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Everything posted by Fergasun

  1. Is anyone going to ask Nicole Shanahan and RFK Jr.why they are trying to get Trump elected? She just put $8M into their campaigm. What a friggin' waste. What's the point? If you are trying to upend politics, going for the President is the least effective thing ever. And really, both of them need to be rotating through the Sunday AM shows every week. Dear RFK Jr. You want to do a Constititutional Amendment against Citizens United? You don't need to be President to do that.
  2. Fergasun


    LOL... dude is leading a major tournament? I don't care how cool, calm and collected you are. I would bet on a bad round. Welcome to America! Good thing this guy wasn't a minority at least. "POLICE KILL #1 GOLFER" -- is a bad headline.
  3. @BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen I read that headline and it reads as "CNN fishing for more clicks from MAGA".... But I did read other sources that indicated the defense may have damaged Cohen on cross. But, don't they actually have receipts? Is their argument that Trumo had no idea about the Stormy Daniels payment? And all of the other witnesses were testifying the same thing. And there's receipts? So it's possible Cohen spoke about more than 1 thing on a phone call?
  4. i still like Topic at #2. The NBA is probably the hardest of the Big 4 leagues to break into.... Here's someone watching JD 2 yeers ago....
  5. Kiss that ring GOP! They deserve to go down with the monster they created. So desperate.
  6. Wow. Biden gonna run the score up in June. Trump hasn't had to answer to any of his garbage -- Jan 6, Stealing national secrets in any debate. Anyone saying "we don't need debates" is a moron.... we need a clear contrast for people still undecided.
  7. I use ai voices for a podcast I do (I promise I will share it after 10 episodes). Yeah, the voices are good. But they so lack emotion. I use an open source voice cloning program. I figure as long as I don't name names of who I have cloned, it's legal. And I haven't used inherently obvious people.
  8. "Blocked" or "destroyed"? Order 9 movement...
  9. 143 countries voted to support Palestinian statehood. 9 voted against (major being the US). 25 voted to abstain. Palestinians hate their official government (PA/Fatah) because they feel like it cooperates too much with Israel, and then when people protest against it, their security forces put them down. They support Hamas, but I suspect it is the same way North Korea "supports" Kim Jong Un and Russia "supports" Putin. I also read in my research that Gazans want PA/Fatah and West Bank residents want Hamas. But, I see videos of Hamas shooting their own people. Very interesting read: https://ctc.westpoint.edu/the-road-to-october-7-hamas-long-game-clarified/
  10. Lol... the curse!! Topic suffered a non-contact knee injury. Ugh... no one else popped out to me. Let's go 1980s style GM with Clingan?
  11. I would have asked, "Is Israel really at risk of losing this war?" It's insane to frame this as "the Jewish state is at risk." This is not an existential threat war. Recently the UN general assembly voted to allow Palestinian state full membership. Israel responded by sending up their delegate to compare Palestine to Nazi Germany and shred the UN charter. Edit: it is not full membership, which requires security council approval. The US is blocking full membership. The recent vote was for certain rights and priviledges.
  12. Steph Curry wasn't a generational talent. Until he was. Guess what pick SGA was? 11th pick. I think it's silly to make assumptions about the talent in NBA drafts. No clear talent, perhaps. I am sitting here hoping that the Hawks pass on Sarr. But gettng the 2nd pick in the draft is great. Right now, it's Topic or Sarr for me.
  13. From what I saw (when Nuggets had an 11-0 run) refs were in the Wolves head. That's not a good place to be. Granted, I agreed that Nuggets were getting away with contact and Wolves were being called close at their defensive end...
  14. LOL @ Detroit.. Would you take the Spurs #4 and #8 for the #2 pick?
  15. It's surprising there hasn't been a bigger expose in George Santos as well. Who funded him?
  16. Teenage me would always be be flipping through the TV channels late night and notice something called "Roger Corman Presents..." and then go a few channels further until I got to what I was really looking for... "Emmanuelle in Space" or "Tanya Roberts Hotline". Sorry Roger Corman, I knew of your films, but I didn't know them.
