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Everything posted by tshile

  1. Can confirm. Definitely have revolvers that require you to open them up to check/clear also never seen it be instructed that you do it any other way. -add So unrelated note. think they’re gonna still release the movie? how weird will that be…
  2. Um. that’s a China problem, not an Apple problem. I mean. If we’re gonna start requiring companies to buck up to Chinas terrible rights issues, then you’re going to wreck the world economy and make things drastically more expensive (both issues will make what’s already bad significantly worse) and that’s fine, but you should know what you’re asking for. and of course Cruz is just a empty suite looking for a trendy comment to make. He doesn’t actually have principals he’s trying to uphold here.
  3. That’s a conversation I’ve had with many trumpers. Although, I’m hardly as eloquent about it as he is. they don’t care. They just skip over that whole issue. and yeah, it’s all rooted in fear. The faith of fear at the end hits it on the head. They’ve allowed themselves to be scared into being what they are.
  4. Be on the lookout for the “our healthcare system us crumbling/sucks” articles. cause people are leaving it. And others are deciding to not join it. And the people still in it are tired. They’re exhausted. And it’s getting worse. And one hospital losing nurses/techs means they’re diverting to another; and now that one is more overloaded than before and they fall apart quicker. It’s just dominos from there. Wife said “healthcare is going to get so expensive “ I said “or just way more awful” and her response was “probably both” The real scope of what this pandemic is “costing” us isn’t even close to understood yet.
  5. @NoCalMike A nice side effect of ranked voting is you encourage people to learn about the options. Because you have a lot of options. It’s not just vote for the D tag or the R tag and that’s you’re only option. you could have multiples of each. Naturally you’d want to at least read the flyer at the polling center or something..
  6. I bet we’re gonna find out drugs and alcohol were involved in the plinking and someone maybe thought they put things back correctly, but drugs and alcohol…
  7. Just real quick. I don’t think his failure to check the gun is, for someone like me who sees it as an issue, the primary concern here. It’s just an aspect of it. There’s clearly other things that should(n’t) have happened that are way more important; that contributed more directly to the result. But this is an accidental shooting. We have a lot of them. Guns aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and regardless of what any of us want the laws appear to be getting looser than stricter. Guns are in so many tv shows and movies, and the idea of “shooting” people is even more prevalent (like a kids cartoon where they have a magic power or use a laser, it’s shooting…) and isn’t going anywhere either. As tragic as this is, there are tons of accidental shootings a year, and many of them are children. Have standardized and basic gun safety taught to everyone at a young age would help. It certainly can’t hurt (if someone has a link for how that increases likelihood to commit gun violence I’m all ears, I’m not familiar with that.) it could be agreed upon and done in the current political environment. im struggling to see the big terribleness about this idea. we have a gun thread and I’m probably too far over the line already but I was just trying to sum up what my point was. I think it’s worth thinking about.
  8. gee. If only someone tried to bring attention to this earlier https://freebeacon.com/national-security/supercut-obama-calls-climate-change-not-terrorism-our-greatest-threat/
  9. Oh my god you guys never learn. you all still holding your doge?
  10. Um. Maybe three strikes laws are bad 🤷‍♂️ not really one way or the other on that. But the point is the value doesn’t matter cause you won’t stop stealing stuff. I mean since when is randomly slapping money on the counter and walking out an acceptable way to go through life? 🤷‍♂️
  11. Well stay near a bathroom for like 30-40 minutes cause that kfc has a reminder for you from 15 years ago (Ps I had their spicy chicken sandwich and it’s great. So is Popeyes. Burner king and McDonald’s sucks. Chik fil a is chik fil a. Same with Wendy’s)
  12. That’s because you lack basic gun safety training which is the point being made Yeah they’re already talking about that. And it makes sense - they have the ability to create the same result post production. but… as an aside… it’s kind of funny that the result is to ban guns instead of enforcing basic safety 😂 it’s a trend
  13. Yeah that’s good enough for me. Changed my mind! Go Virginia! Way to pick the dem
  14. “I know what’s best for my child! And that would be to not wear a mask, during a respiratory virus pandemic, while not vaccinated, while forced to sit in a classroom around 20ish other unvaccinated, maskless children” - signed conservatives that think they’re smart and know things.
  15. I’ve always been this cynical about people. Just walk around, tell me the people you run into appear to be smart… The rest of you are just catching up. In the era of trump and trumpism and this pathetic excuse of “conservative” all these idiots in public claim to be, I disagree. Simply not being a trumper is enough for me. give me an election between two non-trumpers, and I agree with you. youngkin and mcaullife? one guy is a trumper that thinks unvaccinated kids shouldn’t wear masks in school. And is running on a “Virginia is being ruined” platform that’s complete and utter bull**** if you actually pay attention. He’s engaged in a war against schools - cause conservatives are so dumb they think we should be fighting culture wars in schools, and privatizing schools (which is fine by me cause I can afford private school and most of the conservatives here cant, so jokes on them. Idiots) somehow I’m not really confused as to whom you’re voting for. And I don’t really think anything you’ve said matters or would change your vote 😂
  16. People don’t really like Terry. They pick him over a terrible GOP candidate but they don’t really like him. the Biden administration is a disaster from the public perspective of getting things done. The details as to why don’t matter. Nor do any of the behind the scenes successes he’s had. We’re talking about the general voter, and the general voter is terribly uninformed. You have to focus on the basic stuff, because that’s all they look at. And the basics right now for Virginia are not good for the Dems in this race. It was a bad idea to go with terry. But they did. So, here we are. The masks in school is such a wedge issue. And it’s being used. I’ve yet to find a conservative that is angry about critical race theory, that can tell me what it is. our people are so dumb and uninformed. It’s depressing. Virginia has ranked well in major categories for a while now. Yet youngkin can run on a “Dems are destroying the state” platform and it resonates with a lot of people because people are dumb. I’m mostly the same except that I refuse to vote for a gop candidate until they prove they aren’t an incompetent stooge. While they continue to attach themselves to trumpism, that will be impossible.
  17. Even then it’s super arrogant and ignorant. bias alone says that. realizing most people don’t seem to have a ****ing clue about most things, including how to learn about… anything… makes it even worse. they don’t know best. what they mean is they can’t handle someone else telling them they’re wrong. And it’s not just about their kids. It’s about anything.
  18. I’m not feeling good about this race. At all. The situation is ripe for a youngkin win. and he’s going to remove the mask mandate. thankfully my son should be vaccinated before then.
  19. Re: parents know what’s best found myself in that conversation yesterday. Simply relied with something like: yeah. Finances. Healthcare. Education. Science. Math. The mask issue for kids that can’t be vaccinated and must go to school. Parents sure have done a good job showing us they know what’s best for their children, all the time. what an ignorant and arrogant statement. no, I’m sorry, simply being a parent does not magically fix the fact that most of you are stupid.
  20. Oh yeah that’s fine I’ll get to bring it up and go “what happened?!?” And watch them try to get out of the corner they painted themselves in. That’s enough for me.
  21. This is great. I’ve had to listen to so many trumpers tell me how this lawsuits was going to bring down all of social media. i just don’t recall coming across a group of people that are just so wrong, on every topic, all the time, like trumpers are.
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