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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. Sure, kind of, probably, after you take into account loads of caveats. I'm a graduate (or whatever you call it) of an alternative teacher certification program. I don't think there's any reason you can't find good people that way. I've long said that we need to rethink the way we do teacher training and certification. That said, as with almost any news organization reporting on any topic, you have to take anything they say about studies with a grain of salt. One of the studies the article alludes to is not about classroom teachers, but about a tutoring program. Tutors who were parents in the community but not licensed teachers performed marginally better than teachers when running the tutoring groups. I think there are a lot of likely explanations for that, not many of which cast valid aspersions on teacher training. I think most people would agree that getting parents who actually want to help more involved in schools is a good thing. As one example of making sure to do more research on a given topic than just what is presented in a news article, this study looked at whether alternative certification programs had the same long-term teacher retention rates as traditional programs. Cutting to the chase, not in the programs they looked at. After 3 years only half of the lateral transfers (established professionals in another field moving into teaching) were still teaching. Graduates of an alternative certification program fared better, but after 3-7 years there was still a significant difference between them and traditionally-trained teachers. Whether or not traditional programs produce better teachers, they appear to produce teachers who will stay in the profession longer. As always, more research is needed. On top of all of that, I will be forever suspicious of an organization (74million) founded by school-choice advocates and funded in part by the DeVos foundation. They very clearly have an agenda even if they want to present themselves as if that isn't so.
  2. Yeah it's pretty brazen. I'm a little surprised they haven't gotten in some trouble.
  3. Not to mention that farming meat is incredibly resource-intensive. In the long run, we need to find alternatives.
  4. No idea, I've never really paid attention since I only have a PC and a switch.
  5. Yeah this is pretty much it. Tons of girls at school have one. They even banded together to get me one (I think it's a knock-off) as a holiday present. I use it some days at school just to be polite because it was a gift, but honestly it's a little bigger than I'd like. Just kind of unwieldy. And God help you if you spill it, the amount of water to clean up is surprisingly large.
  6. Keep practicing and you'll find how you like to season it and you'll go from "isn't that bad" to "why would I bother buying Ragu ever again." The tomatoes you use matter by the way. Lots of people make a big deal about buying DOP San Marzano canned tomatoes, but they can be expensive if you're getting the real deal. Cans marked "San Marzano style" are often pretty solid, and you can experiment with a few until you find a brand you like.
  7. Nice. Another Picard quote has always stuck with me.
  8. It's almost like the conservative talking points are bought and paid for by the rich at the expense of the Fox News rubes. Nah, that couldn't be it...
  9. 3 Indiana Jones movies, 3 Star Wars movies. That's the limit. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
  10. But even if they were a thing it doesn't matter, because don't worry! She was getting her information from a site our organization didn't consider reliable so it's fine.
  11. Very relieved that you got your crab issue cleared up.
  12. Just buy some drugs on the dark web with it and then sell them for cash locally. Easy peasy.
  13. I've definitely done that. One of my classmates, who was always a very nice guy, is a sports medicine doctor in Colorado with very poor reviews. People are like "This guy didn't listen to me or my son about the problem at all, and also I don't think his medical advice was valid." Also, I went to school with one of Paul Manafort's daughters. Even in high school she knew he was off the chain sexually. Seems like she's happily married, so good for her.
  14. Friends had a tree fall on their house. Thankfully everybody's OK, but they need major repairs.
  15. I love how they simultaneously complain about mods enforcing rules and also throw up their hands and claim civil political conversations aren't possible.
  16. That might actually be safer than staying in it.
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