Or, make them participate in filibustering the vote. Make them accountable to their constituents. right now they just talk out both sides of their mouth, with no vote either way. it’s a charade to protect seats as much as stopping legislation.
  21. Yeah. It’s incredible how they basically shoot themselves in the foot. 2024 is gonna be bad. Especially if the gop nominates a non-trumper. no way Biden runs. They’re probably going to force Harris into the nomination… and I didn’t think she could win if Biden had a good 4 years.
  22. It wasn’t “upheld” by SCOTUS they just refused to block it based on what was put before them. they specifically said they were not ruling on the constitutionality of it. In fact it sounds like abortion rights groups are the ones filing suites right now for the sole purpose of getting this in front of judges (including scotus, presumably) for the express purpose of getting the constitutionality ruled on.
  23. I agree, but I was speaking more to the specifics of that council deciding: hey, you’re right, and doing a good job, but you pissed off a portion of our constituents so we think it’s best you resign and we find someone else who won’t piss them off (by not doing as good of a job) he’s right. They know he’s right. They told him he’s right. But they’d rather placate the morons than do what a leader with responsibility for the well-being of other people should do. cause that would be harder than replacing him.
  24. Conservatives, for all their bluster, are spineless cowards when they know the right thing to do but it’s challenging to do so.
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