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Everything posted by TMK9973

  1. The reception to the DC defenders is AMAZING! Went to a bar in ashburn to watch expecting to be the only one. There was a crowd that built up to about 25 people all watching and cheering for the Defenders. DC is STARVED for a winning football team!
  2. I have Eagles having to go 1-2-1 at best. Im not following all the tie breakers but im basing this on the espn playoff generator. Having said all that - Here is how i see it Cowboys are CLEARLY not winning any more games . Eagles - They beat cowboys (See above) obliviously we beat them . This leaves 2 against Giants but with Eli back and having something to prove - No problem. We beat the Eagles and cowboys (See above) Giants - We can take em. Also - if we reach the playoffs on a 6 game winning streak we will be unstoppable. So - In my unbiased, clear as day, view - Which can really not be disputed by anyone -The only thing standing the way between the Redskins to win a super bowl after starting 1-9 is the Packers this Sunday! My logic is solid.
  3. That was his strip price. Meaning what he paid when he bought a entire strip. Which, btw, he only gets credits, not cash back, for games not played (so he paid for game 4 as well, he will get a credit for that game that can be used on next year's tickets only. So yeah, again, he paid a lot for the year. And $170 WS strip price is 400 uper rows. Been a full STH since 2011.
  4. The guy who committed the domestic assault we welcome. But talking about it as if its not big deal -well -thats where the Astros draw the line!
  5. Even better -some of my closer friends who are die hards asked me before the presale -I DID offer to buy them tickets at my face for the presale. But i was clear that they had to be prepared to pay $300 to $500 a ticket that day, I couldn't tell them where the tickets would be until last second, and they would have less then 2 mins to decide and would have to be online during the time of the presale to make the call. Only 1 person actually agreed on those terms (Everyone else was like "I'll wait". That 1 friend got 2 tickets for lower level seats at $750 total. The other ones are now looking for tickets for under 1k. LOL.
  6. They are. Not for 10k or stuff like that - but my premium seats sold for $3200 each (Although that market is slow). PNC seats selling for around $2500. Standing rooms is selling for about $800 - $1100. Seats are selling for $1100 to $1500. When you list tickets -you have access to see what tickets are actually selling. Keep in mind - this is not greed. 1- DISCOUNTED Season ticket holder prices were still between $250 and $600 2- Anyone who got tickets at those prices (or 90%+) was a Season ticket holder. Which means -they paid basically full price for all (or at least half) the games. So all those games that they couldn't make, and tickets were being sold for $5 on stub hub - those mid week games against the marlins that had 12k fans there - those STH paid full price. so they lost hundards / thousands. Nats finally made the WS and they are now FINALLY able to recover some of their losses. (I know you weren't complaining about the prices -just asking a legit question. But im using your post to vent a bit as i have CASUAL friends (Not even close friends) getting mad at me for not selling them some extra tickets i got at face).
  7. No - but it was different. 1 - The stadium only sat 54k, If Fed Ex only sat 54k it would be 100% full every game, 90% redskins STH. even now. 2- Skins were winning. 3- Because it was small -because it was always sold out, and because there was no stub hub, buying tickets without being a Season ticket holder was very expensive! Getting redskins tickets was a treat and a event! (Also - there were less die hard fans of other teams in the area. With no Sunday ticket, with no internet, it was very hard to follow a sports team that was not local. Cowboys were the exception as they were a "national" team so to speak.
  8. I wasn't there-I dont know...Only circumstantial evidence. -Tape shows that it was in fact very loud argument. -Bystander went in and told the owner "there was a fight in the parking lot that might turn physical" -Owner in the past said he has called police on the guy -Guy who was yelled at before said the same guy threaten him and called him racial names. So i dont know if there were fighting words or not. But based on what I saw (Man screaming and approaching the car) i have my own thoughts. Do you have any evidence to suggest there weren't? ITs a F'd up law where i have to PROVE that someone who is seen yelling and approaching my family used fighting words -but there is s a presumption that if im shoved I can legally shoot someone .
