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Everything posted by ExoDus84

  1. Its my impression that the shooting lasted about 10 minutes, but that SWAT didn't enter his room until an hour after the shooting started. What was this lunatic doing in the meantime? He stopped shooting long before police arrived, which is a good thing, but it still took a long time before the cavalry showed up.
  2. No worries. It's a bit of an obscure reference. It had been a long time since I took a psychology course, so I also had to look it up a while back
  3. The world is not in short supply of dumbasses, that's for sure. There's always conspiracy nuts that think they have it all figured out. Lots of Dunning-Kruger types floating around.
  4. I have no idea what you're trying to say with "quell their offerings", but I live in a liberal state, and have voted according to my personal beliefs when it comes to firearm legislation.
  5. Nothing will change. We can argue till we're blue in the face about the sensible changes we can and should make to our firearms laws, but nothing will change. The NRA will gear up their anti-legislation wing and fire up their base by telling all their members that their freedoms are under attack ("The liberals are coming! Defend yourselves!"), throw a few more bucks at the gutless whores they purchased on Pennsylvania Avenue, who will then vote down any bills that might stem the free-flowing tap of guns (and the mass profits they produce), and we'll be right back where we are now. A few months from now, when another mass shooting happens, we'll repeat this process ad nauseam. Politicians are too ****ing gutless to do anything about this, so the cycle of murder will just continue.
  6. The ammunition depot in his room will be the key. Did he purchase a large amount of ammo in the day or two leading up to this slaughter? Or did he bring it with him? Either way, **** that pathetic maggot for taking so many lives. What a coward.
  7. Good lord. I think it's time some of us take a step back. We looked bad Week 1, and everybody was saying we'd win 3 games. We looked dominate on Sunday, so now we're definitely going to the playoffs. The overreaction and emotional swings need to simmer down. The truth is somewhere in between. We aren't as sloppy as the Eagles game made us look, nor we as dominant as the Raiders game made us look. It's a long season, and we have 13 games left. Let's just take it one game at a time and see what happens.
  8. I'm just amazed Republicans aren't even pretending this bull**** isn't a blatant political ploy, at the likely expense of millions of others. Generally, politicians will try to hide their bull**** under a thin veil of lies and double speak, but they aren't even trying anymore. They'll gladly throw insurance markets into chaos and strip away pre-existing condition protection for millions just so they can claim some kind of political victory. Whenever I think that party can't get any worse, they stoop to a new low. Now their trying to buy off Murkowski's vote, because the ACA is great for Alaska/Hawaii but not good enough for any other state?
  9. All hail Grandma! This stream is fantastic. Thanks for posting!
  10. The last thing we need are two raging lunatics with horrible hair, and their hands on a big red button, throwing insults and jabs at one another in some form of military dick measuring contest. Can we all agree that both their dicks are small and just move on?
  11. What the ****? GOP is really outdoing themselves on this one. Jesus H. edit: and LOL @ "Freedom Bill". What freedom is that? The freedom to pay significantly more in deductibles while gutting health options (PP defund)? I can just taste the freedom juice in this one.
  12. I agree with the overall premise and noted hypocrisy of McCain in that article, but the "thousands of deaths" line is hyperbole. Taking away people's healthcare can and will cause some deaths, but I think in this context it's an exaggeration.
  13. Yeah I don't get this either. I know he has brain cancer, but could he have literally forgot what he said to the cameras a few hours earlier? He's such a maverick that he went against his own 6 hour younger self? He must have been aware that bill didn't have a prayer of reaching 60, so he just fell in line like a good boy just because?
  14. I don't think I'm being vague. A "good fix" is anything better than what we currently have. Does a new system (or ammendments to the current ACA) still provide good coverage? Does it expand coverage to those that don't have it now? Does it lower the rate of premium increases? Is it affordable? You've been criticizing Democrats for their behavior on this bill, yet you admit the bill is total crap. Until a better piece of legislation comes out, expect more of the same.
  15. Something that wouldn't toss tens of millions of people off their health coverage and potentially double premiums? I'm basing this around the CBO's analysis. I don't care if it's an entirely new system, or fixing what's already there. If third party, bi-partisan analysis says a plan is good, I can get behind it. No independent outlet has said the Republican plans are any good. None.
  16. So Dems should not be up in arms, and should embrace the Republicans' plans that would, by the CBO's own admission, make drastic cuts to medicaid and throw between 23-33 million people off of healthcare? Why should Democrats be ok with that? Where is this bi-partisan effort by Republicans to craft better legislation for the country? The "Repeal and Replace" is bad for the country. The "Repeal Only" is bad for the country. Don't fault D's for pointing at a pile of **** and calling it a pile of ****. Let's not pretend what the R's are trying to pass is good legislation. Like I said previously, if Republicans want a huge political victory, and something that would have broad support, take up the UHC or single payer ideas.
  17. If Republicans wanted an actual political win that would help their constituents and the country, they'd start taking up the debate on single payer health coverage. That has a ton of bi-partisan support. Instead, they'd rather dick around and put out two or three dog **** plans with terrible CBO scores, and try to ram it through for some political victory at the expense of the very people they were elected to serve. I don't see how they could possibly look themselves in the mirror and think throwing millions of health coverage is a good idea. It ****ing baffles me. I really wish Republicans would stop ****ing over the country for political reasons, and do something worthwhile. I mean, for ****'s sake, they could score political points by making positive changes to the current law. Then they could spout off that "hey, Obamacare was dog ****, but we fixed it, lowered premiums. Vote for us during the midterms." This is all besides the point they've had 8 years to come up with a better proposal. What were they doing all that time? Christ they are all idiots.
  18. I'll keep it simple: Alex Jones is a piece of ****. He just panders to the lowest common denominator, shouting bull**** as loudly as he can, for what amounts to marketing purposes. It's inflammatory and pathetic. What concerns me more isn't that loudmouth hemorrhoids like that exist, but that Trump, a sitting U.S. President, actually listens to him. That's ****ing scary.
  19. What's more impressive is that 48 of them in the senate still voted for a dog **** bill that would have hurt their own constituents. Complete pricks IMO. I'm surprised this bill had more than 30 supporting senators total.
  20. To Trump, I present you with this. Good day, old Chap.
  21. This is the real story the country needs to find the truth about. None of that Russia conspiracy crap. We need to find out how much Killary knew, what she knew, and when she knew it. On a side note, that Wallace/Shepard exchange was pretty intense. How long before they get fired I wonder.
  22. Out of all the pulsating hemorrhoids fermenting on the foul anus that is Trumps Presidency, the one that needs to be popped the most is Kellyanne ****ing Conway. Just watching that nightmare creature speak makes me queasy.
  23. Clearly, Sessions has absolutely nothing to hide and was as forthcoming as one could possible expect a public servant to be. Nailed it!
  24. No, my thoughts are what the left in this country thinks about politicians on the right. Republican fiscal policy, Wall Street deregulation, etc., is far more likely to hurt the Republican base than anyone else. My thoughts that the Republican party is full of alt-right pandering nutters is only half true, but that they are filled with greedy corporatism and lack a spine is a fact.
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