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Everything posted by HOF44

  1. If we ever get over this crap and you happen to be close enough you’re welcome to come over and try a few different pours.
  2. If you like hotter whiskey rye is a good way to go. Proof combined with age is a decent heat indicator but you will run into some big exceptions. Generally the younger and higher the proof the hotter it is. Age tends to mellow things and intensify flavor. If you really like heat though just pick up a Bookers and you’ll be happy.
  3. Me too! Love my bourbon.
  4. God bless all you and your love of peet. To me it’s like licking an ash tray!!
  5. With the new tax laws it makes it a lot harder to argue the value of owning versus renting. Unless you can pay cash.
  6. I would pay to read a Bucs update from Pittman4U right about now.
  7. You know we have a little extra whiskey sitting around.
  8. Going to pick this up in a few hours. A friend made 3 of them to give away to friends. Injected with McKenna 10 Bourbon and apple juice. Wrapped and warmed with peach juice. Smoked with apple wood and barrel char.
  9. It happened with Polio. In CA a vaccine was rushed that had live Polio. It actually ended up infecting the vaccinated. I will not be one of the first to line up for a fast tracked vaccine. It should take about 18 months to develop one safely.
  10. No stimulus for me,, Just the opposite I just transferred thousand to the IRS.
  11. That’s a hell of a gig if you can pull it off.
  12. There comes a point that unless the Govt. is going to set up food pickup/feeding that this will end, wether the virus has run it's course or not. While Trump is crazy with the Easter thing at some point people will run out of money/food. If we go that long the social distancing will be over regardless of any Govt. decree. People will not sit in their house and starve.
  13. I can see how this will play out already. The illegals brought this into the sanctuary cities that harbor them, they then all got sick, then passed it to the god fearing Maga states. It’s gonna get ugly.
  14. I agree completely with this. 50K would be remarkable. If he ends social distancing in a lot of places Easter watch out. In the end could be 7 figures. Keep social distancing and I'd guess in the low 6 figures. The above numbers pulled totally out of my ass with no backing whatsoever.
  15. Again Vis thanks for posting all this stuff all the time. I get better info here than pretty much anywhere else. And to all the others that add to it also!
  16. Best capture of sending people back to work I have seen. Rich old white guys: "Let's get back to work." Read: While we stay safe in quarantine, all you hourly workers get to work getting our profits back on track. A lot of you will get sick and/or die, but that's a chance we're willing to take.
  17. People make the assumption that because it's more deadly to the elderly or those with compromised health that they are safe. The reality is it can and will kill MANY in neither of those categories.
  18. He has a history of firing people who disagree with him and replacing them with those he follow his whims unquestioned.
  19. I mean the reality is this social distancing thing is gonna be over with in a month or two. People will lose jobs and run out of money and have to do something besides sit in the house and starve. So you will see people ignoring it if/when it gets to that point.
  20. Actually sounds like a well thought out response to limit spread. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html
  21. Think I'll quit bugging him a little. Last time he let me know Trump was on campus. The best thing ever is for the admin leadership mostly all 65 and over would contract this ****. Karma coming home I'd say.
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