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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. DC/Metro economy is somewhat insulated because alot of it is driven by government spending, which never decreases. It is affected for sure but it is nowhere near like what happens in other regions of the country.
  2. I put money into my 401k, but it seems impossible to insulate it from any stock market hits. it doesn't seem like theres any easy way to tell the fund to move the money to bonds.
  3. Its news to me that Matt Albers is still in the league. Hadn't heard that name in a long time.
  4. Maybe Kenobi is a common name, like Smith. In ANH, he says he never recalled 'owning a droid' So maybe he was just 'borrowing' R2 or something. I don't think 'all the locals' knew of him, I'm pretty sure it was only Uncle Owen/Aunt Beru (and Luke, by extension) We know ~20 years pass between Ep 3 (RotS) and 4 (ANH), but Is it canon exactly how old Kenobi was at the end of Ep3 or the beginning of Ep4 ?
  5. This was my whole internal thought process with the double-action ban "Wow the AR-15 is an incredibly dangerous weapon and shouldn't be available for general civilian use" "But what makes the AR-15 dangerous? Is it really the fact that it is a 1) rifle and 2) semi-automatic." "Yes. Well in that case, we should probably go ahead and say no semi-auto rifles, though bolt-action/pump-action/lever-action would be OK. " "But what about handguns? The Virginia Tech shooter was able to kill 32 with just two semi-auto pistols. " "Well maybe we should probably ban semi-auto pistols, as well" "What about revolvers then? You can fire off a double-action revolver almost nearly as quick as a semi-auto pistol. Its just two trigger pulls/bullet instead of one." "Then we should probably go ahead and ban DA revolvers." Then I considered, "So we can use two hands and manually **** the revolver very quickly after firing. Like on Gunsmoke." "Well at least then the shooter will have to use two hands, so can't have a gun in both hands. After six bullets they will have to pull out another gun or reload,, which takes 4-5 seconds with a speedloader and fair amount of training, though some highly trained and practiced people can do it very quickly, under controlled conditions. During this time, there is the potential for unarmed people to escape or even potentially rush and overpower the shooter."
  6. Personally I'm in favor of banning semi-autos even on handguns as well as their revolver equivalents, double action revolvers. The self defense / home defense situations where semi-auto is really necessary are incredibly rare. And you don't need it for hunting. No way in heck that would pass though. In reality, semi-auto action isn't really that less dangerous than full auto, though full auto would likely be more dangerous in some situations (crowds). The Las Vegas shooter probably could have done alot more damage with full auto, though he did have a bump stock which was nearly the same thing. On the other hand, the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 and wounded many more with only two handguns. This is all about reducing body count though, it would also be nice if the shootings just didn't happen in the first place.
  7. It should be the gold standard for TV shows, at least dramas. Breaking Bad came close, but had some "Jump the Shark" moments in S5/S6. The Sopranos was also good, but it in retrospect there wasn't any overarching theme and it was basically a soap opera.
  8. I'm of the opposite opinion, I thought it was one of the better seasons. Yes it was a dark season, though there were of rays of hope for some of the characters. It was obvious they were going for commentary on the current political climate As for Piper Worse season for me was probably season 5. The riot plotline was drawn out way, way too long
  9. Wow awesome comeback... This clip is just too funny though
  10. in the short term yes, however in the long term I think the NRA has a real problem. The number of households with guns has been declining. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/despite-mass-shootings-number-of-households-owning-guns-is-on-the-decline/ The less people owning guns, the less they are likely to sympathize with extreme gun positions. I think once the baby boomer start dying off, you could see some real political change.
  11. At least the Phillies have somewhat of an excuse ... Knapp (.196) is their backup catcher, McCutchen being injured forced Quinn (.189) into the lineup, Nola (.067) is a pitcher and no one cares about pitchers BA. I agree your 3B (Rodriguez) hitting .222 is pretty poor, though he does have a ~.700 OPS so not a complete disaster. Much worse is the Orioles who have been running Chris Davis(.182), Richie Martin(.195) and Steve Wilkerson (.229) out there, and all of them considered starters, and its not because anyones injured. Martin and Davis OPS are below 600 and Wilkerson is ~675.
  12. Buh bye Chris. I think there's no way he's on the roster next year.
  13. Was just about to post this - he almost certinaly could have gotten a double on that last hit but for some reason slowed down... maybe he just wanted to get the "hit for the cycle" highlight.
  14. Magazine capacity would be something to be looked at. However it takes all of 2-3 seconds for an experienced shooter to eject and slap in a new mag so its not much of a barrier. For a revolver using a speed loader, its a little more like 4-5. Also, its not hard to homebrew high capacity magazines. Granted they are somewhat crude and unreliable. But for someone going on a killing spree, they only need to work once.
  15. To me I would define it as any rifle capable of semi-auto fire. You don't need semi-auto for hunting deer or target shooting, sorry. Semi-auto was designed to maximize military effectiveness, which is to neutralize (kill or seriously wound) enemy soldiers.
  16. Mancini's value is more as 1B. Elias will have a good argument to management in the offseason for dumping Davis as he is blocking Mancini from playing the position which will maximize his value in any potential trades, which also has the effect of blocking guys in the pipeline like Hays, Stewart and Mountcastle.
  17. I doubt it. Elias knows its going to be 2022 at the earliest when the Os are able to serious contenders. Bad teams can go on runs, but they're still bad teams. If the right offer had come along for someone like Mancini, then I have no doubt he would have pulled the trigger. But he's under control for three more years and we would need legit prospects in return, not just C grade guys. I think with Givens, the offers probably weren't good and we hope he can rebound next year so we can get something at the deadline. My thinking about Cashner now was more of a salary dump than anything.
  18. Probably not enough interest to justify a trade. We don't have alot of players who are both good and set to become FA either this year or next. Villar is basically an average 2B and Givens hasn't been exactly been lighting it up.
  19. I like to focus on this life, as its the only one I'm sure I'll have
  20. Only thing I can think of is its such a change of pace. You're used to expecting 90+ mph fastballs, ~85 mph change ups, 80 mph breaking balls, and then all of a sudden a guy starts throwing ducks and it throws you off. On the other hand, shouldn't those position players who have "good arms" be able to throw a decent fastball? Breaking pitches I can understand take technique. But why doesn't 3B whos used to throwing hard across the diamond, at least be able to hurl one in from the pitchers mound at a decent velocity?
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