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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Reminds me of this article that came out after it had launched. https://www.theringer.com/tv/2019/12/2/20985953/disney-plus-adult-content I guess the people at Disney+ now have the time to go back and search. Off topic, but Daryl Hannah in her prime was amazing.
  2. The new Chris D'Elia special on Netflix is great.
  3. On top of that, they know we're surveilling them. And probably doing their best to **** with us from that perspective, too. I don't feel bad saying this but...you can't trust 'em.
  4. I'm not sure what's worse...how they lied about it or how they're continuing to not give a **** and still have the wet markets open. It's as if learning from a mistake is a concept they're not familiar with. But then again, a lot of good could have been done had they been upfront about everything.
  5. No idea who Kyle Larson is but...what an asshole.
  6. Over the weekend I watched 13 Hours, AKA the Benghazi movie. It's pretty decent, IMO. Jim from The Office is actually believable as an action hero type. It's Michael Bay and I didn't realize it until about 15 minutes in, there are some dead giveaways that it's his work but he took a serious subject and toned down his Michael Bay-ness a little bit. The actors definitely had some cheeseball lines but other than that did a good job. I was surprised that it was a solid movie.
  7. He's one of those guys, I've just never understood how he got to be a big movie star in the first place. Gone in 60 Seconds was on TV the other day, and I love that movie...haven't seen it in forever but just looking at him I was like...how was he ever supposed to be believable as a guy who could steal a lot of cars in one night? How was he ever supposed to be believable as a convict that tries to take over a plane that's been taken hostage by a VERY BELIEVABLE convict in John Malkovich? The one role where I felt like he was good was The Rock, where anyone could look like a doofus next to Sean Connery and Ed Harris. But I guess if your real last name is Coppola, you've got a shot in show business.
  8. So that was you in the bushes with the binoculars!
  9. Bosch is good. Goliath Season 1 and 2 is good...if you like Billy Bob Thornton being a wisecracking smartass, it's a really good show. Season 3 is terrible, IMO. Mrs. Maisel is awesome. Amazon has some really good original programming, it's just not front and center like Netflix is.
  10. If you've been watching anything on Amazon, they'll sneak a trailer into the beginning of a show or a movie. That's about it. I watched it a couple weeks ago, it's great. Also, Season 3 of Mrs. Maisel is solid.
  11. Thought I'd gotten to the end of Netflix, then saw there's the Police Academy movies.
  12. I like the 2nd one a lot, I also really like 4, which is blasphemous, I realize. Pesci and Chris Rock had a good thing going. The "They **** you with cell phones" bit still kills me every time.
  13. Yep. Watched all 4 Lethal Weapon movies this week.
  14. Dammit, Larry, I was going to click and read that article but you went ahead and summed it up, all logical like, stripping away any emotion and just sticking to the facts. And now the Denver Post won't get a precious click.
  15. Absolutely cannot wait until espn shows that Chicago Bulls documentary.
  16. Thought you said you were thinking about getting a new camera?
  17. Heard from TTB a few minutes ago. He ordered 100 bucks of cheesesteaks on dry ice from Pat's in Philly and drove around delivering them to friends and coworkers. A good man, that TTB.
  18. From what I understand, 75% of the guarantee had to be used for payroll. But correct, everything else is a loan. And I agree with you, I wouldn't want any additional debt, either.
  19. @TheGreatBuzz what'd you end up getting?
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