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Everything posted by Lombardi's_kid_brother

  1. We are in a really odd place right now with stadiums/arenas where all the gorgeous, state of the art stadiums built in the 90s and 2000s are hitting the 25/30 year mark. (Camden Yards is 31 years old, which is kind of amazing). I assumed that all these stadiums were essentially the final home for all these teams for at least my lifetime. Instead, every owner is going to try to squeeze the local governments for either massive renovations or more likely brand new buildings. The Ballpark in Arlington being replaced should have terrified every MLB/NFL/NBA/NHL city. I can't wait until they implode ATT Stadium in 10 years and build a new 150,000 seat monstrosity based on the Sphere in Vegas.
  2. James Franklin is going to be the coach at Penn State until 2057 under this system, He will make the playoffs 95 percent despite being 0 for the century against Ohio State and Michigan.
  3. I love the fact that we have now expanded the college football playoffs to 4 teams.....and people still aren't happy. You know what would be amazing right about now? A good ol' fashioned New Years Day. The ****ing Rose Bowl would be #1 Michigan vs #2 Washington. I would absolutely demand that AI Keith Jackson call that ****er. I assume it would be FSU-Texas in the Orange Bowl and maybe Alabama-Ohio State in the Sugar Wouldn't that be a fun day? Remember when sports were fun? No, we don't want that. We want games we are unhappy with on New Years Eve that none of us will watch and then a championship game in the middle of January on a random Monday. I really can't want until next year when the third place team in the SEC (which will be Bama) wins the title. That will be fun,
  4. Sam Howell is the Mac Jones of Sam Howells. Mac Jones is the Sam Howell of Mac Jones. Discuss.
  5. The issue with "The Process" is that tanking is the most basic thing you can do in the NBA to get a superstar. They didn't invent anything aside from a PR campaign to convince fans that averaging a 15-67 record for three years was actually a good thing. The Process brought them six years of being the 3rd or 4th best team in the Eastern Conference, which is basically the same level of success the Clippers have had for 14 years. And The Process Era is clearly about to end because when you have a team with one MVP candidate and nothing else, you are going to shortly be a team with no MVP candidates. The concern is that taking a team-building philosophy that led to middling results in the NBA and applying it to the incredibly complicated roster building of the NFL is not exactly a fool-proof plan. Kroenke recently proved that you can win a title by simply spending a gazillion dollars so it's not like there is only one path to greatness.
  6. I don't post here much at all any longer. But the fact that half of this thread is people failing to understand the difference between 5 and 3 reminds me why I will always love this place. You dum dums remain the absolute best.
  7. I can't be rational about the Shanahans. I hated the Mike hiring the day it happened. Hated every part of the Shanahan years (including the insane RGIII rookie year where I was waiting for a shoe to drop until it dropped). I do think Kyle is an excellent offensive coach, but I would totally watch a show called The Fall of the House of Shanahan.
  8. Yea. the 76ers are an Embiid trade demand away from being a 20-win team. And he's totally going to demand a trade this year.
  9. It's going to be really weird when we're discussing the Washington Marmadukes next year with a new owner, GM, coach, DC, OC, and quarterback,
  10. One trap I'm trying to avoid is the idea of "As long as it's not Dan Snyder doing it, it has to be good." Because we are in a very weird place right now as a franchise. Harris can engage in some light sexual harassment of the cheerleaders, and it would be a massive improvement over the prior regime. I also don't want to be a complete cynic either. Which is tough since that's what I've been for 23 years. I'm just picturing Head Coach Dabo Swinney next year with 14 rookies who were all drafted based on a belief in Creationism or something.
  11. I have concerns about this, but it also makes perfect sense. Every new owner wants to immediately put their stamp on their new team. Harris took over the team way too late to allow him to do anything meaningful. The trade deadline finally gave him the chance to play with his new toy. On the one hand, it's perfectly normal. On the other hand, Dan Snyder had the patience to wait for the off-season. (And, yes, I know the 99 team was good so Dan got to celebrate wins). Next year is going to be weird. I assume we're going to have a new GM, a new coach, a new staff, a decent amount of draft capital......and an awful defense, a terrible offensive line, and a 5th round QB. I have no earthly idea what the long-term plan is as this build is going to be just this side of an expansion team.
