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Everything posted by Skinsfan1311

  1. That's the only way I'll grill, or roast, a whole chicken. It's so much faster.... Edit: it's not the only way...sometimes I'll spin 'em😁
  2. Measles exposure at Dulles & Reagan airports.... https://www.foxnews.com/health/health-officials-warn-possible-measles-exposure-dulles-ronald-reagan-airports
  3. Makes sense, however, Norway is a little larger than New Mexico, so the infrastructure thing probably isn't as problematic there.
  4. Absolutely...but the cold doesn't affect the ability to fuel them upπŸ˜‰
  5. I'm guessing all....but it is a Fox news article πŸ˜‰
  6. Why do people in cold-weather cities buy these things? https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/chicago-area-tesla-charging-stations-lined-with-dead-cars-in-freezing-cold-a-bunch-of-dead-robots-out-here
  7. Agreed. 100% I work with an represent aircraft mechanics & inspectors and I agree with the scenario that you've described. The FAA will have a field day with this....
  8. I feel the same. Much of his dialog is absolutely cringe-worthy.....but......it's a lot of fun to watch. Not Strike Back fun, but fun nonetheless.
  9. They're very well written. I suggest starting with "The Hobbit" If you like it, then move on to the Lord of The Rings trilogy. If you don't like, no harm done because The Hobbit is only ~ 300 pages, or so... Those Winslow books are fire! I think someone here recommended them and I couldn't read them fast enough...
  10. Good to know. Happily, a lot of stories in trilogies stand on their own, so I can skip that one if I'm not feeling it. Your take on GRRM is spot-on. I don't think that he'll ever finish the series and, if he does, I'm sure it will disappoint. I too, have a soft spot for that genre and it started in 6th grade when our English teacher, read some of The Hobbit to the class. She noticed that I enjoyed it so much that she called my Mom and asked if it was okay to lend me the book. I don't know who was happier...me or my Mom πŸ˜„. I still have dog-eared worn copies of that, and LOTR. Every few years, I revisit them. Thank God for Mrs. Larsen!
  11. I thoroughly enjoyed "The Passage" and just checked out "The Twelve"
  12. I just checked the site and the price didn't seem to0 obscene...until I checked the ingredients. 4 oz Smith Island crab cakes. Made with Deluxe Chesapeake Bay Crabmeat (Lump, backfin, special, and claw meat). Special and claw meat are only suitable for deviled crab...
  13. They used to be some of the best around....then they went downhill for a few years....but now they've upped their game again. I sent some to Mom for Christmas and she loved 'em. My only complaint is that the shipping is insane. You will love 'em!
  14. I couldn't get through the 1st episode. I want to like it. The original was so good.
  15. She's relaxing after a long day of............relaxing!πŸ˜†
  16. I'd dump 101. The view and experience is much better in the 200's....especially if you're under cover.
  17. TexASS chili w/fixin's (hot sauces, jalapenos, sour cream & grated cheddar), Old Bay Shrimp, chips & dip, camp stove, cutlery, plates, napkins, table, chairs, heater, and something else TBD @Jumbo can you please sticky this thread?
  18. Adobo, rice & bok choy. I cannot take credit for the pork. A buddy of mine made it and it's leftover from our tailgate.
  19. $4.00 lb??? Ouch! My favorite...I wish Mrs. Skinsfan liked them. Looks good though...
  20. I'm smoking a ham for the tailgate tomorrow* Coated with mustard, and a mix of brown sugar & rub & slow smoking over a mix of apple, pecan & cherry woods. I just spritzed it with OJ, covered it with more rub mixture wrapped & stuck it back in the grill. Gonna pull it off when the internal temp hits 140° *yes..we still go to games😎
  21. We always win the tailgate! Smoked ham & rolls for sammiches Old Bay Shrimp Pepper Jack deer bologna Cutlery Chairs Tables *no post game dogs...πŸ˜” It took some talking to convince Mrs. Skinsfan to go into the stadium at all. I managed to talk her into going inside for the first half, or until the game goes to ****...whichever comes first.
  22. I did the same. It's the only way that I do rib roasts. It's easy and pretty much impossible to screw up 😎
  23. I did the same. I like to roast them indoors because it makes the house smell incredible.
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