  9. Well thats just false on many levels. 1st- VA (And other states) have fighting words laws. Most states have some version of that. "Fighting words" are not free speech and can be used in defense of physical reaction. I.E - "Im going to come come up to you and punch you in the fact until you are knocked out" and then he takes a step forward- I dont have to now wait until he throws a punch. that happens. I can push or use physical force before he throws the 1st punch. Knocking someone to the pavement is not considered deadly force. If it was - that means anytime someone shoved anyone, cops would arrest them with attempted murder. Come on TWA - you can do better.
  10. Or dont yell at strangers. We dont know what the guy was yelling -but according to someone who he yelled at before, and according to the store owner who called the cops on him before -When he was screaming may very well have been assault as well.
  11. So lesson here. The guy (Father) should have been carrying and just run out and shoot him. He could have said he was protecting his family. TWA would be posting that he was justified. We live in a F'd up place.
  12. I suppose you have never speed even 1 mph over speed limit, never exceded time limit on a metered space, never didnt use your turn single... please.... Once again -She stayed in the car, There is a term for that -its called "Standing"
  13. So you have never - in your entire life - Doubled park in front of the grocery story to pick someone up? Pulled into a Double white line in a parking lot so someone ran in while you waited? Pulled into a metered space and not pay because the person in your front seat was just jumping out? Pulled next to a red crub while you waited for your friend to run out to meet you? You have never done ANY OF THAT? Depends - But yes. He was yelling/ shouting at his family and moving closer to his car where young children were there. If someone starts screaming and yelling at your family and children in a public parking lot and started moving closer to them - would you NOT push them away? and the "changes the protester game" is just a dumb argument. Context DOES matter. In fact -the entire argument is around context.
  14. The video has no sound. But watch. Sure -the guy shouldn't have shoved the shooter..BUT... The argument was loud. Watch people walk in. EVERYONE who parks and is seen turns and watches. The argument is 100% loud and causing a scene. So the guy with the gun is obviously having more then just small discussion. In fact -it was loud enough that the victim was alerted to it and came running out of the store to protect his family. Yes... Dont forget - you are in a store and you hear that some guy is standing at your car yelling at your GF, her 2 kids under 6, and your 5 year old son. What would you do? You run out and see someone yelling at them and standing RIGHT above the door... TO be honest -if the victim had a gun and opened fire - wouldn't he have ALSO been able to claim "Stand your ground". Couldn't he say he was worried for the safety for his family as this clear aggressor was. So lets give a high level recap. A family (Woman of 2 kids under six, her Boyfriend, and his son of 5) stopped to run into the store and pick something up. She parked in a handicap space. (Shouldn't have done it -but it wasn't even "parked". she was standing there. Im thinking most of us have done something like this. Guy starts yelling at her. Loud enough to draw the attention of bystanders and the father in the store. Farther comes out and sees someone fighting with his loved ones in a aggressive way standing above the car door. He shoves the guy away from his family. Not the best choice, but not one completely unreasonable. The guy pulls out a guy - and quickly the other guy backs up. The threat (if there ever is one) is over. He shoots anyway. Its murder. Not only that - but based on the actual statue - the sheriff is wrong not to charge him. Stand your ground includes a presumption of justification in a dwelling, residence, or vehicle. This was in none of those. So there is no presumption of justification. He is still legally ok to use stand your ground, if he can show that he "REASONABLE believes that such force was needed to prevent death or serious body harm". Because it was outside in a parking lot it is not presumed to be ok. He (The shooter) needs to show that it was reasonable. Being pushed away from someones car and family to me, does not equal a "Reasonable" assumption that his life was in danger or that he risked more harm. Edit - ALSO - Reading the actual law. there is this "The justifications for use of force will also not apply where the evidence establishes that the defendant initially provoked violence against him- or herself.". In my mind -watching the video - the defendant did initially provoke the violence. Dont stand over a car yelling at a women with 3 preschool kids in the car and be shocked when someone pushes you.
  15. This is my issue.. EVEN if the republicans are correct that tax breaks spur growth (Despite history showing they dont) my question is how does this logic work right now? Companies have record profits Capital is very cheap right now Stocks are all time high There is NOTHING stopping companies from expanding NOW. There is not a shortage of profits or access to money.
