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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. https://mashable.com/2018/05/30/pompeii-skeleton-rock-memes/#39jyTyeS0kqI Guy flees Pompeii volcanic eruption in 79 AD. Makes it inside, but is owned by a piece of the building.
  2. There are plenty of good reporters and reporting done by CNN and MSNBC. Leaning liberal aside, they are not "fake news." They might be a bit sensationalist in covering Trump ad-nausaum, but the content of what they are reporting isn't "fake". I'd prefer AP or Reuters over both, but I don't think anybody should be disingenuous and call them trash.
  3. Correct, good sir. I found that it did help, but I didn't want to become dependent on a sleep aid, so I haven't used it for a month or two.
  4. Legal here in CA. I walked in and got a vape pen that a strain that helps me relax and sleep at night. Never smoked a joint with that crappy dry ash that passes for weed, though.
  5. Let's not go down this path. I hate Trump's corrupt ass as much as anyone, but I'm not going to blame anybody who voted third party based legitimately on their personal beliefs. That's what our voting system allows for. Honestly, if I'm going to blame anybody, it's all the disgruntled Bernie Bro's that voted for Trump out of spite of Clinton. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. As for Clinton, she apparently was NOT a great candidate since she lost to a brain damaged con artist, though she was absolutely qualified to be President. There's a distinction there.
  6. I'm talking more about Big Bang cosmology. I'm a big science nerd when it comes to the universe and cosmology. The consensus seems to be that the Big Bang and all the matter in the universe can apparently spring from nothing at the quantum level. Either that or the oscillating universe theory states that there's basically an infinite number of Big Bang's and a corresponding Big Crunch (universe collapsing upon itself once cosmic inflation reverses). So either the universe has always existed or it sprang out of nothing at the sub-atomic level. Either way, doesn't make sense to me.
  7. I'm 33. I've been agnostic since my mid-late teens, per my previous post. Wait, Santa isn't real?
  8. Years and years of this bull**** being beamed into the heads of the uneducated and susceptible republican masses is exactly the reason we're in the godawful political mess we're in. Fox News and profiteering traitors like Hannity and Carlson are enemies of this country, as far as I'm concerned.
  9. I was raised Christian, but around the time I hit 14-15, I started to change, and eventually became what I am, which is agnostic. The more I saw how religious types were so commonly bigoted and judgemental, the more I realized that if God existed, there's no way he would have created something that would not only drive us apart, but cause so many wars and deaths over the course of our history. Conversely, science currently tells us the universe, and us by association, basically appeared out of nothing, for no reason whatsoever, which also doesn't make much sense. Which leads me to my current viewpoint: Who the eff knows what's out there or why.
  10. This is crazy. Smallville was one of my favorite shows when I was in my late teens, early 20's. It's weird and sad to think two of my old TV crushes (Kreuk and Mack) were engaged in some weird cult S&M ****. It sounds like Mack was especially deep in that scene, and personally involved in the trafficking aspect. I hope Chloe doesn't expect Clark to break her out of jail anytime soon.
  11. To be fair, virtually any author could have finished a book or two within 7-8 years. GRRM is beyond a slow writer; I think he just stopped giving a **** at a certain point. If he had literally written 1 page PER WEEK since ADwD came out, he would have another complete book to publish. Committed writers like Rowling have finished an entire series in the time GRRM finishes one book. I'm sure the showrunners at HBO, who began the series just before the 5th book came out, had no idea he would sloth his way to complete writing failure for 8 years.
  12. On point, VoR. I'd say the reason why the last 2 seasons, and especially last season, was so rushed is due to the lack of content from GRRM. It's obvious that they received plot points and general direction from him, but without any kind of roadmap, they were left to their own to tell the story. Also, I think the showrunners are getting burned out, since the production of that show is incredibly difficult and they've basically been working nonstop for 8 years now. The faster pace of last season was a bit jarring, but given the constraints they're under, and with a lack of content to prolong the series, it makes sense.
  13. I truly hope the brain dead traitor in the oval office, and every one of his pathetic, anti-American sycophants end up in federal "**** me in the ass" prison. What an absolute disgrace every single one of them is. As far as I concerned, pending the results of special counsel, the Republican party, who is enabling this traitor, is an enemy of the United States.
  14. Politifact ran an article giving some steel related metrics. Based on available data,between 3-4% of our imported steel comes from China, while roughly 45% comes from Canada and the EU. These tariffs the orange buffoon came up with on a whim will barely be noticed by China. Xi is probably just laughing at how stupid Trump is.
  15. "Trade wars aren't so bad." The mental midget is really on a tear lately. He's running this country like one of his many failed businesses, though I wonder if he realizes he can't discharge America's debt through bankruptcy court.
  16. I'd give Whorin' Robert B. a solid B+ actually. He may not have been a great ruler in the traditional sense, but during his rule, the kingdom was in a state of continual peace. He presided over a long, prosperous summer, and was smart enough to put qualified people on his council. He was strong and respected enough for all seven kingdoms to be on their best behavior. Overall, solid king.
  17. I pity this country. We are at the mercy of a mentally decaying narcissist who needs to be coddled and spoon fed pleasantries just to get out of bed in the morning and act like a ****ing adult. This dumbass can't withstand the fact that rules won't allow his corrupt, frantic, and childish behavior to run completely unchecked, and his response to the situation is to lash out and start an international trade war? It's pathetic and dangerous. It's an awfully big coincidence to liquidate your holdings in a steel company just days before your buddy announces a steel tariff that would cause a market crash of said steel companies' stock. WIth an administration that's as ass backwards and corrupt as this one, there's no way I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.
  18. No surprise. This entire administration is corrupt as hell. There better be an investigation into this. As a country, we can't allow **** like this to happen.
  19. Oh, so now Republicans aren't even trying to hide the fact they use their elected office for the benefit of powerful lobbying groups. ****ing anti-American scumbags. **** all of them.
  20. I'm a little out of the loop. What's the deal with the bump stock legislation? After the madman on the strip rained down full auto fire on a group of innocent people, you'd think it shouldn't be hard to ban something that turns a deadly military rifle into an insanely deadly military rifle. Let me guess: Legislation killed by the NRA and Republicans?
  21. I'd say there are more than a few that are pure good, or pure evil. Obviously most characters are a varying shade of gray, but not all. Pure Good: Jon Snow, Hodor, Sansa, Eddard (to a degree). Pure Evil: Joffrey, Ramsay Bolton, The Mountain, Sir Meryn.
  22. I'd be all for requiring an IQ test before allowing people to reproduce. Think of the number of problems that would solve. Our workforce in 20 years would be an army of super-soldier types. We'd have teleporters and ****. edit: As I posted this, "Flagpole Sitta" by Harvey Danger was playing in the background. Fitting. " Been around the world and found That only stupid people are breeding The cretins cloning and feeding " I see what you did there. Nice.
  23. I often think him getting forced out due to medical distress would be in the best interest of this country. However, the longer this Russian saga plays out, and the more blatantly guilty Trump looks, the more I eagerly anticipate his walk of absolute shame when impeachment throws his corrupt, incompetent ass out on the streets. The stink and humiliation that follows is exactly what he's always deserved.
  24. Some part of me thinks a mass shooting in the halls of Congress is what it would take to break through the chains the NRA has around certain parts of the government. Obviously, I hope that never happens, but I feel that unless gun violence deeply and personally affects those stonewalling the country from real firearms reform, nothing will ever get done.
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