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Everything posted by Wildbunny

  1. I'd like to see them do some shutout. It's been way too long we haven't shutout an opponent.
  2. I doubt they would really give a **** about it, especially if they want fans back.
  3. With tensions rising in Asia as well, investing in weapons companies seems like a goof investment.
  4. Yeah this is one more proof that money talks and everyone bows to it...
  5. That's not even given. Africa is even more corrupt than Russia. And with all the **** Wagner is doing there, it would be fun if NATO engaged Wagner's troops and bombed their asses to death wherever they are. Technically, that wouldn't be declaring war with Russia, Wagner is forbidden in Russia according to their law. So, should be free and fun to watch.
  6. For whatever reason, I believe we would still happen with Heinicke starting for us at QB at any point in the season. He's not the best QBin the league, but he's the one that gets the most out of his teammates, Offense or Defense. And you can absolutely not downplay that. We've spend 38 millions on QB that got us nowhere. At some point, if you're smart, ride with him as a stopgap for a year or two, he's at least fun to watch and can get you into playoff contention as well...
  7. They are probably one of the most overrated team ever.
  8. Can't wait for Jeff Bezos wishing us a Merry Christmas right after it's official he'll buy the team. Best Xmas gift ever.
  9. According to him, he's still officially POTUS because the election was rigged. So how can he still declare for 2024 has that will be his third term. Someone should tell him he's limited to 2.
  10. That would be kept within inner circles. And I wouldn't count Turkey against it as they could gain a lot too as well. Best part is that NATO could deploy weapons in Ukraine to defend itself if they feel like needed. They could even do that with no american soldiers as you could send Brits, French, Polish and many others there without sending a single US soldier in Ukraine. That would be one hell of a symbol and could force Europe's hand. Because, damn, we should be the one helping Ukraine the most here. Anyway, since Ukrainians since to be the ones that made the mistake, everyone can relax, nobody's gonna make **** about it. But it'll has shown Russia that we are quick to hustle, so there's still that.
  11. Well, you just can't come out and look flat at the same time. NATO is now appearing on prime time for the first time in history, they just can't look like Gruden's teams on prime time. That's the first time since NATO's creation that a missile ever hit a NATO country from another country. So you either look strong and competent and you're being taken seriously. Either you're a laughingstock looking like a nothingburger. I'm beginning to question what those generals really wants, because they doesn't seem to complain that much about Russia's stategy, equipment and everything that goes with it. If they are not interested in WW3, they are clearly not showing it. They've also stationed troops and missiles in Belarus, so...
  12. Well Russia already claimed this as "provocations" from the west. So they are clearly not in the "accident" department and are not trying to deescalate this at all. Anybody with an once of brain would answer "no" to that question. Still, as I said above, Russia talked about "provocation" and are clearly not trying to deescalate, Russia One is already doubling down on this comparing it to Belgorod (like it's forbidden to strike back at your ennemy during a war..) So anybody should answer "no", but considering the situation Putin is right now, with Wagner's boss being more and more critical and important, the answer for him might be yes. He would be able to sell the "NATO striked us" to his population and send them all against NATO/Eastern Europe. Sound stupid, but Russia has not been especially smart lately. I doubt Article 5 would trigger to defend a country that is already at war. As a whole you wouldn't have a consensus within NATO, so nobody would be forced to anything. Poland as already called for Article 4, which is kinda the logical choice in this situation to consult everyone about the matter. I don't see anybody going at war without US' approval. As I've stated many times in this very thread, the only viable army in Europe is France, and we're not exactly taylored for that kind of conflict. And after 8 months of war ongoing nearby, with haven't done much changes regarding this. Poland might be home of NATO's biggest base in Europe, they are not equipped to go against Russia. Ironically, that's a point where Trump was right when he urged European to increase their military participation in NATO. Nobody listened to him, but we should have. If Poland decide to act by itself, or with other NATO members like Lituania, Estonia, they would do it by themselves and that's it. Russia striking back would be considered as Russia defending itself against Poland. Even if those are NATO countries. That would probably force other countries into the conflict, I guess, ultimately, but not under the NATO banner. The meeting between Biden and Xi is gonna be huge here. And this strike is probably related to it. Last time China told Russia to cool down, Russia escalated it a bit more. I believe the meeting will be used to find out the limits not to cross to make sure China remains at dock. I wouldn't really trust them on their word, but they could use a weakening of Russia on the international stage, as well as US being involved in a conflict. As long as China keeps quiet, we're not into WW3 territory. That would be a huge conflict in Europe, for sure, but one we should be able to win. If China decides it's time to take on the US in the Pacific and ivade Taiwan, or unleash Kim Jung Un over South Korea, it would be way different subject... I'm suspecting this G20 meeting will be one to follow closely and China clearly has the best hand here.
  13. They'll probably do as you said, but I'll hardly call that incompetence. Even if they are neighbors, you have to wonder what kind of target they were aiming at that landing in Poland... Or maybe they shot it from Kaliningrad? Anyway, I wouldn't complain if NATO striked a thing or two to remind them to stay where they are supposed to.
  14. I actually needed to google that to get it
  15. They hardly ever had a plan A to begin with...
  16. OK, what's his phone number? I could make use of a few billions to buy a certain team from a certain guy...
  17. Dan also still have this loan with the NFL too. He's more greedy than anything else, so I believe he'll go with the highest bid and that'll be it. Honestly, now I'm wondering how long before we hear about those bids.
  18. It takes two to have a deal. You're not gonna reach this without Dan being OK with it. Sadly, it just takes one guy to **** it all up.
  19. The owners have to approve the buying. But I believe in this case they'll be more than happy to approve almost anyone that is kinda credible just to get rid of Dan Snyder. So as long as he doesn't sell it to joe schmuck, they'll approve the deal and go:
  20. I doubt they would say no to anyone as long as it puts Dan out of the NFL. From their perspective that's a major point. Still, they do have some power regarding it, as they are the one that put Dan in the circle by putting the Cook family out and waiving Milstein group and urging Dan to bid by himself. Different era, different situation, but I believe they do have some leverage if they really want to. I could see them forcing his hand and choosing to takes bid X, even if Dan wants to go into a bidding war just because Bezos is in it.
  21. If Dan is really having cash issues lately, then selling the team will be his only option with this lawsuit. And personnally I would find it fun, and moral, if Dan sells for $7 billion to be fined $6.999.999.999. Sounds fair to me. But the team being named as a separate entity in this case would also lower its selling price I believe. Or will rebuke some few bidders. Don't know...
  22. There seems to be lots of people interested in buying this franchise. If Dan wasn't so dumb he would be making way more money than those 7 expected...
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