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Everything posted by Wildbunny

  1. A normal team with a normal owner would have dealt that before doing anything by talking and dealing with them so that never happens. And anyway, if we were a normal team with a normal owner they wouldn't have complained at all. This story feels like "we just want to **** up with Dan".
  2. Maybe they'll have wire models to represent the hogs with Commanders Shirts on to make them look legit.
  3. I wouldn't want them to call something Vibraniumif it's not high quality material... Calling Aluminium-like material Vibranium would be dumb. Furthermore @FootballZombie will probably tell you that someone already have registered a TM on it. Just like Adamantium, impossiblium, Mithril or Gromril...
  4. That's more the use of the technology here. You shouldn't be able to scan and check people jobs to grant access or not. That's where you should draw the line. And even then, you shouldn't be able to own your own databases and use this tool connected to some specific databases.
  5. From what I understood about the Patriots would be that even if it's announced now, it wouldn't be ready until March or something like that due to training time for Ukrainian that would take place in Germany. Obviously, I would expect that a Zelensky move to Washngton means something kinda important is gonna be said here, so I'm expecting something a bit different than saying "Hey we're gonna give you Patriots and you'll have them in 4 months!". Ukrainians need help, and they need it now. We always seem to be a bit late in delivering what they need. It would be great if for once we could give something to prevent Russia from diving more into horror and destruction.
  6. It's pushed too far because of the reason she was kicked out. That kind of technology shouldn't be used for that kind of reasons.
  7. I would say that's another proof of technology pushed a bit too far. That kind of tool is useful for terrorists and stuff like that. I'm fine with that, but as always you've got genius that thinks it's cool to push it so that match their own interests. You bet those guys that kicked her out would get infuriated if they were offered the same treatment just because they work here. Edit; Next step of this **** is China.
  8. That's something I read quite often and do agree. Last year they where quite the force of our offense. Now, all of a sudden, as we do have some RB and WR play, the TE are suddenly out of the equation. I don't really get why. That's kinda the same QB, same OC, same TE coach if I'm right. So that's really bothersome. Any clue?
  9. Me too, yes. Rewatch the action, ball is send in his direction. He got outspeed by Lautaro. But you can clearly think he was the intended receiver of the pass.
  10. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and have no clue what "affecting the play means". Messi is less than five yards away where the ball lands, he's part of it.
  11. Ball goes from right to left, messi is entirely in the play at that moment, so that's an offside. Definately. It doesn't matter if he's the destination of the pass, what matters is being part of the play and he definately is part of it. That part of the rule was to prevent guy being on the opposite side of the play, going backwards and such to cancel an action. That's not what Messi is doing here. I could also talk about the Yellow card Giroud took. Why did it took it? Because the defender made a pass to his goalkeeper with the knee. Which is also forbidden. Regarding the shootout session, it was obvious we couldn't win it. Griezman, Rabiot, Varane and Giroud were subbed and we only had Mbappe as someone with experience here. So ending was obvious.
  12. For sure, in Champions League, Saudi rarely beats Argentina... Steel feels like Argentina don't really deserve their title. They barely escape a B' France team that got hit by a sudden virus this week that really played 30 minutes in a 120 minutes game. Their second goal is a thing of collective beauty, but besides that, they where quite meh to me. Dominating but without much excitment as we where waiting for them. Game went fun when we decided to play a little bit more and at that point, Argentina stopped existing and needed a missed offside (Messi!) at the very beginning of their third goal to take the lead. I believe you're mistaking free kicks and penalty kicks. Penatlies are also different from those shootout sessions at the end of the game as action goes on after a penalty, when in the shootout session it's over if the goalkeeper stops it (you don't have a second chance).
  13. Nope. Neither was it when we used to track his yacht to see if he was going to Congress or not... We just used it to have fun out of him.
  14. I've asked Santa to give me a "Dan Snyder sold to XXX" news for Xmas, but to each their own We're already in the driver's seat. All we have to do is take care of our games and we'll be in. Playoffs scenarii are here to be broken and see the most unimaginable ones happen...
  15. Yeah, but we know they don't want to have to do it. So watch our next referring crews and how our games are officiated. That should tell us what the real position of owners is.
  16. They would ask Wagner to do it, most likely, and say they have nothing to do as Wagner is a private company illegal in Russia. Then I wonder what would happen if that country, whoever it is, strikes Wagner's positions in retaliation...
  17. I would love to see everyone move on from twitter and see Musk cries as he loses a ****load of money.
  18. Don't want to jinx the thread about this, but I often thought about that. It's a really great philosophical question.
  19. I have to disagree here. Producing 120% of energy is just huge. That ratio up to now has been really low, so it would be a major step. Sure, it's quite huge, takes lots of place, but this process will get upgraded as time goes by, will get smaller for probably better production out of it. Just like computers... It's a major step and everyone will want to have this kind of energy, because, basically, you're just creating energy that didn't exist prior to it.
  20. I would believe that Jerry is more interested in the part where Dan threw Goodell under the bus saying he was informed of the whole thing and didn't moved at all. Jerry doesn't like Goodell and would do what he can to get rid of him.
  21. Wait what? There's bright movies with John Cusack?
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