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Everything posted by Burgold

  1. Here’s the conundrum. If we draft a first round QB then I don’t want Marriota or Tribisky. Heck, I can’t even spell the two. Heinike is fine as a backup or placeholder. However, If we wait for the draft and miss out then all the second tier QBs will have been grabbed.
  2. There's one other element that goes against Del Rio (and all the defensive coaches). It wasn't just bad scheme, but it was the constant miscommunication and dropped coverages that never got fixed. That's a failure in coaching, scheming, and teaching. Look at what Masko did along the line. He was able to plug in a fourth string center and make him servicable. With spit and bubble gum, he held our line together for such a long time. Sure, it fell apart against Dallas, but at that point we were down to our back up tackles (was Leno and Cosmi both out? I can't remember), third string guard, and fourth string center.
  3. Right now, that seems so much saner than what we faced this year.
  4. Surely, there is a "spirit" of something they can hang on Mara.
  5. Yep, except our lines weren’t our lines. We were playing our fourth string center, our back up tackle, and fourth string guard (not sure if Charles rates at fourth string, but maybe?) I’m not sure what to say about the D line. We are only one man down. They should be much better. I suspect part of the answer is linebacker play, but that line should not be blown apart in the middle every fourth and one.
  6. What surprised me is how big a hit this team took when McKissic went out. The offense really fell off a cliff without him. I do wonder what we would have looked like with Logan Thomas, McKissic, and Curtis Samuel. Clearly, Simms, Brown, and Humphries weren’t ready or couldn’t step up to number two.
  7. Unfortunately, I think mediocre is our ceiling. Much of the year we were awful.
  8. We had one star coach and that was Matsko who kept making the line work until these past few weeks. He really did a nice job considering how many times we had to shuffle the line. We lost twenty, six thousand centers this year, several hundred guards, and more tackles than even Landon Collins could miss.
  9. I might be wrong on this, but Turner’s adjustments hurt the team. After a first half full of misdirections, pitches, end around, etc. the play calling became really predictable and safe. Dives up the middle, one yard pass routes, etc. His father was like that too. Get a lead and then play not to lose it until you fall behind.
  10. Ifs, ands, and buts aside, I think if COVID doesn’t kill this team makes the playoffs. I think they exit quickly, but they make it. Now, the question turns to the draft and who we retain and acquire (coach and player version). Personally, I think Turner was dealt a bad hand all year and Del Rio played a bad hand all year. I’m not saying Turner is a keeper, but losing Curtis and Logan pretty much all year and McKissic for half a year is like going into a gun fight with a slingshot.
  11. Taylor, earlier in the year, led several game winning drives. He can do it. Not sure if he will.
  12. What’s the point of Payne if he can’t stand up on any 4th and shorts.
  13. Jack Del Rio’s philosophy of scheming wide receivers wide open ought to be rethought.
  14. Whatever Jack Del Rio had last year he’s lost. He’s turned into Haslett, Barry, and Manusky
  15. Still don’t like the ‘skins trying to run out the clock, but they scored so I forgive them
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