  12. The thing about having three wild cards is that almost no one is out of the race until deep into December. As long as you have a reasonable path to 8 wins, you have some hope. In looking at the schedule, I think it's reasonable to be favored in 4 of the remaining games (Pats, Giants, Rams, Jets). The rest of the schedule is pretty brutal, but is it insane to think that 4-interception Dak game or Tua injury can get this team to 8 wins?
  13. This does a feel a bit like their stripping the car down to the bolts just for the sake of doing it. I've always been opposed to trades where your hope is that you will use the capital acquired to draft a player as good as the player you traded. Our hope is that in three years, we will have players as good as Young and Sweat. In the NFL, I think you should always be trading "for" something specifically.
  14. I don't know if this is a fair comparison to anyone. Mahomes and Allen are possibly the two best QBs ever when it comes to throwing "off platform." Mahones literally does everything wrong. He drifts on his dropbacks. He throws late across his body. He leaves his feet. He spins in the pocket. Allen does some of the same things while also doing a Roethlsberger impression when he gets throws off after contact. The point is when you do things that no other QB can do, you can magically create space and time Howell's super power seems to be absorbing an inordinate number of hits without suffering any ill effects..
  15. This is what Magic does. He comments on every game in every sport in the most banal and obvious way possible. "Giannis very tough to stop when he gets to the rim. The Bucks are going to be tough to beat this year." He's an all-time great Twitter follow. You guys need to embrace it.
  16. I assume that this will be a full-on "What kind of ****ery is this?" game in either one direction or the other. Either the Commanders play out of their minds and win like 27-20 or lose by 40 with lots of defensive backs pointing at each other as Eagles going running by them. This team is either going to keep vague feelings of hope alive deep into the season before finishing 8-9. Or they are going 5-12.
  17. Do teams really rest guys any longer with the one bye/three wild card playoff? It seems like everyone is in the hunt and the seeding are chaos until the last game these days.
  18. It's a parliamentary system that has always had entirely too many parties to work properly. So in normal times, all the ministerial posts are selected from the controlling party/coalition of parties. A unity party is designed so that multiple parties have a voice in the government in times of emergency. The most obvious examples I can think of us Churchill's 1940 Cabinet with Clement Atlee, the Labour leader who replaced Churchill as the war concluded. I don't know if this really means anything in Israel except for the fact that the rift between Netanyahu and Gantz is largely personal and this clearly papers over that. Gantz is a career military man who has fought in Gaza. He's unlikely to be a tempering voice here. The dirty secret in all of this is the weird racism/bigotry among the countries of the Middle East. Iran looks down on its Arab neighbors as some kind of lesser form from Persians. And everyone (including Iran) wants nothing to do with any Palestinians as they are seen as some kind of violent uneducated horde. They are seen as useful as a cudgel against Israel, but that's the extent of it.
  19. It barely works in the NBA (if it actually works). I don't see it working in the NFL at all.
  20. I do an insanely great Magic impersonation. Whooo-whee....when I was on the Lakers....with Ja-ames....and Kareem....mmm mmm...(head bob)....Show Time! And then after the game.....in the hot tub...with Ja-ames.....and Kareem.....and the girls....mmm mmm....(head bob)....Show Time! (This man is a billionaire).
  21. Harris is not going to nuke this coaching staff from orbit five games into his first season. At this point, we should view boring, undramatic mediocrity as a vast improvement. He can clean house in February like a normal person.
  22. It's also the month of the first year, and it's an ownership stake in the freaking NFL. And he's following the most hated human being in sports for the past decade. It's SHOWTIME! If Magic is here in December when the team is 5-8, and the temperature is 38.....then I'll believe he actually has a real interest in the day to day activities.
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