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Everything posted by Burgold

  1. On the sack, Cam Simms was wide open right in front of Heinike. Maybe Taylor was looking for a bigger play, but that was a horrible sack to give up.
  2. Can’t argue. Heinike made it a much harder pass tha it should have been.
  3. Del Rio’s defense can’t make any team look bad. Nice play by Davis.
  4. I'm probably with you though I'd qualify it. Hienike in the playoffs last year and for a few flashes were fun. There were some moments of fun in Gibbs II, too but they were the sparks of fireflies, here and gone with no residual light to mark a path. I honestly believed, hoped, clung to the idea that the rally at the end of 2020 could be a building moment. That the team was learning how to fight, how to be resilient, and how to win. Boy, was I wrong. They came out flatter than flat and regressed so far it wasn't childhood, but looked a previous incarnation. In fact, Del Rio became Haslett and Barry which I wouldn't have thought possible.
  5. I think one of the questions we need to answer is would we trade a 9-8 or 10-7 season with a reclamation QB whether it be Ryan, Marriotta, or even Carr and Wilson for a 5-12 season with a rookie QB who flashes enough that we think he could become a franchise player down the road? It's not too hard to imagine this team winning 9 or 10 games. You could almost imagine it with the team as constituted if somehow we aren't ravaged by injuries and we get Thomas, McKissic, Samuel, Young, etc. back and some of our extreme underperformers Young, Sweat find their way. If Collins has found his place in the NFL as a Buffalo Nickel and Jackson with a year under this system stops making all the mental mistakes, then this team can be a winner. I don't think it can be a Super Bowl winner, but I think it's a playoff contender and might even win a single game, but that would be its highest ceiling. On the other hand, if we get a rookie QB, I have to imagine our ceiling for 2022 is going to be around 8 games and it's more likely we win 3-6. Are we okay with that?
  6. You can’t go from a kicker name blewitt to a QB named Pickett. That’s just spitting in the eye of fate.
  7. And have big questions about Jackson. He was such a big miss that it makes you wonder about misuse. Was it a terrible signing of a one trick pony, a failure in teaching scheme, or a player who got fat and lazy after signing his big deal? Hopefully, he makes a huge jump in year two.
  8. The best thing about this season is we got a really accurate measurement of where we stand against the league’s best. The worst thing about the season is that we got a really accurate gauge of where we stand. Now, I to qualify that a bit due to COVID and injuries, but we had 12 chances to stand up and only managed to do so twice.
  9. Despite the fact that Washington did not make it to the playoffs, I contend that we did have a playoff run this year. In a relatively unique turn of luck we know how the Team would have done through the playoff team because we faced nearly every team that mattered this season. It's not necessarily a pretty picture, but we watched this team on a 17 game playoff marathon that culminated in... well, more questions than answers. Disclaimer: I'm reviewing these "playoff games" strictly by memory. Some of the games, like our preseason debut against the Patriots I don't really remember at all. Feel free to clarify and correct as needed. Overall Playoff record 2-10. Playoffs Round 1: Washington vs. the Patriots (loss) Even though this was a preseason game, we faced off against the Patriots. We lost. I think this was the first foreshadowing that the D was going to not live up to expectations. It also accurately depicted the fact that the offense was going to be uneven as Fitz, Heinike, and Allen all struggled. The score suggests it was at least a fairly competitive game. Despite losing our first playoff game, we got another one and rebound against the Bengals earning a win. Playoff Round 2: Washington vs. Cincinnati Bengals We rebound to win a low scoring affair against Burrows and the Bengals. Playoff record improves. Playoff Round 3: Washington vs. The Los Angeles Chargers Herbert looked beyond perfect. It's possible his completion percentage exceeded 100%. The talk of what it means to have a "franchise" QB reached jet level decibels. Still, a 20-16 loss kept us in the playoffs even with a 1-2 record. Playoff Round 4: Washington vs. The Buffalo Bills Buffalo came in as a shaky team. They looked prime for a beating. Instead, Buffalo destroyed Washington almost as badly as we beat them in our last Super Bowl appearance. Playoff record 1-3. Playoff Round 5: Washington vs. New Orleans Saints Technically, the Saints are still in the playoff chase as a bubble team. This does Washington's playoff record no favors. I don't really remember this game. Playoff record 1-4 Playoff Round 6 Washington vs. Kansas City Chiefs Something is wrong with the Kansas City Chiefs offense. They came into DC struggling. I remember playing very evenly for a half and maybe even 3/4s of a game before we finally lost. Score was worse than the game. Playoff record 1-5 Playoff Round 7 Washington vs. Green Bay Packers We should have won this game. We dominated it. Scoreboard says differently. Playoff Record 1-6 Playoff Round 8 Washington vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers No chance you say? Washington stomps on Brady making him ponder his football future and all rethink his legacy. Playoff record 2=6 Playoff Round 9 Washington vs The Dallas Cowboys Not going there. Playoff record 2-7 Playoff Round 10 Washington vs. Covid (and the Eagles) We fielded a team that Vegas would put as underdogs against a middling high school team. Playoff record 2-8 Playoff Round 11 Washington vs. The Dallas Cowboys Does Washington's pride show up? No it doesn't. Playoff record 2-9 Playoff Round 12 Washington vs. Philadelphia Eagles We fought, but injuries and COVID undid us. Could have won. Playoff Record 2-10. After fielding a 2-10 record in the playoffs, Washington was officially eliminated from the playoffs. I don't know our record compares with other teams, but 12 games against playoff teams in one season is quite a lot. We ran the gauntlet. We faced pretty much every playoff team. We didn't do well, but more than any team this year, we played a playoff schedule. I'd even contend we will play more playoff games than any other team this year.
