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Everything posted by Zguy28

  1. Terminal List...holy smokes! Not sure how it was only rated 16+
  2. I work for a medium size U S defense contractor who is subject to the mandate for all US employees. And you better believe then every communication regarding vaccine mandate blames president Biden.
  3. Something must be wrong, because I've been gone from this forum for a few months, and when I came back it was still full of threads about how terrible Republicans are and virtually nothing about anything positive the Democrats are doing. Granted, GOP continues to provide stupidity.
  4. prime example is my oldest son. He'd much rather be playing rocket league or some other game of the week then studying for cyber security degree. He took a threat to stop paying for his college and to raise his "rent" ( which goes into a savings account for after his graduation) to get him to buckle down at all.
  5. So, is Mitch McConnell "everything that is wrong with the GOP" or is it Donald Trump? i'm getting mixed messages...
  6. That's not unique to Republicans. That's most politicians in general.
  7. At the rate this is going, we may need the Avengers.
  8. I oscillate between this ^^ and "crazy... like a fox."
  9. But we have Hulu, video games, and pro sports to binge on... we're too fat and lazy as a nation to care (generally).
  10. I don't know. War would likely escalate to thermonuclear.
  11. When the people were pulled forward, their original past selves didn't change. You can't change the past, just make branches off the timeline... or something.
  12. Maybe the school could do a GoFundMe to make up the difference? How do you know they aren't already trying?
  13. No, but your Savior does. You know the truth. Dark nights of the soul can be agonizing. I have suffered it myself, yet also experienced intense spiritual times of refreshing. Even Mother Teresa doubted, and yet persevered.
  14. Ok. In your counter argument, what is "good"? As in good vs. evil or moral vs immoral? When you accept the existence of goodness, you must affirm a moral law on the basis of which to judge between good and evil. But when you admit to a moral law, you must admit that there is a moral lawgiver. The moral lawgiver is God. If it is not, and it is humanity itself that gives the moral law (as you and many others here obviously believe), then it is completely subjective and who are you to say your opponent is wrong/bad/evil?
  15. Which means really...not much. They could refuse an at worst, its a misdemeanor. https://www.lawfareblog.com/what-can-congress-do-if-flynn-or-anyone-else-refuses-comply-subpoena
  16. Let's see you make a Hallmark murder mystery out of this one Lori... I know, it will be set in a prison...
  17. I'm a self-described conservative, but believe climate change is real. However, even the article admits that the example farmer's fallow fields were salted from hurricane Florence. The deniers will latch onto that.
  18. I for one don't mind paying more taxes. It goes to meet less fortunate people's needs right?
  19. Already seeing re-posts of Nancy Pelosi's tweet on social media and comments like "I bet you'll never hear an apology from a single Democrat!!!!!!!!!!!" Like dude, its not wrong to condemn violence, you just care all about winning.
  20. Sorry, while I also saw a significant reduction to almost even, I'm more concerned why my taxes owed to Maryland increased 400% over my 2017 return. I must be paying into the free tuition fund or something. Glad I was ready.
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