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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. Too bad they couldn't have Ovechkin suit up for a game. He might not be very good at baseball but I bet he could send a hard slapper to the pitchers mound that would have nearly killed Cole. With their #3/4/5 pitchers, no, they would not. They would get destroyed.
  2. Its the pitchers If the Astros plate 2 or less runs through 7 tomorrow, it won't because they "decided to stop hitting"
  3. The first scene in the show has the Nights Watchmen encountering the Others. It is one of the more memorable and creepy scenes in the first season. It scared the bejesus out of me at least, and I don't scare easy. The leader (young guy) doesn't listen to the older, more experienced rangers who advise him to head back to camp after they found the dead wildings. They can sense something is not quite right, but the young leader insists they investigate, they run into the Others, two of them die and the third flees south of the wall and is later executed by Ned (for abandoning the Watch). Later in the season we have Benjen Stark go missing (but his horse and two of his companions turn up). The two dead companions come back to life and attack Commander Mormont. I could go on, but it definitely seemed like there was a theme of a supernatural/unnatural/magical force that the kingdom must deal with, presumably by putting aside their petty squabbles over their silly power games, with consequences for Westeros would be catastrophic if they did not. I think this is one case where D&D dropped the ball. Of course we have no books to compare to, so I can't say for sure. Its true, GRRM could have been going for "Humans are the real monsters" theme, and the Others/NK could be kind of a red herring. But that didn't really come across in the show, either.
  4. George Lucas would have done a better job with Season 8 than D&D Could work - having the last of the Children of the Forest be the one to kill the Night King would be an interesting twist, since they were the ones to create him
  5. That might be what they'd discuss at the players meeting. They don't want their guys getting too tense or second guessing themselves if they're playing the right way. The discussion might center around the pitching / defense needs to be better.
  6. I think its doable to finish the series in three books, possibly even two if GRRM could somehow get back to the pacing of GoT and Storm of Swords, and not the slow as molasses pace of Feast of Crows and Dance with Dragons It was obvious even before the later seasons of the show aired, that alot of the plotlines were total red herrings which GRRM is fond of ending rather abruptly and violently (e.g, Robb Stark). He was good at doing it such a way that it made sense and fit into the plot, and not the pointless/out-of-character way that took place in the show.
  7. Leadoff walk, top of the order for the Nats. Looks promising Edit: Robles now batting in the 9th slot, so not top of the order
  8. It would be cool to see someone break 130. It hasn't been done since Lemieux in 95-96 with 161 points though Kucherov came close last year with 128 A defenseman hasn't won the Art Ross since Boby Orr in 1975, who was the only one to do it (and he did it twice)
  9. John Carlson on pace for 160 points this year, which would shatter the record for most points by a defenseman currently held by Bobby Orr with 139
  10. Correct. Another interesting angle to the DH rule .. if the pinch hitter for the DH takes the field the next inning, then the pitcher has to bat in place of the fielder who was replaced , so you basically lose the DH for the rest of the game. https://www.baseball-reference.com/bullpen/Designated_hitter#The_DH_Rule
  11. At this point you have to think the UK is just trolling the EU
  12. At 70 pitches you probably leave them in, unless your bullpen is good and well rested. Or "down by a run or two" means trailing 4-3 or 4-2 and not 2-1 or 2-0. A pitcher whose allowed 4 or more runs through 6 innings is going to get pulled in either league. The decision to pull the pitcher is rarely driven by the desire to pinch hit for him. The other side of the coin is the fact that is with no DH, the use of pinch hitters is for the most part is dictated by the need to use them to pinch hit for relievers late in the game. In the AL, the manager has more freedom to use pinch hitters/runners without having to use them replace his pitchers.
  13. If not for Lundqvist that game should have been 7 or 8 to 2.
  14. Congratulations from an Orioles fan! I would think the Nats would actually want to face the Yankees rather than the Astros, though I hate the Yankees. When you have dominant starting pitching the playoffs like the Nats have had, the other teams lineup doesn't really matter all that much. The Yanks starters are pretty forgettable. The Astros on the other hand have Verlander and Cole. And the Astros lineup is almost as good as the Yanks anyway.
  15. Martinez need to pull Corbin now, pitches are all over the zone
  16. I think alot of DC soured on Harper when he openly rooted for the Knights against the Caps in 2018. You could kind of understand it if the Knights had existed when he was growing up in Las Vegas, but they didn't. They were a first year expansion franchise. But even they had been around for decades, he probably should have just kept on the QT, if he really wanted to be a franchise player for the Nats. DC hadn't sniffed a championship in one of the big four sports in 27 years at that point. You had the whole city pulling for the team, even if they were marginal/or not really hockey fans. But I think at that point, it was obvious he just didnt care.
  17. When they should be talking about Kawhi and George and the Clippers.
  18. Might have been checking to make sure the ump ruled it an out.
  19. Someone needs to make GIF of that premature Dodgers celebration in the 9th.
  20. Dave Roberts might not make it out of the ball park before he gets fired
  21. I predict a pitchers duel. Stras goes 7 giving up one run. I'll say solo shot to Bellinger. Buehler goes 6 also giving up one run high pitch count forces him to retire early. Single run is the result of a double by Zimmerman which drives in Soto from first. In the 8th, Maeda is on the mound. Dodgers hoping to save Jansen for a save opportunity. Nats pull ahead in the 8th on a pinch hit single by Cabrera which drives in Taylor who had stolen a base earlier on the inning. 8th inning ends with the Nats ahead 2-1. In the bottom of the 8th, Nats call Doolittle. Dodgers get runners but Doolittle gets out of a jam. Jansen pitches the 9th, Nats are unable to extend the lead. Bottom of the 9th, Hudson is called and shuts down the heart of the Dodgers order. Elated Hudson is mobbed as the Nats fielders converge on pitchers mound and stream out of the dugout and bullpen. Mostly depressed crowd slowly files out of Dodger stadium. The few Nats fans are shown jumping up and down celebrating.
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