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Calling Out All You Chicken Little's....

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Originally posted by GIBBS4PREZ

Why don't you read the other post. The only morons poisoning the level of conversation are the ones who can't handle opposing opinions or have opinions that differ from the homers. That's what you really mean isn't it? If your not a homer and don't agree with everything Gibbs and company do, get off the site. I guess your an Eagles fan if you disagree and think this wasn't a good off-season. I guess you ARE not a Redskins fan if you think we won't improve our record this year.

Art I normally agree with your post and for the most part enjoy them, but you are way off base here.

I read just about all the posts, and, I can tell you with a good deal of comfort a couple of things.

As fans, we SHOULD be homers. Being a homer is what we SHOULD be and, in fact, all are. You don't buy Eagles gear, right? You only support one team, right? Therefore, you're a homer. All fans are homers.

It's what we do.

The other thing I can tell you is no one is requesting uniformity in thought here. Simply a uniformity that there IS thought here. That's it. You can REASONABLY come to a conclusion that something is not as you'd like it in MANY respects with this team. However, VERY few have found a way to capture that reason with any regularity.

You can be HIGHLY upset with the direction or actions of the team and express that in a way that doesn't confuse a casual viewer as to whether you really do like the team you say you do. For example, I damn near broke down and cried when Smoot left. He's my favorite player. I thought the team was wrong to let him go because he was cheap for so long, we could give him a pop.

I actually am conflicted on Campbell, but in the end, think it's a move that ultimately hurts the team becasue it requires failure to be successful in that Ramsey has to fail (injury, poor play, whatever) for Campbell to succeed.

Even expressing such thoughts, people would view me as remarkably positive. Now, some people are not inclined to half-full views of the world, so even thoughtful, informational pessimistic views work here. Always have.

The type of post that has caught the ire of the swarm of late are the ignorant bashing sort that serve no purpose. In ONE thread, sure. It's a good release. But, guys peppering the board with dozens of the same posts saying the same things, most with factual inaccuracies or faulty assumptions, becomes tedious.

I think you know the difference.

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Originally posted by ummagumma

Because I WANT to be wrong. Why would I bet against my favorite team? If all I did was say "The Redskins are great....Joe Gibbs is great" no matter what, why would I ever care about any moves they made since, by definition, they wouldn't matter? But because I'm a realist and pragmatist, I look at every move and base my opinion on the actual move, not whoever made it. If I think it was good (Carlos Rodgers), I'll say so. If I think it stinks (Jason Campbell), I'll say it. Why is that so hard for you "Pollyanna's" to understand. I'll still contend I'm a better fan than you, because my passion runs deeper. Anyone can be a kool-aid drinking pro Redskin automaton. It takes a real love to actually care enough to look at something realistically. Doesn't make me right, in terms of judging the moves, but it also doesn't make me a bad guy.

The sky isn't falling. It already fell. I'm just wanting the FO to pick up the pieces. Where my faith wavers is in the FO (Gibbs, Vinnie and most importantly Synder) going in the same direction for 2 or 3 straight years. You say this is happening. I don't agree. I'll believe it when I see it. I feel this offseason is a different direction than last season, so even Gibbs is flopping around. It's scary, since I actually care about winning.

So go ahead and call me another type of chicken. It won't help the Skins win any games. Of course, my complaining won't ether, but at least I'll feel better. :)

And I already do. :point2sky :cheers::D :logo: :cool:

Let me give you some advice. Never, ever say that you're a bigger fan than someone else. You just don't know that. And you come off looking like a real *******.

You don't think I'm realistic? I beg to differ, and challenge you to read some of my posts on why I have my opinion. Then, you can see that I base my opinion on reality.

In fact, psychologically speaking, it may be easier to prep yourself for the fall by being a pessimist than it is to take the pain of let down from built-up expectations. You allude to it yourself, at the end of your post. So, who's the bigger fan then?

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Originally posted by Beaudry

What is the point of a message board if nobody is allowed to disagree with the players, coaches, front office, etc? We could just have OM write a story and people could vote "Agree" or "Strongly Agree".

Because no one is talking about that and that the dim-witted defense you and those who wish to express a negative view now are taking is troubling. Yes, you have the ability to be negative. And, yeah, others have the ability to be positive.

No one is saying anyone wants a message board where nobody is allowed to disagree with the team or players or anything else. You know it. Yet you keep boiling it down to no one wants to hear negativity. That's wrong.

No one wants to hear idiocy, either in an overly positive, OR negative way.

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Originally posted by Art

Because no one is talking about that and that the dim-witted defense you and those who wish to express a negative view now are taking is troubling. Yes, you have the ability to be negative. And, yeah, others have the ability to be positive.

No one is saying anyone wants a message board where nobody is allowed to disagree with the team or players or anything else. You know it. Yet you keep boiling it down to no one wants to hear negativity. That's wrong.

No one wants to hear idiocy, either in an overly positive, OR negative way.

In my every so humble opinion, I get more sick of reading posts attacking another poster's opinion than I do reading posts attacking the players/coaches/owners/gm. Too many times do some members say that other members aren't real fans because they don't agree with the team's decision.