  16. No - State, local and Property taxes COMBINED are capped at 10k (I do not support this bill - but just stating facts). Most will see their taxes go down because the rates are lower and the cutoff amounts between rates are higher (But only for 10 years).
  17. The big question is what if the player doesnt stand? Then what? What if they stand but walk around? What if they stand but turn their back to the flag? Solution is so simple - National anthem prior to the players coming out.
  18. ok - I understand the confusion. We are both talking different single payer model. There are different models. You are speaking of the type like in UK and France where single payer means goverment pays for everything. Im speaking more of the canada models where the government makes deals with private medical places, including private insurance to cover their citizens. So - If the state is negotiating on behalf of its citizens and paying a private insurance. That is a form of single payer. That is what option 2 is. The state negotiating and paying a private insurer for health care for its citizens.
  19. 1 -Any post that starts with me being put in charge is CLEARLY not wrong... 2- You are incorrect on the details. From what I read (Looking for the link) - the money goes into a HSA - but the auto enroll will be for a basic plan that would be a high deductable plan. The state would work with insurance companies to define the exact plan. So People would use their HSA, until their deductible was met. Just to add -Here is what I think they are saying from what i read. Im Joe Blow and I currently get insurance from Obamacare for $600 a month. But because i make so little - $400 a month is subsidized to me by the Fed. In this new plan - The state would create a HSA for me and would put in $4560 a year (95% of 400 X 12). Then -They would auto enroll me in a health care plan that is a high deductible plan (Say $5000) but only costs me $150 a month. Hopefully -I spend less then $4560 a year on health care and can roll the money over. Because i have a interest in keeping my cost low -I will cost shop routine things. If I am hit with something like cancer -My high deductible plan will kick in! IF I want a different plan -I am free to shop for a different plan - but still get my $4560 HSA. I like it. I just dont like option 3....
  20. Here is the most interesting part of the last proposal. Option 2 allows for a auto enrollment with a opt out...and calls for the state to negotiate with insurance companies on what that plan will look like. There is a name for that.... Wait for it... SINGLE PAYER! Yes folks -the 1st Republican plan to replace the ACA is a plan that allows ACA to continue or to be replaced with a state based single payer.... FYI - I sorta like it - minus option 3. I think a auto enrollment -Along with a direct contribution to a individuals HSA will end up covering MORE people then a mandate with a $200 penalty! And -I do think HSA's on a wide scale wold lower overall health cost. The only thing I would change is option 3. States should be given the option to come up with their own solution WITH the same amount of federal money as long as after 1 year from implementation the uninsured rate in that state is equal or lower then the national uninsured rate.
  21. They arent really out yet.... The vote is actually non binding. But the Goverment said they will honor it. To leave the EU (Which has never happened) is actually outlined in the EU agreement. Article 50. IT will take month. Yes -Any time during that the British government could say "You know what...never mind. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/24/britain-votes-to-leave-the-eu-what-happens-now-that-brexit-is-a/
  22. http://kfor.com/2016/05/11/family-of-teenager-suing-police-officer-after-she-was-arrested-tased-for-riding-a-bike-in-parking-lot/ I dont get how any cop saw kids on a bike during the day in a mall parking lot and thought "Man -I need to stop these kids" and end up beating her....
  23. I get why the Fed are basically staying back and leaving them alone. I even understand the basic premise between letting them come and go (Although glad to see they arrested someone who left). But why not at the very least turn off power and heat??
  24. I have one... NFL says to Dan Snyder "We cant make you change your name...but get ready for a terrible schedule until you do!" Redskins "Eh...what can you do?" NFL - How about you face 3 times coming off their bye.... (Jets, Bucs, and Giants). How about you face two teams coming off a Thursday night game in addition to that (So they get 3 extra days of rest. Patriots and Cowboys). How about we minimize the advantage you get from your bye by scheduling the Patriots, away, after you bye..and in fact, have them play the Thursday night before so you really only get a slight extra rest.... Redskins "DUUUUU"
  25. Fair enough. TWA isnt "defending" the cop - only implying that it really want that bad....
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