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Everything posted by tshile

  1. I have a family member in that prime 20-24 age group he’s very sociable. Has an engineering degree. Is into the party scene. has trouble finding chicks because, according to him, chicks these days aren’t into that aspect of socializing. He says they’re consumed by posting pictures of themselves on Instagram or whatever. he did fine with hookup apps but he’s reached an age where what he wants is a relationship and he’s finding that difficult to do. Says his friends have the same problem. he said chicks are just really into themselves and the Instagram/tik tok culture. I also wonder the following things: - we’ve seen the average age of marriage climb a lot - we’ve seen the average age of having children climb a lot - maybe this is related? - we all laughed at Japanese men having the same problem when we had a thread on it years ago. Maybe we’re goin g through something similar? Wonder if anything relates between the two. also something I wonder, that I keep separate from the rest of it because it has its roots in the long term political arguing we’ve had going on here: - when society starts saying men are bad, it shouldn’t be a wonder if you start seeing downward trends in important things Sure, we should talk about how some men are bad, some historic policy/agenda/culture/etc things are bad. But. We’ve definitely got people projecting that across the entire gender. And if you grow up, every time you have to check a box, checking a box that makes you feel like people think that, like the system is rigged against you, etc… I would expect to see some of things were talking about. (that being said maybe it’s completely unrelated. I’m aware that’s a possibility. I just wonder about it all) (I also like how if any other group was underrepresented in something important we’d get a long list of lectures about systemic problems that created this problem, how it’s unfair, and how we have to make dramatic changes to fix it because it’s important our numbers are representative. But when it’s about men, the consensus seems to quickly be “they should stop playing video games.” Gee, wonder where I’ve hear that style of argument before?) —— add Also. On the video game note. Females representation in video game playing and culture is the highest it’s ever been. It’s a very large group now. so it’s weird to juxtapose that with the increase in college and the idea that the problem with males is they just want to play video games. wonder what the data on that says. Are the females playing video games not doing well academically and not going to college too? Or is it just a nonsense argument, even if anecdotally we all know some guys that play video games too much?
  2. Maybe some are, but it sounds like they’ve been favoring men for a while to try to balance things. I feel like people with a better grip on it than me have said as much - so I’m certainly inclined to just accept what they’ve said.
  3. I have to look up the other stuff. I’m just busy. Came to post something in the parent thread and this dinged me but I don’t accept this style of argument. Saying that it’s ok to favor a certain gender/race now, because the other was favored before, such that you’re now punishing someone today for something they had nothing to do with because it satisfies some weird version of getting even, and doing it as a numbers game… I just won’t ever accept that.
  4. I may be wrong, been a while, but last time i checked (I think) that was a garbage statistic using all women (meaning women over 40 who’s wage gap has a strong tie to the fact they have been working for a long time before this was a thing) including those that take extended leaves from work (most commonly to raise children) i though if you looked at modern women, that didn’t take extended leaves of a sense, it was something like 96 cents on the dollar. in fact in the tech world I thought I read recently women are making more than men for the same job (in the companies surveyed, which I’m sure it was like 5 if the top tech companies or something) (side note: I’ve definitely come across situations where it’s a woman with the same job title as me, and I know I make much more, but I also run circles around them) (And I’d be ok if they made more when they were running circles around me) (ppps: comparing just job title and salary is stupid, I don’t care which side of what argument you’re trying to argue)
  5. I would add that they just don’t see it as a problem. as someone who has always had a problem with doing things this way, I will enjoy watching some people twist into a pretzel to walk away from how important diversity is so they can be against something that favors men 😂 I also find it funny how often people have no respect for time. They think everything should, and can, be fixed immediately. Even in this article they’re complaining about the lack of women in higher up roles. Which makes sense. It takes a while for this kind of think to get up to those levels. Fear not, women will run that one day too. It just takes time. (I’ve been saying for a while women will run this country eventually. The data shows they’re better at tons of important things - leadership, risk assessment, financial things (which mostly comes from their better risk assessment) etc)
  6. People are so insufferable it’s clearly obvious he brings it up to let us know he has, and had, a very personal relationship with the military; that he takes his role wrt military very seriously now the party of patriots with their salute the troops sticker on all their trucks wants him to shut up about it? **** off.