  17. This article didn't mention the NRA either. Cawthorn is also an interesting case. I am also wondering about big conservative donors. Looking at Thiel and Elon. Thiel, for instance endorsing and pushing Ron Paul for President. Is it possible that Russia/China wanted to torpedo a hawk like John McCain?
  18. In 24 hours we'll know how the tanking works out. Am I wrong in just hoping to stay in the Top 3? Conspiracy me says San Antonio miraculously wins the #1 pick. I just did Tankathon a bunch and it went 6-6-5-6-4-5-4.... flattening the curve is not good for thr worst teams like us. A coinflip odds for the Top 4 pick is not great. I actually think the randomness is good as a near playoff team could win it, shockingly. We probably will not be happy.
  19. Two encounters of the Karen kind.... NUMERO UNO This type of thing really grinds by gears. Not directly a "neighbor", but I felt this was very rude. I am channeling George Costanza with this, "We live in a society!!!!" Rant. I went to the cleaners to pick up my clothes. Beem going there for at least a decade (but not the point). I walk in and his wife (working in the back) says, "It will be 5 minutes." Ok. So they have a couch there, so I just sit on the couch to wait. Like any person would do who didn't want to stand and wait. 3 minutes later, an older lady walks in. Not elderly but probably 60s. She is dropping off clothes. I am sitting on the couch. She walks up to the counter. Owner's wife says, "It will be 2 minutes." Old lady puts her clothes on the counter. Obviously she saw me. 2 minutes later, owner comes walking from the back, "How may I help you." Lady starts talking. I step in, "Excuse me, I was here first." She makes some comment like, "Oh, I thought you had already been belped." Lady, 1) If I was being helped I would be standing at the counter. Not sitting in the couch (where maybe someone who didn't want to stand at the counter for 5 minutes would wait) 2) If you had wondered whether or not I was being helped, you could have just asked. You looked directly at me. 3) Just be honest. You should have said, "I tried to cut in line. My 3 minutes is more valuable than yours. I judged you to be a middle aged man I can jump ahead of. I am the type of person who doesn't care about others in society." Sorry, but you are a line cutter! NUMERO DOS Thursday I was walking my dog (really, she was just walking me) and another old lady who had 2 dogs is walking in the other direction. We are on the same sidewalk. I kind've move my dog over and put myself in the left hand side of the grass...but my dog just stops. Because she likes to stop and looks at dogs. This lady is also walking by and one of hers starts barking. It doesn't bother me, but this lady in a New Jersey accent goes off, "COULD YOU MOVE YOUR DOG PLEASE". Then as she walks by I hear her talking to her self like, "UNBELIEVABLE". I didn't realize there was some dog walking etiquette. I didn't care your dog was barking. They're dogs. If there is some "I will let you walk your dog past first" etiquette, maybe you should have asked me before going off on me. Or AITH?
  20. Nothing on the Weisselberg tea from today? Apparently there is a contract for $750k for him to not cooperate with prosecutors. The state wants to introduce the contract to explain why he is not testifying. But they didn't subpoena him either. Could be some juicy hearing next week....
  21. What a bunch of crap. This thread bump piqued my interest because I was looking for some reading for the airplane and happened on W.E.B Dubois "The Soul of Black Folk" in 1903. Holy crap - what would he be thinking now (probably "people still trying to create two worlds for black folk in America"). **** anyone who glorifies the old racist institutions. It was gutting for me to read that he felt more comfortable in Europe.
  22. Picking up "Son of Fergasun" at college today. His school has an encampment. We were watching the police clear it out about 20 minutes ago. Downwind of the teargas.... yay. That stuff carries. They were still protesting while getting sprayed by tear gas and the pepper balls. We just happened to be there... (he wanted to watch). Cop was announcing unlawful assembly for 20 minutes. Protestor was "Why are you shooting us... we are a peaceful protest!!". While I am sympathetic with their message -- I am not gonna put myself in that position. That is dedication.
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