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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. There are a few elite goalies in history you would definitely pony up the dough for who were pretty much always effective in the playoffs - Brodeur, Hasek, Roy. In the modern era I don't think anyone has really come close to that level though. Maybe Lundqvist or Rask.
  2. I would define a soft Brexit as any agreement where the UK remains within the customs union and/or single market. Striking a trade deal isn't a soft Brexit, its just a trade agreement like the EU makes with many other countries. At this point I find a soft Brexit extremely unlikely. This is a transition period whose purpose is to buy time to hammer out a trade deal.
  3. Yes, it silly. Theres a few things that makes some guns more deadly than others 1) effective rate of fire, as measured on the order of maybe a minute. Here I include including all factors such as action, magazine capacity and reload mechanism 2) killing potential of a single bullet/projecticle 3) effective range So a semi-auto handgun, is alot less deadly than a semi-auto rifle, because the effective range is alot less. On the other hand, I'd say its more deadly than a bolt-action rifle, because you can put out more rounds in a shorter period of time, despite the individual bullets being less deadly in most circumstances (except for maybe some edge cases like a .22 carbine vs a Desert Eagle)
  4. Age doesn't matter, as he would essentially be a half year rental, who hasn't been playing well as of late. And most teams looking to make a Cup run, are pretty set at goalie.
  5. Plus Kobe admitted to sex, the only issue was consent. Kind of hard to prove to a jury with only a single witness
  6. The one thing Lebron has over both of them is he lead two different teams to a championship
  7. Not sure what your point is. LAPD grounded their helicopters. The crash occurred in LA county.
  8. The only connection of Kobe with the Mavericks is their only championship year (2011) they beat the Lakers in the Western Conference semi-finals.
  9. I don't think Ted is going to let Ovechkin go if he can help it. He means too much to the franchise. Only way Ovi's not a Cap is if he doesn't want to be. Those goals he scored last weekend were some old-school 20-year old Ovi stuff, At this point, I'm almost tempted to say he should be considered as a top-3 forward all-time. Of course you put Wayne and Lemieux first, but after that, a goal scoring, physical winger would balance out the line.
  10. This. Plus I think some people just love being contrarian, and like exercising the power they have. And I'm still salty Ripken didn't get 100%
  11. Didn’t realize the House of Lords actually did anything
  12. If all this is true, seems much worse than what Shoeless Joe got banned for
  13. So this was prior to the 2019 season ... when did the Astros and Red Sox violations occur?
  14. Thing is I can't find anything in MLB's official rules that says stealing signs with the aid of cameras is illegal.
  15. Making Kylo Ren the Big Bad would be kind of a joke
  16. Chomsky certainly thought so https://ideapod.com/35-noam-chomsky-quotes-will-make-question-everything-society/#On_Terrorism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Noam_Chomsky#On_terrorism
  17. They didn't do the math. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Enterprise could get from one system to the next sometimes in like an hour. So lets call that ballpark 5 light years. Milky Way is 50,000 light years across. 50k/5 = 10k. 10,000 hours / 24 hours a day = 416 days. So the Enterprise should be able to traverse the galaxy in a year and change.
  18. Whats kind of interesting is that for any potential spacefaring civilization that has interstellar travel, travelling to other galaxies really isn't that big of a deal. For example, the Milky Way is roughly 50k light years across. The closest galaxy is Andromeda which is 2.5 million lights years away. Say a civilization can travel across the Milky Way in about a week. Well that means its only 1 week * 2500k/50k = 50 weeks to get from the Milky Way to Andromeda. Its interesting because interplanetary travel vs. interstellar travel is totally different. We can currently traverse the solar system in roughly 1 year. But at the speed we do it would be something like 6,000 years to get to the nearest star.
  19. I see some flaming debris and another explosion before it hits the ground. This looks pretty suspicious. Edit: Actually it looks like its on fire, initially I thought those were just wing lights, but definitely look like its on fire as it goes down. This is of course possible, but again, looks a bit suspicious
  20. If there's one thing I can blame Obama for, it was not getting out the Iraq when he had the chance. Really there was no point in us being there after roughly 2010. Yes there was ISIS but we had Turkey and Saudia Arabia as airbases. Heck we probably could stuck a carrier in the Med and I don't even think Assad would have cared if we flew over Damascus to get rid of ISIS
  21. Yes, but the key word was proxy wars Trump has escalated and now risks direct war. It would have been like if the US had targeted Soviet or Chinese liasons in Vietnam, even though everyone knew they were arming the NVA/VC which in turn were attacking US forces, its foolish to risk a full-blown war with a major power like that.
  22. Can anyone with knowledge of the region shed some light as to what extent the Shia in Iraq are pro-Iran? Is there a possibility of full fledged civil war in Iraq between Shia, Sunni and Kurds ?
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