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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. With the super hero movies, there's lowered expectations. These are based on comic books after all. GOT was based on an authentic literary work. For the first 5 seasons, it was some of the best TV I've seen. It started going downhill in season 6, coincidentally when it tried to pick up where the books left off. Peter Jackson, for the most part, knocked it out of the park with the LOTR trilogy. Yes there were some changes/omissions, but nothing really gamebreaking. The complainers were really a tiny minority. My point is that people who **** on the show, aren't just doing it be trolls or contratrians. There are legitimate grievances.
  2. Ok, they might be somewhat capable of a decent scene, here and there, that wasn't in the books. But there were also some really bad ones. BTW Tower of Joy is described in an entire chapter of book one, during Ned's dream. The book version was much better, IMO.
  3. Its been poor since season 6 when they ran out of source material.
  4. They always mention Dornish wine. Being a dry climate, I'd imagine they have other exports which do well in warm dry climates such as olives, dates, figs, citrus. etc. The North most likely has a good lumber export industry. Also probably wool. The Eyrie probably has some minerals as it is very mountainous. Riverrun I'd say your typical crops such as wheat. Also good land for grazing cattle. Although not quite as productive as Highgarden. Dragonstone was likely just a trade / fishing port at best. I think its importance is due solely to its location the fact of its connection to the Iron Throne. Kind of like Gibraltar.
  5. That would be a reasonable ending for the show - destroy the IT, go back to 7 kingdoms.
  6. The only defense I can see of Jon leaving Ghost, is that Ghost would sometimes wander off and leave Jon, especially north of the wall. Remember Ghost isn't a dog. You don't chain him up or put him in cages. He doesn't necessarily follow Jon wherever he goes. He's a wolf.
  7. I wonder if your average casual basketball fan could name a single player on the Denver Nuggets
  8. I can think of a few possible justifications for it: - Winterfell was too well defended and the south was an easier target. - A powerful object/knowledge/person was needed somewhere in the South. - Draw armies away from Winterfell and ambush them out in the open if they follow. - The Night King was really just misunderstood and was tired of the gloomy weather in the North and has been looking just to catch a tan the whole time
  9. Another curveball would have been for the army of the dead / NK to completely bypass Winterfell and head south. Or perhaps they attack Winterfell by really only as a feint. But as I said before, we don't know how the story ends. For all we know there could be more AotDs/NKs out there.
  10. There was a fairly important battle in the late middle ages where they did place defenders outside the walls ... pretty sure it was a rebellion in Netherlands or Flanders or around that area, against France. The defenders won. I'll see if I can find out the actual battle
  11. I'm willing to reserve judgement until I see how the final episodes play out. But if that was the end of the WW, that was truly a letdown. It had become increasingly obvious that D&D, while great whey they had good source material, did not have the writing chops to finish the series well without GRRM finishing the books. The unceremonious exits of some characters bears witness to this. Most notably Baelish and Ramsey Bolton, but also other minor characters like Blackfish and Meera. Part of the problem was them just not having a long term plan, and they realized they were down to X episodes so had to condense and rush everything. Really they should have just not included those characters at all. Indeed, that was the decision they made in seasons 5/6 with regards to certain book characters who turned out to be total red herrings.
  12. It was a great episode. I have a little problem with how this works over the next 3 episodes. If the WW/Army of the Dead truly are finished, it will be a bit disappointing. This has been building up for 8 seasons and all they managed to do was force the wildings to flee south, blast a hole in the wall, overrun Last Hearth and then get defeated at Winterfell ? Meh. Thats barely more damage than the Ironborn or any other factions did.
  13. Another question is where did the Crown get the money to pay the Golden Company. The series had been pointing out the financial troubles they were in, the debt owed to the Iron Bank, the Lannister gold mines running dry. And then poof, Cersei can hire 20,000 mercenaries.
  14. The number of home runs being given up by our pitchers is the new Chris Davis.
  15. Nah I think it'd take alot more than that. Like PeterMP said, Durant to the Warriors was ridiculous one time thing, because the Warriors were already NBA champs with Curry and Thompson. The Clippers had Blake Griffin, Chris Paul and DeAndre Jordan and couldn't do jackcrap in the playoffs. Also remember when the Lakers got Dwight Howard, with Kobe and Gasol already on the team? How'd that work out?
  16. If either the series or the book tried to pull something like this, I'd personally seek out either D&D or GRRM and punch them in the face. Edit: Yes, Mad King's wife (Rhaella) also was his sister. So even if Mad King is not Dany's father she would still be Targ by blood but not in the line of succession. There is no mention of Ned Stark's father (Rickard) had any substantial contact with Rhaella prior to Dany's birth. He was arrested immediately after his arrival in KL when looking for his son Brandon (who was looking for Rhaegar and Lyanna), and burnt to death soon after. I'm pretty sure it could be ruled out based on the timelines alone. Dany was born in Dragonstone after KL was sacked and the Mad King was killed..
  17. She can't be a Stark, but for book readers there's some stories about the Mad King's wife supposedly having an affair with someone (a priest of the Seven, if I remember right) In other words, Jon would be the true king while Dany turns out to be the ****.
  18. Yes something along those lines. I would agree the WW definitely need to make to the South as sort of a poetic justice for the realm completely ignoring the real threat in their petty squabbles. I'm wondering if there is a "message" that GRRM has been trying to convey here, about people who disregard ethics in their quest for power and wealth.
  19. I think of her as about 16ish so I didn't find it problematic. And the fact that she's killed people quite deliberately. That passes as grown up to me.
  20. Durant only signs with teams that beat him in the playoffs
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