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Everything posted by HOF44

  1. My friend at NIH said to me last Thursday that the USA had 75,000 tests available for the entire country. He said the million the politicians are talking about are a minimum of a month or two away.
  2. Covid virus has always been around. Between vaccination and natural immunity the covid19 will be much less of an issue. The real unknown is how the covid virus will evolve. Not sure anyone knows that. Will we get more contagious but less deadly strains. More deadly but less contagious like SARS?? No one really knows. We live in a world of viruses and bacteria. So it’s always gonna be an issue.
  3. There is a vaccine for the flu so that keeps it’s numbers down. There will be a vaccine for the Covid19 too eventually.
  4. I have a friend that works at NIH in this area just sent him a message and asked if this was BS. His response. Trump is at nih whole campus is locked down Having a round table meeting about Coronavirus . Pretty sure no one is being quarantined. He said no idea about an agency shutting down a building. He says people are hugely overreacting. He said he's more worried about the regular flu at this point.
  5. Not just any OGD but National Distillers OGD from pre-1993.
  6. I have a son-in-law ordering masks and buying water and canned foods. I'm like dude chill. It's just the flu that spreads really well.
  7. If AIDS could have been spread through the air or by second hand contact you might be onto something. While AIDS was deadly it was very hard and slow to spread.
  8. It's unreal the panic this is causing. Can you imagine if a really deadly disease like this ever broke out??? It would be true insanity.
  9. What’s crazy is over 60,000 people died of the flu last year. And it’s hard to get people to get flu shots. This thing so far statistically this is small potatoes compared to the but people are freaking out. We really don’t understand risk well in the USA.
  10. So hard to compare. They took the physicality Jordan had to play against out of the game. I think Lebron would have handled that better than Kobe just because of his build.
  11. Its' pretty obvious that if the LAPD and the Sherriff's Dept. had ground their helicopters it was probably not a time to be in the air.
  12. Sounds like it should have never happened. LA Police and the Sheriffs Dept. both had their helicopters grounded due to foggy conditions. I'm sure they will be looking into the decision to fly that morning.
  13. I can’t be mad at any coach that wants to get the hell out of Ashburn. In the end they all do.
  14. This really is the best burger I've ever had. If you consider yourself a burger aficionado you really do need to make the pilgrimage to Sunshine General Store. I have some friends that tell me that Ruth Chris has a killer burger on their lunch menu. I've yet to try it.
  15. I have Xfinity and it costs me $104 a month for 40MB up and 1gb down. No specials. That feels reasonable.
  16. I have been off cable tv for about a year now. I use At&tNow used to be DirectvNow. The package I have is no longer available. It's 79.99 a month and includes everything I had on Xfinity. I also use Cinema HD and have dabbled with IPTV. Saved a ton of money and the wife is finally used to it. I use Fire Cubes as my hardware.
  17. Yeah gotta remove the silver skin!! Just grab it with a paper towel and rip it off.
  18. McLaurin has made the Top 20 in speeds recorded in the NFL this year. https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/stats/top-plays/fastest-ball-carriers
  19. NASA got this!! https://www.businessinsider.com/nasa-is-looking-at-how-to-contain-a-volcano-that-may-wipe-out-humanity-2018-10?utm_content=buffer4f673&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-bi&fbclid=IwAR2wYJ8nlRdrkLdpk4dZ4LC6OganB7YPqIvpPGVfS3RD5Hi8yCMCJFfrNoY
  20. Shocker!! For the first time in history, U.S. billionaires paid a lower tax rate than the working class last year https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/10/08/first-time-history-us-billionaires-paid-lower-tax-rate-than-working-class-last-year/
  21. Whatever it is will make no difference to his supporters. He will ignore anything The house throws his way and the Justice Dept. will back him up. They have lost all independence and are now Trumps personal defense lawyers.
  22. Just watching this and the way these guys are operating Trump is not gonna leave of his own accord if he loses the 2020 election. It's going to be a mess.
  23. "It's a big safe lots of guns in it" They need to hold this clown in contempt of congress and lock him up. Just not sure how the hell they would do that when the Justice Dept. will just ignore them.
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