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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Day 11 of the Murph workout, knocked 45 seconds off yesterday's time.
  2. She's a poor communicator but Marty isn't the best, either. Lack of communication is their downfall. Or what keeps them in slippery situations. She is smug and arrogant, but Marty is a little arrogant in his own way. Skyler White didn't act like a regular person. Skyler white acted mortified and then realized how much Walt was making and decided to go all in. And then when she realized there was bloodshed nearby (get it together, your husband is a high ranking cartel member, of course there's going to be death around), she acted all mortified again and did that bull**** where she walked into the pool in a catatonic state during dinner. That's not acting like a normal person. She only went against Walter when she realized things could get dangerous. At least Wendy is all in and not ****ing around and in some ways harder than Marty. Not that one foot in, one foot out **** that Skyler was doing. If I'm going into battle and have to choose one or the other, give me Wendy all day every day...you know, the one who doesn't back down when **** gets real.
  3. Day 10 of my daily Murph challenge. Best time yet, 39 minutes, 46 seconds.
  4. Was actually watching this on Netflix earlier. Fun 80s movie. Young Tom Hanks had good comedy chops.
  5. As if this year couldn't get stranger/weirder/scarier. A whole election cycle and the ensuing fall-out still has to occur. You're right to prepare for anything and everything but this year has been so bizzare....you could prepare 125 different ways and still couldn't be ready for whatever happens.
  6. I don't disagree that he's a bad guy. But I also don't think he's actively wanting people to die from this, either. Asking Fauci if we could just let everybody get it is more ignorance of how these things work than anything else, IMO. Locked in the basement.
  7. Fair enough. And his comments about his friend passing away, while out of touch and sad, were in line for what I've come to expect from him.
  8. Did you see a guy looking like @PleaseBlitz out there scooping any possible remains into jars and fleeing the scene?
  9. I can't take another commercial referring to this as "uncertain times." What's about certain is me throwing the remote.
  10. This Last Dance documentary is amazing. The footage is incredible.
  11. Certain parts looked like it could have been. But I read it was filmed in Charleston due to the NC inclusivity laws (or lack thereof). So it's not like they were trying to make Malibu look like the east coast, which would have been annoying.
  12. Damn @TryTheBeal!, Pitchfork gave that Fiona Apple album a 10. Patton Oswalt is a funny dude and he makes a great point but Fuddruckers makes a damn good burger.
  13. This Outer Banks show on Netfix is terrible and enthralling all at the same time. It's not on an Ozark level by any stretch but I'm hooked.
  14. Signed up to volunteer for a suicide prevention hotline.
  15. Anyone know where you view a full game of Redskins/Cowboys Week 15, 2005? 35-7 Skins, Cooley 3 touchdowns, demoralized Parcells.
  16. Pulled a Ken Griffey Jr. 1989 Upper Deck rookie out of a pack today. Never had one before, always wanted one.
  17. Does ES have the Covid? The letters here are all sick looking and pale. At least for me.
  18. It does but...like, Duke/UNC in the 90s was great. While it happens at the mid major level, those big major games were still a blast.
  19. I'm not rooting for the NCAA, that'd be like rooting for fascism. But it's kinda sad. NCAA basketball used to be amazing. March Madness is still really cool but...back in the day when you had those matchups, players would stay for multiple years and you'd have rivalries that carried over from one year to the next...it was great.
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