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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. I have adopted two dogs within the last month. The first dog was very shy initially. He was beaten prior to me. I want to beat his previous owner. A month later, the dog became energetic and did a 180 form where he was. He is so friggin sweet. I love him. I don't know how you could be mean to this dog. The second dog I adopted is an Australian Shepard. He was kept outside on a lead. His name was razor, now Lupin. What a bad name for this dog. He is super sweet. My problem with him is the fact he was hit by a car prior to my adoption. He was hit so hard that his pelvis is crooked. He needs to have surgery. They are going to remove the ball of his femur (FHO) and allow the muscles to build up scar tissue and muscle to hold his femur in place. I'm very pissed at this owner. It's not that he is going to cost me $5,000 between surgery and rehab, it's that the person before me allowed him to be hit by a car and didn't do anything about it. The dog had to have laid around for many months. It is so bad that he had to have just laid around after the accident. His rear muscles are really small despite being less than two years old. I went to the humane society and complained about his condition, They said I could bring him back for a refund, but I said no. I just didn't want his previous owner to adopt another dog. I am going to foot the bill, but he's worth it. I couldn't ask for a sweeter dog. That's my two dogs. I couldn't be happier with them
  2. Gorod, I love the music, dislike the vocals. Any The Ocean fans?
  3. Saw these guys open for Pantera, sometime around the late '90s early 2000. The singer Ben Falgoust says the band name. I thought he said Soul and Cream. I thought, what a dumb name for a metal band. Looked everywhere for a Soul and Cream album. Never found it. It was probably a year after that I finally figured out it was Soilent Green
  4. I liked Beal's something old something new theme
  5. So, cool little story since I saw Anciients posted in here. My wife and I went to Chattanooga a couple years ago for a quick getaway. We were looking for something to do and went into a small dog pet store. Everything is nice and pretty. I walk to the back and for some reason check out their board with advertisements. Low and behold in three hours Lamb of God was playing within walking distance. My wife's favorite band. So, of course we walk over and buy tickets. Some guys were standing out front and asked if we liked LOG. I said Opeth was more my style. They said to make sure I watched Anciients. They were badass. Bought their album the next day. This Sunday I will see the Slayer tour. Little bumbed that Chris Adler won't be on drums. But, I usually don't pay attention to LOG anyways. They are a pit band for me.
  6. Speaking of Enslaved: Old Opeth is probably my favorite band of all time. But, their last three albums have been hit and miss. I don't mind that Akerfeldt doesn't growl anymore, but at least do some more upbeat songs like Era: Also, Primus is great live. Saw them with Mastodon and they did a lot of jamming. They did so much, even my wife who loves Primus complained about it.
  7. Enjoying GLOW at the moment. It's about the gorgeous ladies of wrestling. It's fairly funny and the episodes are about 30 minutes. 10 episodes. I give it a B.
  8. Watched Founder on Netflix. It is about the founding of McDonalds and how Ray Crock got control of the company. Michael Keaton does a fantastic job. Solid A from me. Also watched Christine on Netflix. It's about the life of reporter Christine Chubbuck and her life leading up to her on air suicide. Rebecca Hall does a great job. I always like her. Another solid A.
  9. What a piece of ****. I wish that video was more clear so the cops and his job could get a better picture of him. He also began to raise his gun at the guy coming through the door and then quickly put it down. I would have taken my kid and gotten out of there. What if he accidentally shot the guy coming through the door because of his cowardliness. If the guy walking through the door was black, would he have done that as well? I see no reason he should have pulled a gun. Obviously the black guy wasn't armed and if he was, what if he had a permit? What if there was no intention to use a weapon? Furthermore, he really felt up the guys crotch. I guess he liked what he felt.
  10. Saw people joking the other day and they said something to the affect "How do we know only Japan has Ninjas. Maybe every country does and they are just the worst at their job"
  11. This really pissed me off. At first I couldn't believe they didn't arrest this guy right there on the spot because he was obviously a danger to everyone there. My wife brought up the point that maybe the cops were taking the safe route because they didn't want innocent people to get caught in a crossfire. Especially if the supremacists all had guns and decided to stick up for their racist partner. They have him on camera and I really hope we hear about him getting arrested. There is no reason he shouldn't be. He needs to do prison time and have his gun license revoked if he has one,
  12. Turbo Kid is fun. It's like a bunch of kids got together with no budget, decided to do a post apocalyptic movie in the style of Mad Max, but instead of cars, everyone rides bikes. It's nostalgic, cheesy, and has a killer '80s style synth soundtrack. Also, there is gore, lots and lots of gore. Grindhouse like. I give this a B overall, but it is a blast to watch. Also, this is streaming on Netflix
  13. I agree they were brats. I don't know how I would handle the ending. Hard to know something is forged and hand it in.
  14. Just watched 99 homes on Amazon. Michael Shannon is awesome as usual and Andre Garfield does well. It's about a guy that has his home foreclosed on then works for the realtor that foreclosed on the home. You can see the end coming from a mile away, but it was still worth the watch.
  15. Finished up Mad Dogs on Amazon. They are only putting out one season and it wraps up nicely. I recommend it. On the second season of Narcos now and I love it.
  16. You know they eat recluse right? Now your dad will be murdered in his sleep What a great son you are.
  17. I started Supernatural on Netflix. Half way through season one and I am enjoying it so far. There are a ton of shows, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
  18. I always volunteer to pour at the Rocket City Brewfest. Fantastic event which allows me to get in free the following day. Saves $45. Anyways, my friend was pouring next to me this past year and she had two different citrus flavored IPAs. A group of guys walked up to her and asked what she had. She told them. The IPAs she had were only 4.5%. They laughed 'Only 4.5% for an IPA?, No' I shook my head. They pay to get in to this festival and refuse to drink the beer over the percentage of alcohol.
  19. The nose and ears tell the story on this one:
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