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Everything posted by Wildbunny

  1. I used to be in the Bezos camp because he can spend a lot on this team without worrying much. He's got enough money to finance everything all by himself, thought that's no garantee he will ever do it. Still, reading your many posts and other articles about Rales and Harris as me more than fine with both and would even say that they do have an edge, for me at least, over Bezos. So congrats! You converted me to it, even if I'm not gonna complain if it's Bezos I'm not reading those bids as "struggling" more like smart businessesmen that don't want to overpay for something. Bezos is no different, even if he can bid at 10 billions, there's no chance he will do it. If he wants to outbid everyone, he'll do it just enough to secure his bid. To make it short, if Bezos values the team at 5 Billion, why should he bid at 7 just to win? As usual, buyers wants to buy at the lowest price possible, and seller wants to sell at the highest prices. Sellers are often overestimating what they are selling, except when they want to sell it quick and undersell it willingly to get rid of it.
  2. Yeah the guy even nearly publicly threw his boss under the bus saying that Dan selling will be a boost for the team lol. If he wasn't convinced it would be sold he wouldn't have told that. Maybe he wants to wait for Seattle or he thinks thet team is in too bad of a state and 6 billions aren't worth it. But two things: - Nobody knows when the Seahawks will be up for sale.So that's a choice between one thing you can grab now, and another maybe later but you don't know exactly know. - The Seahawks may be even more costly after the Commanders are sold. Team is in better shape, that's true, but buying the Commanders has way more potential. This team used to be 1/2 in merchs gear. So there's way more potential than the Seahawks if th new owner clean the mess correctly. Still that's Bezos' choice, and nobody will force him to do whatever they wants, he'll do as he thinks is the better option for him.
  3. That's what I was thinking up until reading those quotes from Wright. Trying to remain objectives about him so far, I realy disliked how he handled stuff, but he was also a good soldier for Dan and protected him as much as he can. Reading those quotes, he looks like he's eager to keep on working for this franchise without Dan around. He basically told everyone that Dan was the problem a few days/weeks prior to the sale. So that's a possibility that he could be better at the job without Dan above him. Same for almost everyone. I could argue the same about Ron that was given full control. Maybe to try to get not much interference from Dan regarding the football side. A smart new owner would evaluate everyone and see how they operate under a new regime that is more respectful of people within it and doesn't reign in fear. Sometimes people makes wonder in a better environment. I know myself, I wouldn't give a **** if my boss was an asshole like Dan Snyder and wouldn't be a good employee because he wouldn't deserve it. But under a boss I like? Man I'm gonna do wonders.
  4. If that happens, I'd like for any or all of them to offer vanilla ice cream to Dan
  5. Yes, but if the highest bid is around "5 Billion in the Broncos sale" and no one is interested to get up, It's not garanteed that Bezos will top 6 Billion either. He may settle it at 5.75 Billion and that's it. Which will be a take it or leave kind of offer for Dan.
  6. That guy should stop drinking. Doing that would clearly trigger Article 5 as Netherlands are NATO. Empty threats as always...
  7. Feels like Harris is trying to bolster his bid because Bezos has already outbid him.
  8. When that happens, I'm expecting the NFL to fine us our next 10 first rounders and a $100M for cheating. I hope they'll deliver Touchdowns!
  9. Yeah, this looks like the surprise will be that there is no surprise.
  10. Never heard about her until 5 minutes ago, but I'm all in!
  11. That's interesting to note that at the end of the 2021 season, Matko was the best ****ing OL coach the world ever witnessed. Then at the end of the 22 season he was some crap coach that got our QB destroyed on any given sunday.
  12. USA are at war against Russia? Dang I missed something here! Russians pilots are gamblers and like to do stupid stuff like that, last time they "mistakenly inadvertently" shot a missile at a drone or Brit plane and missed it. They also had some history about it with Turkey and lost a plane and pilot there. And Russia stayed mum after that by the way. Still NATO has lots of countries that have access to the black sea, so Russians shouldn't consider this as their own propriety. HAving drones patrolling those lands is kinda normal considering the situation there. Will this stuff trigger article 5 or engage USA in a war? Obviously no. But I can see the Russian being warned, behind the curtain, that those types of drones can be equipped with Air to Air missiles and from now and then will be equipped as such and that Russian pilots shouldn't gamble to much, because well, bugs can happen you know. It would be a shame if a russian pilot was shot by a Windows 95 drone... They like to threaten and such, but they do not want to be engaged in a war with NATO by any means nowadays. Or they're completly foolish. (Well, they are already are, but that would be even worse then)
  13. I think you misunderstood what spearfather meant. If you believe this house is worth 1M are you gonna spend 1.5 or 2M on it even if you're worth 50M? Usually you don't became a billionaire spending that kind of money so easily. The fact that he can spend 6 Billion on buying the team doesn't mean he wants to do it if he believes the team is worth 5 at best and the highest bid is already at 5.6 or something. Nobody's questioning the fact that he can do it, all that remains to be seen he does he want to do it.Signing NDA means he's in the process and can get access to better info. It's in no way an insurance he'll get the team. If he's determinted to buy the team no matter what, then it'll be his, no doubt. But we have no clue about his determination. I wouldn't read too much into it. Selling isn't done yet, bids are still ongoing, so that's just casual business for the team so far, and nothing any future owner couldn't absorb in any way within the team's salary cap, so I doubt it's related to anything here.
  14. From what I gathered from the long article posted by Politico (link is one or two pages back and is really worth a read), those sanctions where meant to seriously limit Russia's military economic. Not much about everything else. And in this department it is succeeding. There was no way you could put a stop to an economy that is non existent in Russia baring St Petesburg or Moskow... You're bothering some oligarchs, maybe some people there, but the rest of Russia is not developped anyway and are living in the 19th century, so you bet they aren't gonna be affected by sanctions. War is already taking its toll on those populations.
  15. Yeah you'd better hide! And btw, I did the joke about Elon Musk some pages ago...
  16. Disagree. The best part is that Russian army is complaining about shortage of ammo, because it is given to Wagner.
  17. As long as it's not their kids, they are fine with it... Disgusting.
  18. I'm already expecting the dumbest route possible for him. But I still suspect he'll do something even dumber. Dan is a strong disciple of Murphy's law.
  19. I would say yes and no on this. It's a common theme in the article, that 2022 happened because we let Russia go away with Crimea and a bit more in 2014. 2014 is the beginning of the war in Ukraine no doubt, and I would say the roots of it startsq with the Maidan revolution. But 2014 happened because West didn't move at all when Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 or during the 2 Chechenya wars. We also let them operated freely in Syria, with Obama putting on a red line regarding dirty bombs and chemical weapons to not cross. Which was crossed and Obama turned the head. So for many years Putin did it his own way and nobody had anything else to say to Putin than bow to him and agree with him. So why should he have stopped here? He's been trying to restore USSR frontiers for Russia since he took over Russia. We can always pinpoit this war due to ourselves turning head in 2014 because we were scared, but the truth is that we've been letting them act freely for 20 years. Sadly, that's he Ukrainian a hefty price for our unwillingness to act years before. Hopefully, we finally woke up. And as one french reporter often says on TV regarding this war: "Democracies are often slow to act and move, but when they do, they are pretty damn effectives".
  20. Nope he didn't survived Normandy
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