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Circumcision: Yay or Nay?


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I had it done, but from all I've read, it truly is not only unnecessary, but kills many of the nerves in the power drill, thus reducing the degree of sexual pleasure. Sooo, all of us who have been cut don't get as much sensation when we're doing the deed as those who were left unscathed by needless surgery.

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I have an interesting story, my father says I wasn't my mom says I was. LOL, well to say the least my father was right( and he was an alcoholic when I was born, Go figure). Anyway, I will say it has never caused problems and really never looked different than any others. Guess I was blessed or somethin.I did however have my son done. Not sure why just seemed right I guess.

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Well, I have to say I never expected to see this topic when I signed on to ExtremeSKINS this morning:laugh:

Nut73 is of the uncut variety. Born on an Air Force base in Michigan where the whole delivery and hospital stay only cost $7 - and that didn't include circumcision as part of the deal.:D

I've had no problems through life. No smegma (sp?). Nothing. Zero. Nada.

...except for the trauma caused by my Mom everytime I went to take a shower from the age of 5 to 10, where she would yell up the stairs something like "make sure you wash your pee-pee real good, pull than skin back:doh: :doh: :doh:

From a sexual standpoint it hasn't been a problem either. In fact, some women prefer it because there is less "friction" for them. And I have heard it's more pleasureable for men because there are valuable nerve endings at the tip which increase pleasure (it makes sense to me logically, but I suppose the only person who could speak with authority is someone who was uncut....and then got cut later in life???).

...but when my son was born...we did have him cut. I didn't want him having to worry about the cleanliness aspect all of his life. Yea, he's still going to have to clean his schlong everyday but...

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Originally posted by dks1240

coming from a girl's perspective and um yea well you know...go for the circumcision...please.

There's your answer right there gentlemen.

On this matter the opinion of the 20 year-old co-ed trumps Penn and Teller every time. :)

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Originally posted by Henry

There's your answer right there gentlemen.

On this matter the opinion of the 20 year-old co-ed trumps Penn and Teller every time. :)

I beg to differ. One would have to ask the 20 year old co-ed to share details on how she came to this conclusion - prefering the cut version that is. We need the details of the study which led to these findings ;)

Do tell Miss 20 yr old co-ed:laugh:

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In my younger days I had many women tell me they liked it uncut. I think it is kinda stereotypical that uncut is bad and cut is good. Nut73 I had the same prob with my Dad he would have these talks with me saying I neede to make sure I washed correctly cause didnt want an infection LOL. I thought I was the only one.

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

I beg to differ. One would have to ask the 20 year old co-ed to share details on how she came to this conclusion - prefering the cut version that is. We need the details of the study which led to these findings ;)

Do tell Miss 20 yr old co-ed:laugh:

Think she'll answer this? :laugh:

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Well my Johnson sports his turtle neck year round but for religious reasons I wish my dad would have had it done, now Im older and I know to fear pain so I want to get it done but perhaps too afraid, actually when an uncircumcised penis is erect,the skin rolls back, it looks no diffrent than one that is circumcised so women really dont see any diffrence.

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My father is uncut, as am I, and so is my son. My wife initially wanted my son cut for the supposed health issues. However, after watching the pictures of the procedure in the birth class, she absolutely refused to have it done. Also, her friend had a son who had one botched, so we both stand by our decision.

The doctors wanted my father to have me cut so that I wouldn't have problems like urinary tract infections and the like. To date, I've had exactly zero such problems, but then I do take a shower everyday.

Typically, most men prefer to have their son look like them. I've not seen any scientific reason for doing it, so I don't ever plan on having it done. Also, women always say the prefer them cut, but I've never had any complaints.

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Originally posted by alaadin123

Well my Johnson sports his turtle neck year round but for religious reasons I wish my dad would have had it done, now Im older and I know to fear pain so I want to get it done but perhaps too afraid, actually when an uncircumcised penis is erect,the skin rolls back, it looks no diffrent than one that is circumcised so women really dont see any diffrence.

At my yearly physical my doctor said I should consider a circumcision because sometimes problems are experienced as men get into their 40's (phimosis - where the tip of the hood shrinks in size...making retraction of the skin painful...especially when you have an erection).

Doc said it's same day surgery. I asked about the pain and Doc said "that's why we do it to kids...adults will punch back once they experience pain". He thought that was funny...not me. He said recovery (i.e. - no sex) is 4-6 weeks.

I said no thanks. Why would I opt for surgery to prevent pain in the future...when the surgery will give me pain now:D

My momma didn't raise no dummy:rolleyes:

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I am, but my son's not.

As infinitessimal as the risk of complication is when operating on a newborn baby, I needed at least one reason to take that risk, and I couldn't find one. My son is 7 years old now, and I haven't worried about his cleanliness for 3 or 4 years.

BTW, no two penises are identical, so getting it done "to look like Daddy" is pretty ignorant, IMO.

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It's uneccesary, unnatural and barbaric.

However, if it meant that my kid would have a tougher time getting laid, then I'd feel bad for not having done it when he was too young to remember.

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

I was uncut until that frightful day in 7th grade......

D*mn you christmas jeans!!!!!.......

cut off cords, back in the summer 1984, alone in the house

damn zipper - worst pain i have ever felt


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  • 6 years later...

Latest grandson just got clipped

Mazel Tov

A Texan buys a round of drinks for all in the bar because, he announces his wife has just produced "a typical Texas baby boy weighing 20 pounds."

Congratulations shower him from all around, and many exclamations of "Wow!" are heard.

A woman faints due to sympathy pains.

Two weeks later, he returns to the bar.

The bartender says, "Say, you're the father of the typical Texas baby that weighed 20 pounds at birth.

How much does he weigh now?"

The proud father answers, "Fifteen pounds."

The bartender is puzzled, concerned.

"Why? What happened? He already weighed 20 pounds at birth.

The Texas father takes a slow swig from his long-neck Lone Star, wipes his lips on his shirtsleeve, leans into the bartender and proudly says, "had him circumcised.

Andrew Lopez, RN


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