  10. If Zimmer is fired I wonder if he'd be a good replacement for Jack Del Rio.
  11. I actually disagree. I think it's "elite" QBs that rarely happen, but that elite QBs outside the first ten pick are pretty common. Off the top of my head: Brady, Dak, Brees, Rogers, Wilson, Mahones (okay, he was 10 so technically he makes top ten). As for top current top tens: Allen (7), Mahomes (10) Herbert maybe and Burrows maybe (no sure if we consider Herbert and Burrows elite yet). Interestingly, despite how often QB is picked number one, I'm not sure we have an elite Number 1 QB playing right now (I'm probably forgetting someone).
  12. Draft a QB that becomes an elite QB that no one expects to become an elite QB outside of the first round. It's a hard thing to do, but many of our "elite" QBs were taken outside the first ten picks of the NFL draft. That's why some GMs advocate drafting a QB every year even if you have one.
  13. Me too. At a certain level, you realize that the day in and day out matters a lot. I'd rather work for a few thousand less than work in a ****ty environment with unhappy coworkers and a **** of a boss. The same has to go for players and we've seen it. On a number of occasions in recent years, players have reportedly taken less money to play with teams other than Washington. It makes sense. When you are talking generational money, is there a big difference between 48 and 45 million? Now, the DC area does have a lot of positives. This is a nice area to live especially if you are affluent. It's got pretty much everything. Good food, music, arts, history, good schools, and even quiet (which is unusual for a city). So to reject this team's offer is really to reject the team. Is that about the training facilities? The field? The culture? Yes. I do think Rivera seems to be correcting course on some thing, but it takes a long time to turn a ship and it may not be possible if the wood is too rotted.
  14. Has Snyder's "ban" been lifted? Is he allowed to interact with the team again? I know the banishment was fake. I mean you don't say, "Begone!" and then let the wife take over. Still, I wonder what the official status is... or was everything unofficial to begin with.
  15. The NFL panders too much to cat lovers: Lions, Panthers, Bengals. What about dog lovers? if for no other reason that, I’m warming towards Red Wolves or Red Setters.
  16. Despite our failing record it is a passing league.
  17. I think Heinike has shown himself to be a high end backup and a low end starting QB. With a good squad around him and a functional defense, I think he’s in the mid 20’s. That’s not what you want, but it’s better than what a number of teams trot out.
  18. Why not? I'll throw my grades in the ring. Offensive Coaching C+ A real mixed bag. Do we grade the offense well for making due without all their playmakers and somehow becoming competitive? Do we give bonus points for making a line with a fourth string center, back up guards, and tackles viable? Of juicing the most they could out of Ricky Seals Jones and Bates? Or do we downgrade for play calling, failure to produce a threat that scared teams and misuse of players (such as Gibson) Because I think this offense overachieved very modest expectations, I'm going with a C+. Defensive Coaching D A D is probably being generous. Yes, the D suffered from their share of injuries, but on paper before the season everyone was expecting a top ten defense if not better. In practice, most of the season they were bottom five. I can't think of a group that played to expectations. I think play calling, teaching, and use of players has been uniformly awful. Still, we won six games so I don't want to give a failing grade. So, I'll round up a 58.2% to a D. Special Teams Coaching B The coverage and return teams were actually pretty good this year. We were more of a threat then threatened. I can't give an A because we may have allowed an NFL record in blocked extra points. Not sure if it's fair to hang the blocks on coaching, but can't overlook them either. QBs C- Well, we now know what it's like to play a full year with a back up QB or low end starter at QB. Hienike produced some great moments. He was at his best when he tried to be Brett Farve and at his worst when he tried to be Alex Smith. The legend looks like it will only last a year, but at times he made it an exciting year. Beating Brady was nice. The C- is actually the kind of QB I think he is. I think after everything he's a starting QB in the NFL, but not a franchise one and not a good one, but he is better than the bottom rung of starters the NFL trots out each year. RB: C @KDawg has broken this down so well. McKissic was great and the team fell off a cliff when he went down. Gibson had moments, but isn't a premier back. I like Patterson, but as a group and over the season, I think they all average out to... well average. Wide Receiver: C- McClaurin was very good again and is now recognized across the league. Curtis Samuel was a no show. Dyami Brown had a few flashes, but wasn't ready to shoulder the load. Simms and Humphries also flashed, but game in and game out they were more likely to be no shows. It's possible with a better QB that this grade would be higher, but I only know what I saw. Tight End C Who knows what tight end could have been. Logan Thomas looked great in the one and a half games he played. Ricky Seals Jones had a career season, but was injured twice. Bates looked solid and right now looks to be our best draft pick. Rejes never made his presence felt. Offensive Line: B Okay, since the first Dallas game they fell apart, but the fact that they lasted as long as they did deserves a nod of recognition. Yesterday, we started our fourth string center, fourth string guard, back up tackle, but we still made a game of it. D line D+ So much potential wasted. Allen proved he was worth his contract. Payne had a few nice games, but seemed like he regressed. Toohill and Toney were okay and that was light years better than Sweat and Young. Hopefully, they figure it out. Linebackers D Holcomb was up and down, but I think okay. Bostic was injured early. Jamin Davis flashed occasionally, but looked lost. David Mayo looked like a special teamer. Defensive Backs D Kurl is a good safety. Jackson was a bust. Johnson filled in and was okay. Collins looked to be on his way out of the league as a safety. As a Buffalo nickel he looked pretty good. Way too many blown assignments. Way too many missed tackles. Kickers: C+ Way too many blocked extra points. Kickoffs have been generally okay. Punting was fine. I think we ended in a solid place for kicking.
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