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Everything posted by tshile

  1. @Llevron yeah and that’s the problem for me at the moment. It’s hard, especially when I don’t know much about the field at all, to do what I’m trying to do here… I think there’s value for us in understanding that ivermectin is a legitimate drug for people that has legitimate purposes, that it isn’t just a cattle drug. That there is belief about its anti inflammatory effects, specifically in the lungs, could help with a severe covid infection. That what I just said is a hell of a lot more than “lol horse dewormer”. And if you don’t see value in understanding this, then maybe check out the other thread where it got to the point that people thought a doctor prescribing it (and a court enforcing it) to a severely ill covid patient that was not getting better after 19 (I think it was 19?) days of the more ‘standard’ treatment should have his medical license revoked here I also think there’s value, in dealing with the whole misinformation and antisocial element of our country, in being right in what you argue. He whole mocking and condescension thing doesn’t help, and I’m so frustrated with the current situation i join in the mockery and condescension as well (so it’s not like I’m riding on a high horse here), but it really doesn’t help when it appears you don’t understand what you’re talking about. and I posted it because up until 20 minutes or so before I posted it, I was solely on the “lol horse dewormer” train too. I thought it was interesting there was way more to it. I thought it was worth sharing. I thought most here were likely in the same boat as me, but was also concerned I was the only one that didn’t understand all this so I started with “I realize I may look silly here…” and then asked if any of you had actually looked into it, or understood what ivermectin was. Or, if like me, you only knew the “lol horse dewormer” part. I was shocked to find the stuff on nih I found. Like I said in the original post - I assumed it was Q troll job. I thought there was a chance at a discussion about this aspect. About some of us learning something about it. And I was encouraged when the first reply actually added information, but that turned out to be the only one. The rest was just “shut up tshile lol horse dewormer” im certainly not suggesting anyone take it over the other methods to protect us. I’m certainly not suggesting anyone take it at all. But - you can’t take the vaccine once you’re infected to help you, but maybe you can this - so that’s not even an argument to me. Of course I should think people should get vaccinated - but this isn’t a vaccine, it’s a potential treatment. The NIH doesn’t like the clinical trials done on ivermectin. I get it. I just thought there was a smarter conversation to have here. I don’t even think any of this changes my original opinion that we should make sure whoever wants to risk their life with horse dosed ivermectin has the opportunity to do so, because I’m tired of these people ****ing up my life and my family’s life. but I also think if you don’t know anything about ivermectin, maybe you should shut up and let the medical field worry about it. Isn’t that what we’ve been telling everyone else for 18 months? and ultimately I blame the news media for covering it like they have. I have lots of different news feeds. Most of which I consider pretty good at trying to give you correct information. None of this was there. I had to go looking myself. And I expected to find the typical search results you find when you look into conspiracy theories. But nope, first two results were NIH- 1 for their covid treatment site and one for a general study on it. 🤷‍♂️
  2. I imagine it breaks down into two groups of people: people that understand this and (think they) are capable of cutting it into the correct dosages people who have no idea and just take the horse dose.
  3. Um, I think there’s a lot of room between “lol horse dewormer” and promoting it, and I think accurately covering it as a news organization can find plenty of room between there.
  4. I believe the primary reason for it is it’s anti inflammatory impact specifically in the lungs I also have read multiple things about it actually serving as an anti-viral but I’m not smart enough on it all to really understand what it’s all saying. my point is that you have a group of people trying this thing that there is at least something behind - unlike injecting light, or various other things. and you have another group of people just going “lol horse dewormer” im not so sure the second group sounds as smart as they seem to think they do. and I think it comes from the media not even covering it remotely accurately, and just going “lol horse dewormer” 🤷‍♂️
  5. well. I mean I get 100% of what you’re saying. and I’ve never been in the military as you said. It’s just that I have a hard time being critical of someone telling us what he told us, and saying “why didn’t you do something about it then? You’re part of the problem” I think military believes highly in chain of command. Highly. I think it looks poorly on people doing what you said. I think many people believe that will ruin your career. They actually just received a marine officer of duty and are kicking him out because he went on a rant online about how the military leaders botched this. Now, I get it, Facebook is not the appropriate way to report this sort of thing… but I’m not so sure the whole reporting thing works as well as you’re thinking, and Im willing to bet even if it did the actual people you’re relying on to exercise it probably are dubious they won’t have their career railroaded for it. I realize we believe in whistleblowing and protecting whistleblowers but I think reality has shown us that those things on paper don’t often translate to reality. and we see this sort of thing outside the military. We have a process for reporting, investigating, and prosecuting rape but we still have studies claiming a large portion go completely unreported. And we know at least a few of the reasons, and I think they relate to whistleblowing. so yeah - I agree. That’s what he should have done. but I’m going to stop short of blaming him for it. I’m open to the idea I’m wrong.
