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Rumored PS3 Price


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people will pay $465.

They're paying, what, $250 for the PSP now? :rolleyes:

Don't underestimate Sony for one second... they've got a legion of market researchers, accountants, and execs on this.

My guess, though, is $449.

See, when a new product is introduced, you can ALWAYS come down in price, but you can rarely (if ever?) go up in price. Manufacturers are smart to start high, with a padded margin and room to come down.

Retailers will demand price reductions as the PS3 continues thru on its product life cycle. Sony would be remiss not to maximize their margin while the market is hot. In a year or two it will be at $399, and a year or two after that you'll be able to purchase for $299. But Sony will still make money at that price... see what I mean?

Think of it as negotiating... this is their 'opening'

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people will pay $465.

SOME people will pay this much. If the graphics are similar to the X360 and it is only 300 or 400, then people will buy it instead of the PS3.

I personally think companies are releasing new products way too fast. I hear they are already coming out wiht a new DVD format. Is everybody really ready to go buy an HDTV (at least 700 bucks) and a new DVD player, and a new game system, and a reciever, etc. every five years? I think we're fast approaching a breaking point where the consumer just isn't going to upgrade to the new technologies and the companies that spend millions of dollars on R&D for a product will lose all that money when people just can't afford to buy it and/or don't NEED the new product.

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It's too bad they won't release a simplified version of the PS3. I don't play online so I don't need all the networking capabilities, USB ports, tons of wireless controller ports. Just give me a simple system that I put the game in and I have two controller ports to use. I'll end up paying for a bunch of bells and whistles I'll never use.

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Originally posted by jbooma

After Sony saw what the XBOX 360 is they went back to the drawing board :)

I was watching the G4TechTV analysis of the big 3 consoles last night, and to a man (and hot chick), they all agreed that the PS3 was a more powerful machine and looked much much more impressive. The Xbox 360 games they showed were barely an upgrade over the current Xbox games.

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I won't pay $450 for a PS3.

The last system I bought the day it came out was the Sega Dreamcast. I'll skip over the Xmas rush for the new Xbox, then buy it when the price drops to 250-300 (Probably right around when the PS3 comes out at $450....)

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Rumored at $465 right now, huge mistake on Sony's part if this is true. You can have the BEST system EVER and if its too expensive then people wont buy it....I say $350 is the highest they should go.

Yeah, if it came out tomorrow. The thing you have to keep in mind is, it won't be coming out no sooner than spring 2006. Alot of the technology that went into the developement of the PS3, won't be so cutting edge in a year's time (hopefully). I totally agree with you footballhenry that it should cost no more than $349.99. Another thing is this: Sony always loses money when their system goes on sale. They usually don't make a real profit until after a year or so. Although it is highly unlikely that it'll happen again, in the past, all of their new consoles have started at the price of $299.99. Ironically, that was considered an exorbitant price--at that price, for the PS3, that would be a steal!

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Ooooogh, 465 bucks? And I agree with Endzone dave, online play and all that stuff isn't that important to me. A trimmed down version would be nice.

What happened to the days where you could get a NES for with Mario/Duck Hunt, two controllers and a light gun for 100 bucks? Charging 400+ and not giving at least a game sucks.

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Poeple will pay that, considering that when PS2 came out people were paying upwards of $400 for them. Id love to have a PS3 right away, but with the PS2 i waited about 6 months and picked one of for regular price.

Supposedly at one point there was a rumor floating around taht they were going to offer a few different levels f the systm, 1 for basic gaming and then upwards from there.

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Originally posted by skinzfan4life

Poeple will pay that, considering that when PS2 came out people were paying upwards of $400 for them. Id love to have a PS3 right away, but with the PS2 i waited about 6 months and picked one of for regular price.

Supposedly at one point there was a rumor floating around taht they were going to offer a few different levels f the systm, 1 for basic gaming and then upwards from there.

It would be nice if people offered different models of consoles tailored to different needs, like cars are. I'd love to have a PS3, but having left the age where my parents buy everything for me and not yet having entered the age where I'm truly in full-time employment, it doesn't look like I'll be spending $450 on a video game system any time soon. Even if it debuted at $300 I wouldn't really consider buying it. With my computer I just don't need it. The computer's two years old and it still has better graphics than any console game I've played (Gran Turismo 4 would be a possible exception, but the graphics would have been at least as good or better on the computer) and for a lot of games the computer is easier to control.

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Originally posted by Beaudry

I was watching the G4TechTV analysis of the big 3 consoles last night, and to a man (and hot chick), they all agreed that the PS3 was a more powerful machine and looked much much more impressive. The Xbox 360 games they showed were barely an upgrade over the current Xbox games.

The systems are closer than you think.


Even if disagree, this is still a good read comparing the PS3 and Xbox360.

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Says ps3 under $500.

Which is high, but from what the article says, it could easily be way more...

"Given that the console's Nvidia tech-based RSX "Reality Synthesizer" graphics chip is more powerful than two GeForce 6800 Ultra video cards, which retail for around $1,000 by themselves, many suspected the console will cost as least as much as a medium-end gaming PC. However, Sony will have to be competitively priced or risk being undercut by the Microsoft Xbox 360 or Nintendo Revolution. "

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People will pay $500 for it the day it comes out. My friend was scalping PS2's when it first came out and people were paying 4-500 for it because you could not get it anywhere and it was on backorder. Same with xbox.

I think xbox was 249 when it first came out, I paid 149 for mine over a year later. I'll probably end up just buying the PS3 and 360 right when they come out as money isn't as big an issue anymore. Both systems have their advantages, Halo on xbox and GTA on Sony. Nintendo's advantage is Capcom games such as resident evil 4, then dont forget about Metroid Prime. Both games are worth owning the gamecube for. RE4 alone is worth paying 150 + 50.

PS3 and xbox 360 will be just like any other "hot" piece of electronics. It'll be overpriced at first then the price will come down.

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I realize the price is a lot but i have had my PS2 for close to 5 years so i have gotten my money out of it. Im sure that the ps3 will be bought and used for 5+ years at the very least before the next next generation starts to pop up. So while i would prob have buyers remorse while paying for it, once i get it home and plug it in, and slide my madden into it, im sure i will be ok.

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Originally posted by Liberty

I won't like paying for it but I probably will, and will probably insure it too.

Thats a good point, i have heard stories of peoples houses being broken into for PS2's and people offering 1000 rewards for em, as well as people walking out of stores with them and getting jumped and having the ps2 stolen.

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