  7. as someone currently shopping for a wake boat, that Twitter thread is full of so many idiots
  8. Are you available to speak to my wife? —- add Organic wheat pancakes suck
  9. Barnyardy might be my favorite word also “I don’t make the horse rules y’all” ”existence is a nightmare” 😂 😂 😂 thank you @Riggo-toni
  10. I’m not on board with this argument. Not without seeing data that supports it (I haven’t seen it cause I haven’t gone looking for it, I’m not asking you to go find it for me ) im with @TheGreatBuzz that persons personal situation is none of my business and on the scale of meh to outraged I’m basically outraged at the anti-maskers, very mad at the antivaxers, and I’m definitely more than meh at someone unilaterally getting their their vaccine …but we got bigger fish to fry. now… if it turns out this is a trend and immunocompromised people can’t get a third shot cause other fully vaxxed people are just taking all the shots, I can escalate to outraged quickly. My mindset for myself: I think the cdc mask guidance change was more about protecting the unvaccinated than the vaccinated, cause the original stance of “if you’re vaccinated you don’t need to bother but unvaccinated def wear masks” didn’t work, it just seems oh so obvious what happened there. But… I spent 15 months preaching listen to the cdc. So. I wear a mask. and I’ll get my booster when they say it’s appropriate for me to. And If everyone operated that way we’d already be past this ****.
  11. Isn’t the best way to get a case fast tracked to scotus, to have a bunch of states start enacting the law?
  12. I’m pretty sure “let me Google that for you” has its roots in your situation
  13. Spelunking not caving 😛 yes but also pretty standard move for the industry
  14. Yeah and that loophole depends on no one interfering. Like Texas judges. if you’re running a business there’s still risk there.
  15. 😂 Psaki “You’ve had plenty of time today” god shes perfect
  16. They sue the individual. The states only involvement is in that they created a law allowing them to sue for it. 🤷‍♂️ maybe I’m the one that doesn’t get it. It’s not like in understand the law. The whole thing sort of confuses me.
  17. I believe ethe issue is the Texas state government doesn’t enforce it. individuals do. from tactical standpoint it’s genius (based on my understanding). Pro-choice orgs are going to play hell fighting this.
  18. this translates to: taliban will allow China to strip mine the country, probably robbing Afghanistan of its actual natural resources like emeralds but hey they’ll get some cheap roads and buildings for it. Will people shut up about the Blackhawk fleet now
  19. Correct me where I’m wrong here: Scotus specifically said they didn’t rule on the constitutionality of it they ruled on procedural grounds this can, and will, still be challenged on constitutional grounds now I get that the way it’s playing out has had the impact it’s had. But there’s some super grand statements being made about this that doesn’t seem to make sense. Like that roe v wade is now dead. scotus is already seeing a case out of another southern state (Mississippi? Louisiana? I forget) on a 15 week abortion ban. Should they find that unconstitutional, then this would also be. also, I keep hearing from the npr segments that people are leaving the state. Can you, under this Texas law, not be sued for it simply because you left the state? also I don’t get this idea that it’s the law, but the government doesn’t enforce it only citizens do by suing. It makes no sense to me.
  20. Virginia has one item on the list. And it’s because tobacco and textiles left. calufornia, florida, Texas, and New Jersey have tons on the list because of **** crime drugs and poverty Eat it Side note: you can definitely tell when a specific area trends healthy and when it doesn’t. You can see it all around. Tons of people running/cycling all hours of the day (I rate it higher the earlier it starts, and I tend to get up at 6 am even on a Sunday after drinking, so I see that 6-8am joggers) if you smoke, like I do on and off, you find yourself an outcast and having to sneak off to smoke as to not interrupted people walking around (unless you’re just an asshole and can’t figure that out) the level of restaurants is better. you have bike lanes… or paved areas dedicated to bike lanes… Charlottesville reminded me of a healthy city. Old town Alexandria has that vibe. It’s a cool vibe. It’ll be where the wife and I are when it’s time
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