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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. I will thoroughly enjoy seeing her foot 12 inches deep in Trumps ass. She's an actual savvy democratic politician. I would say she's going to eat his lunch but I'm not sure if she likes cold McDonalds.
  2. He's turning a new leaf. Usually he stiffs workers after they've done the work. Now he's stiffing them before they even do the work. That's called progress.
  3. Have to disagree with you on this. I'd give venom a 4/10. The CGI was at least redeemable and there was a moment or two of decency. The Predator? No. Just...no. After watching that fermenting pile of dilophosaurus dung, I went to Amazon and tried to see if they sold a working version of the Men in Black memory eraser. Much to my chagrin, they did not.
  4. West slinks by once in a blue moon to gloat when the eagles have a few good games. When they lose or get knocked out of the playoffs, he slinks back to Mordor, from whence he came.
  5. Haven't been in this thread recently, but I'll give my take on a few flicks I've seen recently. I have the AMC version of Movie Pass, so I've been living in the theater. 1) Bumblebee: 7.5/10: Much better than the Bay movies, though that's not saying much. The new direction and 80's G1 transformer designs was a nice bit of nostalgia. Had some great comedy moments and the action was solid. 2) The Predator: 1/10: What a piece of ****. Who the **** greenlit this abomination? Worst movie I've seen in a while. 3) Green Book: 9/10: Fantastic. Viggo and Ali make a very dynamic team, and their chemistry onscreen is undeniable. It's a fantastically acted, and well-written story. Definitely give it a watch. 4) The Mule: 7/10: Pretty solid effort from Clint. The pacing of it struggles a bit, especially towards the end, but I thought the screenplay was solid overall. Pretty entertaining. 5) Bohemian Rhapsody: 8.5/10: Pretty damn good. The musical performance scenes were incredible, and Rami Malek's performance as Freddy was fantastic. The movie doesn't quite hit the hardest parts of Mercury's life the way some people might be expecting for a biopic, but this is a very good story that is well written.
  6. Don't see why they would at this stage. Trump has zero leverage, and even less political savvy.
  7. Look at the blonde lady, second from the left. Her facial expression says it all. ...and by "says it all" I mean, "This stupid ass motherfu....."
  8. He'll likely get a small chunk of funding for some chain link fence bull****, but there's no way his version of the wall ever gets built. The eminent domain courtroom challenges alone will take years. He'll have long since been thrown out of office or died from the syphilis consuming his brain by then. And I'm with Renegade on the funding. The defense budget is obscenely bloated. Take it from them.
  9. I'm kind of in the same boat at 34. Got too much flub on the tub and junk in the trunk, while I've worked out just enough to get some muscle definition but not enough to get rid of my pointy male breasts, mostly due to sweets and junk food intake. Time to either pump more iron or buy a bra. Can't have it both ways anymore.
  10. http://buffstream.to/watch/nfl-live.php Working damn well. HD.
  11. Hard to keep your hands clean with that much Cheeto dust floating around. Can anybody close to Trump really be that clean? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
  12. I would say the Trump team still has to run their version of the "swinging gate", but his whole presidency has been a broken play.
  13. My company used to have an office in Calabasas. It closed down, so we don't need to be up there. It's a very wealthy, beautiful area. Crazy that the whole thing is basically a hellfire. I'm 60 miles south of there, and the sky is hazy and the air quality is horrible.
  14. Watching hard knocks made me realize how much of a goober Hue Jackson is. I can't believe he survived the 0-16 campaign. He should have been iced before the start of this year. I'm kind of surprised about Haley, but I get the feeling ownership wasn't thrilled about how Haley was using Baker.
  15. This really should be ****ing mandatory. There needs to be at least a little bipartisanship in these appointments to weed out the conspiracy theorist beer drinkers of the world.
  16. I really just hope McConnell strokes out soon, and somebody with an ounce of integrity comes in to replace him. That dude is literally everything that's wrong in our politics.
  17. This "FBI investigation" is a sham. Putting a strict time limit on it and setting a narrow scope on what you can and can't do is what you'd expect to find on a trial porn membership, not an FBI investigation. I mean, you start an investigation into a sexual assault allegation, and don't even bother to interview the accuser or the accused? This is just a farcical aside so that the Republicans in congress can say "See! We are open and thorough, and let a full investigation take place!", meanwhile they'll still ram through the confirmation of a dude who, at a minimum, is an abject partisan who doesn't have the judicial temperament to be on the highest court in the country, and at worst was a drunken frat boy in his youth that sexually assaulted women. Pretty sad times.
  18. Of course they don't want to truth, and they dont give a **** about his temperament. They just want to shoehorn in a republican justice to swing the Supreme Court in their favor, at all costs. I'm sure Cavanaugh would not be confirmed if the midterms were not right around the corner. But with a real chance of losing control of the Senate, they are not going to risk putting this off. Cavanaugh could admit to rape and murder and they'd still confirm him at this stage.
  19. Only thing he exposed was his own lunacy. Dude is going off the rails. But I mean, the alleged victim of sexual assault is just as much a victim as the accused. Who could fault that logic.
  20. Lindsey Graham sweating like he just had a bear encounter. ... Giggity. "She's as much a victim as you are". How the **** does that work, Graham? One's claiming the other one assaulted her. There's one victim there.
  21. Admits the current political climate is contentious, then goes on a conspiratorial diatribe against democrats, the Clintons, the media, etc. Supreme Court justices are supposed to be the most impartial scholars of the law possible, and yet this is his demeanor? Even if the allegations are false, his overtly partisan attitude alone should be disqualifying.
  22. His face and sniffling looks like somebody blasted him with bear mace. Get it together, man.
  23. He's asking for due process. That's fair. Lets have an open and transparent investigation, and then vote on his confirmation pending the results.
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