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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. Isn't this just even more obstruction? The tangerine troglodyte releasing classified information in an effort to undermine an ongoing investigation into himself? Or using this document to pressure/fire Rosenstein, the AG who is overseeing Special Counsel? This **** is unreal.
  2. The Manchurian Candidate strikes again. I wonder if there's really any level that tangerine buffoon could stoop to before the shills and sheep in his party try and do anything about it. He's blatantly subverting the will of Congress and refusing to enact sanctions against a foreign power he's under investigation into colluding with. What the ever-living ****? What an absolute disgrace to America the GOP and Trump is.
  3. If people were clairvoyant, we'd all be rich (or nobody would be). No way to know for sure Netflix would have gained like that. But did you know that low fee index funds are a solid investment vehicle?
  4. Rebalancing refers to the percentage of stocks and bonds in your portfolio. Standard thought says that as you get older (or as you approach retirement) your portfolio should increasingly favor bonds over riskier assets like stocks. Overall, it depends on your risk tolerance though. Index funds are a great investment, so if you're heavily invested in those, your risk is lower than if you owned individual stocks.
  5. The insurance markets are going to be ****ed. Get ready to pay a **** ton more for your insurance. My company advised us that our family plans are likely to double next year, which will then cost roughly $750 per month for employee + family/children. I'm glad I don't have any dependents.
  6. The GOP? I'm guessing on a mattress filled with $100 bills, being held up by a group of working poor.
  7. Welcome back to the thread. Haven't seen you in a while. Though, I suppose you rarely see roaches, even though you know they are creeping around in the dark.
  8. If integrity was such a thing in today's GOP, we wouldn't have today's GOP.
  9. GOP are beyond corporate whores; they're just flat out thieves. Reverse robin-hooding the poor and middle class for the last 30+ years. If their base wasn't so lazy and uninformed, **** like this wouldn't see the light of day. They've become masters at financially raping the bulk of this country and getting away it with. There is absolutely no integrity in the GOP. ****ing insane.
  10. There's your Republican agenda hard at work. **** those pricks. I hope they all eat **** and die.
  11. No hearings. No committee meetings. No time for objective analysis on it's financial impacts besides the dog **** CBO score the last tax bill received. No "across the Isle" input, or even having the bill be readable before it goes to a vote. Secretive and shady the whole way through. The GOP is a ****ing disgrace.
  12. Flynn about to go nuclear songbird on this administration. Color me shocked. I figured he'd be singing from day one if he was offered a plea deal. If Flynn does testify that Trump directed the improper communications, how does that affect his Presidency as it pertains to possible impeachment? Obviously, collusion with a foreign government is in full play, but is this really a noose around the neck of this disastrous administration?
  13. I mean, Cheeto Don bragged about sexual assault. Lowlife deviants have to stick together.
  14. Murkowski looks like a douchebag Krogan from the game "Mass Effect". I'm sure she's about as pleasant also.
  15. If a few Republicans actually had a ****ing soul, they'd push back on this. The orange blob is just fat ball of corruption, and nobody in that party seems to care.
  16. We're 2 games out with 5 games left after today's results. There's just too much competition this year and we have 1 fewer wins than we need at this stage. We ain't going to the playoffs this year. I predicted before the season we'd be 8-8. Thats pretty likely at this stage.
  17. This one is working well boys and gals: http://www.720pstream.me/new-orleans-saints-stream-vs-washington-redskins-stream
  18. Not sure the church defending a pedophile carries too much weight, after the widespread coverups of sexual abuse by the church itself. One criminal covering for another. On a side note, a lot of backwoods rednecks seem to be supporting Moore, and think he did nothing wrong, which is awful on many levels. Is pedophilia a Republican tradition or something?
  19. Is there no such thing as presumption of innocence anymore? One rumor comes out and now Takei is a sexual predator? Can we at least wait a bit to blacklist the guy?
  20. Nothing like a sitting US President admitting he's drawing up tax legislation that will greatly benefit himself. ****ing moron.
  21. This one is working well for me. http://buffstream.com/watch/nfl-4-1.php
  22. All this "outrage" by the mouth breathing masses over a simple, peaceful protest. Ironic, since I'm sure the same idiots complaining about this are the same ones slothing on their couch and pounding a budweiser during the anthem.
  23. Its my impression that the shooting lasted about 10 minutes, but that SWAT didn't enter his room until an hour after the shooting started. What was this lunatic doing in the meantime? He stopped shooting long before police arrived, which is a good thing, but it still took a long time before the cavalry showed up.
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