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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. Dude sliding on the deck is hilarious, but the funny part to me is the guy watching. There is absolutely no expression on his face. He is like yep, he is sliding again. It's as if he has seen this a dozen times. Maybe the gif doesn't allow enough time to show his reaction, but you would think it would at least show the start of a flinch or smile or something.
  2. Saw One Million Ways to Die in the West. I have seen bad reviews for it, but I really enjoyed it. The humor was strange because it was current, yet still went with the movie, I guess. Great guest appearance about mid movie. I would give it an 8.5/10. Of course, good comedies have been lacking for awhile. Saw Captain America finally. It was good, 8/10. I wasn't blown away by it, but I may be getting a little tired of Super Hero Movies. Watched the first season of Orphan Black. The actress is awesome! I am amazed at the characters she plays and how she uses different mannerisms for each. Show-9/10 the actress-10/10! Saw the Monuments Men. Only 5.5/10 for that one. It seemed really choppy. I really think this could have been a fantastic movie. Finally, saw Pacific Rim. Nothing special again, but it was a good action packed popcorn flick. 6/10
  3. I think Bronson was my first Tom Hardy movie as well. For those that haven't seen Lawless, I believe it is coming to Netflix streaming in the middle of the month. I will be watching it again. The Way Back was great. I have tried to get my friends to watch it, but no luck. Shoot, tried to get one of my friends to watch Deliverance one day, and he got bored and said it wasn't manly enough. Needless to say, I laughed in his face. The Road was great as well.
  4. Just read how Tom Hardy is in talks to play Sam Fischer in Splinter Cell. One word - Awesome!! I really liked him in Bronson as well. Just watched Saving Mr. Banks. Great movie. Highly enjoyable. I haven't looked to see how much of it is truth or not, but if it is true, Walt really displayed some patience. I am not going to put up the full synopsis to avoid any type of spoilers, but it is about how Walt Disney acquired the rights to Marry Poppins.
  5. My buddy has a blue heeler and he doesn't pay any attention to it. The dog is nuts and uncontrollable because it needs to have something to do. He thinks the dog is a jerk, but it is him. I keep telling him this, we have had many arguments over the dog because it kills me to see such a smart energetic dog not being worked and loved on a daily basis. I am going to try to talk him into giving the dog to me, but I don't think he will give him up.
  6. At first I was like WOW! Haven't heard of Old Bay? It was kind of a staple in my house growing up. It is great on crabs. I grew up in D.C., and Florida so it was always available. My buddy throws it on ribs, which I don't recommend. It is o.k, but there are way better seasonings for ribs. Got to try the Dead Rise. d0ublestr0ker0ll, is that a Border Collie Mix? I have a Border Collie, mostly white, and an Australian Sheppard, boy do I love those dogs! They are my kids. I kind of dive from beer to beer, always loving something different and always moving to the next thing. I don't consider myself any kind of expert though. Lately I have been enjoying Oskar Blues Old Chub. I am not great at identifying beers taste, but to me it has that whiskey taste that some beers are going for today, but it is not that strong of a taste. It's not like you drink it and say, well I might as well have bought some whiskey. That is what I always say to myself while drinking those. Anyways.....
  7. That was the least funny part for me. That joke is old. I used to say it 12 years ago. I saw Don Jon. Scarlett-WOW!!!! But, the rest of the movie sucked! Scarlett was in the first half, then she gave way to the whiny, crying,skeletor looking Juliann Moore for the second half. She may be a nice person, but she is just one of those people that I cannot stand looking at. I don't know why. This movie was a big let down. Also saw G.I. Joe Retaliation - sucked also. They haven't done justice to the Joes at all. It really needs more characters, not just Marines fighting a guy dressed up like Cobra. It is just an over the top military movie.
  8. I was waiting for the 'Thanks Obama' afterwards.
  9. Just watched We're the Millers. My wife and I laughed our butts off. I think it is my favorite comedy since Ted. Also, Jennifer Anniston is still hot! Of course, it is a bit easier when you have lots of money.
