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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. First class is like 3x more expensive than economy/coach. Would you also ask someone in a wheelchair to pay extra?
  2. Being tall should be in the same category as being disabled - they should not have to pay extra because they have inherent disadvantage. Perhaps there should be special seats for taller folk.
  3. I'm just going to take a wild stab that you never played competitive sports beyond maybe high school JV
  4. Good ending to Dallas/LA. LA couldn't stop the run. Also Dallas RB (Artis-Payne I think) actually should not have walked in for the TD - a first down would have ended the game. But whatever.
  5. Hypothetical : XFL team vs. good college team(maybe not BCS team, but lets say top 15), who wins?
  6. First away game is against the Athletics. I'm strongly leaning towards witnessing the warm welcome Oakland is sure to give the first Astros batter, live.
  7. We generally can't control anything that is airborne that we don't have a vaccine for, and even some airborne illnesses with vaccines we can't control because they keep mutating, such as influenza. Another good example is Tuberculosis. I tested positive for it 20 years ago along with a family member. Luckily it never advanced so now it is "latent" It is estimated a quarter of the world has TB including active and latent cases. Kills about 1.7 million/year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuberculosis
  8. I disagree that the AAF QBs sucked - some of them did for sure but I remember 2 or 3 of them were really good - if I remember Salt Lake and I think Orlando had a really good passing attack. And the Birmingham Iron were all about running and defense. Teams were really starting to establish their identities before that jerkoff pulled the plug.
  9. I don't think it matters even if the data is perfect. As a simple example, lets say you drop a ball from a height, and are able to perfectly measure its position h and time t, before it hits the ground. Run it through that fancy ANN and see what result you get at some time after it hits the ground (at which point it will bounce depending on elasticity, etc.) Without resorting to arguments based on underlying physical laws, there is simply no way to say with any degree certainty, how many infected there will be at some point in he future. Even in that case its tricky.
  10. ANNs and other ML techniques are terrible at extrapolations.
  11. Flu death rate is 0.1% Estimates for this death rate is around 2%. And it appears just as contagious as the flu.
  12. Maybe the UK wants to join the US. I mean they're hosting American football games, and now baseball games, leaving the EU, marrying American women, electing old white fat reddish white haired blowhards to lead the government ...
  13. There are a few elite goalies in history you would definitely pony up the dough for who were pretty much always effective in the playoffs - Brodeur, Hasek, Roy. In the modern era I don't think anyone has really come close to that level though. Maybe Lundqvist or Rask.
  14. I would define a soft Brexit as any agreement where the UK remains within the customs union and/or single market. Striking a trade deal isn't a soft Brexit, its just a trade agreement like the EU makes with many other countries. At this point I find a soft Brexit extremely unlikely. This is a transition period whose purpose is to buy time to hammer out a trade deal.
  15. Yes, it silly. Theres a few things that makes some guns more deadly than others 1) effective rate of fire, as measured on the order of maybe a minute. Here I include including all factors such as action, magazine capacity and reload mechanism 2) killing potential of a single bullet/projecticle 3) effective range So a semi-auto handgun, is alot less deadly than a semi-auto rifle, because the effective range is alot less. On the other hand, I'd say its more deadly than a bolt-action rifle, because you can put out more rounds in a shorter period of time, despite the individual bullets being less deadly in most circumstances (except for maybe some edge cases like a .22 carbine vs a Desert Eagle)
  16. Age doesn't matter, as he would essentially be a half year rental, who hasn't been playing well as of late. And most teams looking to make a Cup run, are pretty set at goalie.
  17. Plus Kobe admitted to sex, the only issue was consent. Kind of hard to prove to a jury with only a single witness
  18. The one thing Lebron has over both of them is he lead two different teams to a championship
  19. Not sure what your point is. LAPD grounded their helicopters. The crash occurred in LA county.
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