  6. If I’m angry about any of it, it would be that at the culmination of a 19 year mistake (cause going there was fine, staying for 19 years was the mistake), instead of us talking about this as adults and reflecting on bad decisions, etc, it’s a finger pointing game. The American people are handling the culmination of a 20 year occupation the way my children handle us catching them stealing candy from the pantry “She did it” “nu-uh he did it” I don’t think that’s how the military works.
  7. Well, I believe ivermectin would be a potential treatment for covid whereas the vaccine is a preventive measure I agree about the people. just thought it was interesting it could actually work, and no one is discussing that aspect at all.
  8. So I guess I screwed up posting this in the pandemic thread. re: ivermectin 🤷‍♂️
  9. yeah I get that. Maybe it’s just me doing a bad job following the news but I don’t feel like that was explained anywhere. It was just “lol they’re eating horse dewormer” I had no idea it was used for real treatment with humans. and that maybe, if you look at what’s going on the vaccine thread, maybe a doctor prescribing it in a severe case as a last chance isn’t all that awful of a move. (maybe I should have put this there)
  10. Ok. I have a question. At the risk of looking really silly. have any of you looked into ivermectin? Or are you, like I was until earlier today, only really up to speed on on the “lol it’s horse de-wormer” tweet version of things? there’s at least on study on Nih’s website. And then they have this link it https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/ivermectin/ which basically says it could work, but there’s not enough trial evidence to say one way or the other And others. It was actually used in Japan a long time ago. 70’s? I think it was also used for dengue fever? Anyway. It seems to me it’s actually not an awful thing necessarily (it was once coined the wonder drug… i didn’t finish reading that one so I’m not sure how that story ends 😂 ) The awful thing is getting it by taking the horse dewormer since it’s, well, dosed for a horse. anyways. My news sources never really explained any of that. I figured someone was trolling the q forums and it stuck. Kind of like years ago when it was: the new iPhone can be charged in 30 seconds using your microwave kind feels like a disservice to write it off as simply cattle dewormer. (not for what it says about the people taking it, just the level of informed ness for the rest of us)
  11. It was just a joke i actually love chess 🤷‍♂️ (But am not any good beyond I can play) (come on the rules about how to obtain grandmaster are pretty intense)
  12. Has anyone figured out where the ivermectin stuff comes from?
  13. *looks up master vs grandmaster in chess* you people take things too seriously. Why can’t you just sit down and play some chess who the sitting around tracking their norms and making sure they enter a tournament that has at least 3 gm’s from 3 different countries This is why people don’t like chess. Good job.
  14. Interesting. So, if something like this were to continue, someone could find themselves with no hospital beds because of covid patients from another state very interesting.
  15. Ugh. Got the email today. School will do its lockdown drill tomorrow. It’ll be our sons first. that’s a conversation we forgot to have. Feel awful saying that but, kinda been a lot going on so… slipped through the cracks. so that conversation will suck.
  16. Maybe it was 2004. Memory is quirky. they have these giant retention ditches everywhere because drainage sucks in the Norfolk/Hampton roads/va beach/ Newport News area and I know they are retention ponds now because, well, duh. but. When I was 18. And the entire city was jacked. And we were under mandatory evac orders from the university. And there was immense rainfall. These retention ditches turned into swimming pools for me and all my dumb and fun friends.