  10. He is getting Jiggy With It. White people refer to a popular Will Smith song when they know they can't dance. It is the only explanation. By the way, I also get Jiggy With It.
  11. Agree about Rachel! Also, if you ever want to marry her, her movies have implied that you have to be able to time travel, or she is not interested. She is the go to woman for time traveling romantic movies.
  12. yep, really like the Internship and loved Django! Recently watched Gravity. I thought it was overrated. It was more action packed than I expected, but it was just meh. I can't put my finger on what I didn't like about it. Maybe, my expectations were too high from all the positive talk.
  13. The Washington Shatners. You know what shat is past tense for..... And because we are going to be great from now on I think it is fitting.
  14. I thought this was excellent. I had to watch it a few times and look up the sequences on the internet to completely understand it, but it was great. Primer is a 2004 American science fiction drama film about the accidental discovery of a means of time travel. The film was written, directed, and produced by Shane Carruth. Primer is of note for its extremely low budget (completed for $7,000), experimental plot structure, philosophical implications, and complex technical dialogue, which Carruth, a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and a former engineer, chose not to simplify for the sake of the audience.[2] The film collected the Grand Jury Prize at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, before securing a limited release in the United States, and has since gained a cult following.[3]
  15. Actually this is the path I have decided to take. At four shows in I was like eh... now I am at 10-12 shows in and I am hooked. It is awesome. I watched 6 shows yesterday alone. All of my friends have watched it so I am an outcast. I didn't think I was going to watch it because there are so many episodes and they are long, but they flew right by yesterday.
  16. Cool, I didn't know there was any kind of humor in Justified. I have been wanting to watch it, but keep putting it off. I love Archer. I wouldn't mind a three way with Cheryl and Lana. Well, umm.. that is just creepy.
  17. I watched the first few shows. Does it get any better? This used to be one of my favorites, but the writing isn't as intelligent as it used to be. Still enjoy it though.
  18. Thanks for the hulu + recommendation. Always Sunny is a favorite of mine. It is an acquired taste. I can't get any of my friends into it. My favorite is Kitten Mittens.
  19. There are some great recommendations in this thread, but does anyone have anything funny to recommend? I liked 30 Rock, Seinfeld, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Key and Peele etc.... I really don't like Parks and Rec, although I really like, Aubrey Plaza. I only watched the first season and found it dull. Same with Office Space. I heard Community is good, but they don't have it on Netflix. I think the actors are great, but the show stumbled it's way through the first season, well, in my opinion. I thought it was a bit boring, but it did receive favorable ratings. I read somewhere that they thought about cancelling it, but the ratings were too good. So it is back for at least one more season.
  20. Yes, I love Dexter. Very interesting and I don't consider it slow moving. It is one of my favorites. I am near the end of season 7 and there really was only one season I didn't enjoy that much and I think that was season 5. It wasn't horrible, just not up to standard. I will say that it took me about 6 episodes to start to appreciate it. But then I was hooked. He is the perfect serial killer.
  21. I assume you are talking about the Following. Really enjoyed it at first. I am fascinated with serial killers and I like Kevin Bacon, but halfway through the first season I started getting really bored with it. I just wanted it to be over. I finished the first season, but I am not going to start the second. My guess is it is gone after this season. I would recommend skipping it.
  22. I really loved Orange is the New Black. Heard there is a second season on the way. I also have to get started on the second season of Lillehammer. The first season was great!
  23. Yep, Breaking Bad is one of my favorites. It is just now getting its just dues. I will keep that in mind
  24. I agree, what the hell is wrong with you?! I watched it a second time with a couple of people and they did not like it too much. Yet, and admittedly I have never seen it, they are big fans of Elementary. One person told me Cumberbatch is not a good Sherlock. I was about to throw fists.
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