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Everything posted by Fergasun

  1. How is it that we (US) spent 18 years in Iraq and 20 years in Afghanistan, and that hasn't given us some great insight into the Middle East. It's a bit underwhelming... although Iraq and Afghanistan are two totally different countries. Maybe that is the insight... each country and group of people is very different.
  2. I hate thinking about this conflict so much ( Israel-Palestine) and what the end-state is. A two-state solution is good on paper, but how do you make it so they are not constantly at war? Is Israel able to commit to not expanding settlements? A one-state united solution is good on paper, except the Jewish population immediately is a minority population, and any self-rule would dilute the very nature of why Israel exists. Many people will say, "the issue is violent, extreme interpretation of Islam". Which Muslims think means Jews and Christians need to be driven from Muslim lands. In America and more western countries we don't really talk about this as much as Israelis do.
  3. I wanted this guy to ask "what's wrong with being civil and nice?" In the first minute. And that theme continued the whole video. "We don't want to be nice to people who are different then us." "If a dog barked at me, I would kick it away..." [24 mins in...] jerk. "They are trying to brainwash us, that its okay. We don't have to accept everyone. Furries and LGBTQIA protesting us, we'd get in trouble. Our school is very leftist." [37 minutes] "They belong in mental hospitals..." [37] "If you are a furry and you want to be a furry, you should just be homeschooled. It will keep them from being bullied and stop us from (train of thought breaks up)... they literally said we can't have altercations with these kids. " [38] "They threatened to bark and bite us... so we threw oranges at them..." [38:30] "They try to appease the minority..." If you are triggered by furries, you may have problems in life. I bet they don't bite, or scratch or spray febreze. They probably bark. Are there people who really "identify as animals"? This is a 10/10 troll job!!!!
  4. New citizens learn about "rule of law". Three simple precepts. 1) Everyone must obey the law 2) No one is above the law 3) The US government and its leaders must also obey the law. The Trump exception to all this is ridiculous.
  5. I don't trust Mike Johnson. Or... has he delayed enough to cover doing the right thing? Will be interesting to see if he keeps his Speakership.
  6. Feels bad for Barca, no guarantee PSG slots it past Ter Stegen. PSG will be done in by Donnaroma. Real Madrid v. Man City was the real championship. I knew Real would go through when it went to pens. 2 Bundes teams? Lolwat...
  7. Trump is gonna spend the next 2 months on trial. Biden campaigns. Then Trump likely has another trial (although its clear our partisan Supreme Court will try to delay that accountability). And Biden campaigns. GOP has this narrative that Biden is gonna keel over by November. When he looks sane and transparent next to a convicted cult leader, it should be 10+ points.
  8. Also... they can ask the judge to strike and if he agrees it doesn't count against their 10. So they do have unlimited strikes in that way. It's 10 discretionary strikes.
  9. Wow... stone cold to Zion...he's still 23 and figuring this NBA thing out. Good for him. Barkley was a fatass too..
  10. I am not the only one. "Your wife claims you are peeing incorrectly... here's why..." (picture of the pee-stained paper towel after wiping behind the toilet).
  11. Meh.... another 30 minutes in to the Solicitor General and Roberts jumped on the government position. Sure. This has been used to prevent people from tipping off a grand jury. SCOTUS didn't care about it then.... but they will bend over backward for the J6 mob. Edit: "jumped on" equals attacked And we have Alito talking about hypotheticals of protestors on the Golden Gate bridge...
  12. Interesting arguments. I am about 25 minutes in. Kagan seems hard against the argument that it is overbroad. Even Thomas opened up with a few questions. Alito is out there coaching this guy while he is getting beat up. "The text of the statue isn't helping you, move onto other arguments."
  13. Oh brother. There's a really thin line in the pro-Palestinian support that crosses over into being anti-Israel. Wanting US government to be more neutral towards Israel-Palestine vs. wanting US government to be anti-Israel. For sure yeah guys...kneecapping Biden for Trump is really in your political interests (rolls eyes through screen). Wouldn't surprise me if some of these activities are Israel or "right wing funded". I do think some conditioning of arms aid to get Israel at the table to a peace process could be good. "Antiwar"... sure...Biden gave us this war... anyone who thinks that is a moron.
  14. What was it? "Dear Great Satan, Neither of us want to really escalate the war. We hope that all of your weapons work... because if they don't its your own fault we attacked you. Please take this in mind when you and Israel decide a response. XOXO your BFF since 1979"
  15. He will drop out and endorse Trump when he can't get on many ballots... or October.
  16. Media has been weekend at Bernie'ing Trump for weeks. Trumps leading. Trumps leading! All of a sudden Biden has jumped up and tied the polls. And the GOP shot themselves in the foot over AZ. Trump trial will start and halfway through it will be clear he committed a crime. He will also have his immunity claim wiped by SCOTUS. Late June, early July he will be convicted. What i am saying is that his support could very well collapse. Biden's gonna be up like 50 to 30%. With RFK at 20%. Yes, I know this sounds crazy.
  17. ... we are almost in the "2nd look at Haley" phase of the election. Seems like a lot of the horserace chatter has died down. I guess that tends to happen when you throw one of the key swing states...
  18. What's more, is that I would doubt anyone else knows or cares she signed an NDA... except her. If she told that story would anyone come out and even remember she signed the NDA? This goes more to the chilling effect of NDAs.
  19. This was a good article. Poole has found a bit of a role as a ball-handling type the back end of the season. Part of the issue to me is that the worst losers get shamed, but only 1 team gets a chip. Technically, everyone but the last 4 teams left is tanking and a loser.
  20. 90% of the 300 or so brains studied of former NFL players had CTE. Yes, it was biased towards people with symptoms. But only 1 out of 152 brains scanned from everyday life had CTE. Shhhhh.... "big football" wants us to ignore this.
  21. Paging Fred Goldman.... (he's still alive).
  22. And why does he want to kill FISA? That also seems like it will help our enemies...
  23. ,@tshile I get it. "War crime" is an oxymoron. Then let's just abandon the Geneva Conventions. Because modern war efficacy is so much greater than the past. Both sides do it anyway. This war started with war crimes anyway.
  24. Sorry, I wanted to come off like a tin foil hatter or a couple of minutes. Yes. It was an accidental shootdown of an Iranian Airbus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655
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