  17. Yeah I was in Newport News when whatever it was hit in 2003. Power was out for weeks. Water wasn’t drinkable for large areas for weeks. Because it was that area, there were a lot that didn’t evacuate. And I don’t recall deaths being an issue, but people obviously didn’t realize they’d have to live without drinkable water and power for multiple weeks. Our college parties were by candle light for a week or so.
  18. Yeah. And I think before trump there was this basic understanding of “you can’t get away with that if you wanted to” and now, that’s obviously gone. The real check in the legislature and executive is the voting public. If they signal they’re willing to let you get away with anything…
  19. Try to get a pcr. Rapid has a high false negative rate. I got a pcr in Virginia last week and results were in within 24 hours
  20. New York area has been crushed a few times because they couldn’t handle the smaller storms. Va beach area also has been crushed (not like New Orleans obviously…) but we went weeks w/o power and it was real bad one year. we’re sort of naturally protected. Based on years of watching hurricanes, and no real expertise, it seems like there’s a 99% chance it lands in the Carolinas (or va beach today worst), or it skips by us to the north. seems pretty low chance it would come up the bay and land in dc or the surrounding area. but we can’t handle the rain. It causes problems. Just don’t think storm surge wil ever be an issue…
  21. To me cruz is a victim of timing. He tried the Trump shtick before it was cool. I doubt he can get real traction as far as I can tell Desantis is doing a great job. Most trumpers I know have already vocalized their support for him in 2024 to me, unsolicited btw. really they just have to embrace the art of dealing with a crisis by basically saying “don’t care doing this anyways” trumps ability to manage a crisis the way he did was less about him being savvy and more about his supporters not caring…. I expect them to continue to not care.
  22. Yes, this is what we’re going to see a lot of now. And it’ll be different wording depending on who is being discussed and in what context. But, it’s going to come down to this: as amazing as trump was as a cult of personality figure, he was an incompetent moron in terms of pushing any particular agenda or working the system. he just “bull in a China shop”’d everything. Everything. so now what we have are significantly smarter people, with actual agendas they’re chasing, adopting the persona of trump to grab control of the cult that was created. But they’ll actually use it to push their agenda - cleverly, purposefully, etc. desantis is smart enough to use the trump cult to accomplish his agenda. as opposed to MTG or Boebert who are morons that lucked into finding a seat in Congress cruz, desantis, etc. there’s a couple handfuls of people that, if they accomplish reigning in control of that cult, can do a lot to push the hard right agenda.
  23. Well, the areas on the rise have higher vaccination rates. So, id think deaths trailing off still makes sense. and December 1st is too early for the thanksgiving rise. I would also think areas where hospitals are not overrun will have less deaths just because exhausted staff, lack of rooms/equipment (I would think) leads to higher deaths. The rising states should be better off. schools are child deaths are the wildcard cause they can’t be vaccinated and are indoors together…
  24. I do not like the words the Biden administration is using. and I’ll preface this with: I think Biden wanted a clean exit, it’s killing him this is happening, and I imagine he’s bouncing between being livid at people running certain things, and being beside himself that this is how it’s playing out. I can only imagine how it feels to get the initial “several service members were killed” briefing. christ. also: not super up to date on every word Biden has said so, if there’s parts out there dealing with this then so be it. I hear phrases like…(paraphrasing) ”no one anticipated” ”unexpected” ”we hoped that the Afghan government…” ”I didn’t know” etc this is a tactical error. first, as a general take, you just gave the gop audio and video of you basically saying “yeah I’m in charge but we don’t know what’s going on” second. There have been multiple leaks about how intelligence basically said this would happen. So, how do you not know? Are you not taking the briefings? Are you not paying attention? Is the cia not showing up? Like how do we square the intelligence community warned you but you didn’t know? (Side note: interesting that the liberal rags the WaPo and nytimes are leaking damaging stories about the Biden administrations handling of the exit. ) third: it’s just a weak position to take. you’re the mother ****ing president of the United States of American. “I didn’t know” isn’t gonna fly. Just own the mistake and dedicate yourself to doing it right going forward.
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