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Everything posted by Skinsfan1311

  1. That makes sense. I only do a couple a year, so I don't bother with any grade but Prime. I'm a cheap ****, so I wait until I see them on sale at Costco, which happens a few times a year at our Costco.
  2. Thanks! We do too. It's a rare treat for Mrs. Skinsfan and I. This one was on sale at Costco, last year sometime, for $3.49lb, (Prime!), and I couldn't pass it up. The main reason for cooking this one is that deer season is fast approaching, and I need room in the freezer. 😉 Not sure how much freezer space was gained, because I froze the point, (for burnt ends), and a few meal-sized portions for later. Our youngest came by for dinner that night, and helped put a dent in it. I vacuum sealed a few portions for him to take home and freeze too.
  3. Take another look at the picture, and you tell me 😉 Seriously though, I've done a lot of briskets over the years and the only difference is the time. It renders the fat just as well as low and slow. Avg temp at the grate was 360 degrees. I cooked it on a Weber Smokey Mountain, fat side down until the the bark set, (it looked okay at 170, but was firmly set at 175 internal in the flat) then stuck it, fat-side up, in a tightly wrapped aluminum pan with a generous dollop of beef tallow, (that I made the day before when I trimmed the brisket), and it was probe-tender at 201 degrees. I rested it in a cooler for a couple of hours. I "discovered" the hot and fast method last year. This is the 2nd one that I've tried hot and fast, (just to make sure that the first one that turned out so well wasn't a fluke, or dumb luck) and it turned out perfect. Great bark, tender and juicy. That was a 15.5lb , (trimmed), Prime packer and the cook time was 7hrs 15min Low and slow that bad-boy could've taken 12-14 hours. I could barely get it to fit on the 18.5" smoker. I had to drape it over a chunk of wood and wedge it between the grate handles to make it fit. You can see the light spot on top, from resting on the wood.
  4. I heard a rumor that someone shared pics of his meat in that group text....
  5. Yup. Love that app! I gathered that by reviews but, the Riyria Revelations isn't available at our library. By the time I get through Legends, I'll probably switch up to a different genre anyway and end up trying again when the mood strikes. Thanks, again!
  6. Right back at ya! I just downloaded the first "The Legends of the First Empire" book. I'm going to start the series after I finish re-visiting "Bloodsucking Fiends" by Christopher Moore. I wanted to read the next Dresden series, but I had to put a hold on it and I'm #5 on the list, for one of two copies. 🤨 The sad thing is that the paperback is available at the library. I bought a Kindle when the library closed during the pandemic,(which I swore that I'd never do), and I like it so much, that I have yet to go back. The "sad thing?" We live 2 blocks from the library 😅
  7. I don't know if you're referring to the genre, or Christopher Moore's novel If you're referring to the genre, I can highly suggest "Noir" by Christopher Moore. All of his books are cleverly written. The man is a genius.
  8. Those Dresden Files are very fun reads. I'm on book 10, "Small Favor"
  9. Agreed. He's also Mrs. Skinfans favorite player. I just ordered her a new sweater....
  10. Yup! It's so good and so many ways to prep and cook it. I just used the last of it to make jerky today. My wife doesn't eat it, but my Mom, Sister and Uncle love it, so I give a deer to my Mom to share with them and I keep a tenderloin and few roasts. What I don't finish before deer season, I make into jerky. I ended up with enough to turn 4 lbs of trimmed meat to into jerky today.
  11. I don't know how deep the spaces are, but you'll be fine. There are plenty of full size trucks and vans in the lot. The spaces are twice as wide as the spaces in the other lots, so you park it at an angle too.
  12. The last of the venison..I used a coffee rub and grilled over high heat until it hit 129°
  13. Agreed. That, and the "Skip Intro" button on streaming sites...
  14. Amen! At least most of them have a "jump to recipe" button....
  15. Krispy Kreme's Meat Post tailgate dogs & fixings Grill Tables Chairs Cutlery Something else TBD
  16. It sucks, but it's completely understandable. We knew it would be tough sledding this season anyway.
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