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Everything posted by Riggo-toni

  1. Anyone who willfully participates in a frog mucus ritual deserves to die.
  2. The problem is US law in the early 20th century limited the house to 435 seats, which negated much of the population advantage in representation. It's no longer closely proportional as it was intended, because even sparsely populated states like Wyoming still need a rep whereas large states like CA and NY don't get as many representatives per person. I think the stat is something like 30% of the population gets 70% of the vote, and this carries over to the electoral college.
  3. Just remember the current "English" monarchy are all inbred Germans without a real job... like Cowboy fans, but much wealthier.
  4. Skip ahead to 5:10 to hear the good stuff.
  5. Both Marvin Gaye's Let's Get it On and Ed Sheeran's song were lifted from Van Morrison's Crazy Love. Sheeran's abomination is much closer to the Van Morrison song than it is to Let's Get it On, particularly the chorus. https://youtu.be/FcU0Rc5iXFg
  6. Yeah, that's where it lost me. They manufactured some all too perfect implausible ending for Costner's character.
  7. Yeah I think draft day got permission to use NFL images because the NFL was supporting the film. Stupid film despite a solid cast.
  8. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiP2h0dHBzOi8vbmV3cy55YWhvby5jb20vbWlrZS1saW5kZWxsLW1ha2VzLWJhdHMtdC0xMDU5NDQ5NjIuaHRtbNIBR2h0dHBzOi8vbmV3cy55YWhvby5jb20vYW1waHRtbC9taWtlLWxpbmRlbGwtbWFrZXMtYmF0cy10LTEwNTk0NDk2Mi5odG1s?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen Mike Lindell Makes Bats**t Claim About Fox News' Role In 2020 Election MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell on Thursday accused Fox News of playing a “big part” in the mass 2020 voter fraud that he claims was Donald Trump’s downfall in the election. Lindell, a vociferous election denier who has appeared on Fox News and other right-wing outlets to shout his pro-Trump conspiracy theories, now says Fox News was somehow wrapped up in the election “steal” and suppressed the flow of information. This would be the same Fox News that just paid Dominion Voting Systems gobs of money to settle a lawsuit because the network falsely and repeatedly claimed that balloting machines were rigged against Trump.
  9. Sammy Watkins was a major FA bust last year for the Packers...no thanks.
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