I don't know why I am involving myself in this conversation, as I am a beacon of positivity.

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Originally posted by Beaudry

In my every so humble opinion, I get more sick of reading posts attacking another poster's opinion than I do reading posts attacking the players/coaches/owners/gm. Too many times do some members say that other members aren't real fans because they don't agree with the team's decision.

I don't know why I am involving myself in this conversation, as I am a beacon of positivity.


That's FINE.

And, you can express that.

Why is it people are forgetting what Extremeskins has LONG been. A member-driven community. The SWARM weeds out what it doesn't like. Members moderate themselves. If you don't like the things you say, continue fighting against it, and people will either join you in it or avoid that fight with you.

NO one anywhere here gives ONE iota of care about someone expressing a negative viewpoint. If, however, that viewpoint is factually wrong or structually wrong, so as to be indistinguishable from that of a fan from another team, you may not be surprised to discover they are a fan of another team.

In any case, you've never seen anyone bang on a thoughtful negative viewpoint. You never will. Which means, start looking at the view expressed and see if you think there's any common ground with the attacks on them and let me know :).

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Originally posted by Art

No one wants to hear idiocy, either in an overly positive, OR negative way.

I disagree. We got very little criticism about the "idiot mobile" (in which I was definitely riding). We all thought we were going to make the playoffs with 3 games to go in the season.

Oh, and I'll be helping to gas that baby up come September:laugh:

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Originally posted by herrmag

I disagree. We got very little criticism about the "idiot mobile" (in which I was definitely riding). We all thought we were going to make the playoffs with 3 games to go in the season.

Oh, and I'll be helping to gas that baby up come September:laugh:

Except THAT was well written and amusing, though, yeah, it was overly positive :).

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I say in the spectrum of permissible posts there are a least three community standards in place...

1.) If you are another team's fan, the band is rather small:

Some very well reasoned negative analysis <----> Positive Comments as long as they don't seem sarcastic.

2.) If you are HeHateMe, Tom [Giants Fan] or Eagles_Legendz or a relative newbie 'Skins fan, then you can post within a broader range:

Mildly Negative with a few scathing remarks if backed up by relevant facts and/or statistics <----> Gushing Positivity.

3.) If you are a 'Skins fan who is "known" at ExtremeSkins, then you have close to carte blanche:

Negative Comments with some, but not a lot, of credible basis <----> However positive you want to be.

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Let me give you some advice. Never, ever say that you're a bigger fan than someone else. You just don't know that. And you come off looking like a real *******.

It's funny because the Gibbs Police on this board do this on a regular basis.

Saying somebody is an Eagles/Cowboys fan in disguise, or telling them they aren't a real fan, or asking them if they are a Redskins fan is the same thing as saying you're a bigger fan than they are.

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The draft was horrible. The offense will be terrible. The sky will fall unless Ramsey pulls a Manning and the OL plays way beyond it potential, or unless the Front Office has a secret deal up its sleeve for a WR and a TE, or the defense can pitch a bunch of shutouts. Or a monkey flies out of my butt.

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I'll probably be lambasted for this.....but I'm in on this bet. In my massive gut I think the Redskins will win no more than 8 games. In my heart....I want them to win every game they play.

I've said ad nauseum what my reasoning is.....and if I'll be happy to expound again in this thread.

Anyone that would say I'm not a fan would be wrong. I attend the draft....go to every home game and tailgate from the time the gates open........I watch every away game....I live and breathe Redskins. I was a Redskin fan in Dallas for 11 years - I'm the sole Redskin fan in my office of 30 people and wear Redskin paraphenalia several times a week. I wear golfshirts to work w/ "Dockeresque" pants.......I own 7 burgandy golf shirts.

I was born a Redskins fan (thanks to Mom)....I was raised a Redskins fan....and I'll die a Redskins fan. Just a clue on how rabid my family is on the Redskins....at my mother's funeral she wants 2 songs played. God Bless America and Hail to the Redskins. I'm the executor of the will - it is for real - I've seen it.....When the time comes - cremated in her 80's Redskins Zuba pants and wearing a Skins T-shirt - we'll say our goodbyes.

I love the Redskins:



All this said - I believe with what the Redskins lost/added in free agency....the antics of the boys from the "U" and Lavar.....what we did in the draft and who is left.....we will win no more than 8 games this season. I'll not sell my tickets. I won't stop wearing my Skins gear and I won't stop teaching my 2 year old daughter about the Skins.....especially that if she brings a Cowboy fan boyfriend into this house - she'll be sent to a Nunnery....for life.

Hope I'm wrong......but I don't do blind allegiance well. Thanks for listening. Hail Skins. Nothing would make me happier than donating again to this fine site as we make the playoffs.

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Originally posted by Beaudry

What is the point of a message board if nobody is allowed to disagree with the players, coaches, front office, etc? We could just have OM write a story and people could vote "Agree" or "Strongly Agree".

Aren't allowed? Art, did you or one of the others ban him or somebody? I mean, you must have since he's saying you won't allow it.

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Originally posted by Blue Collar Skins

All of you that keep talking about how crappy the draft was, how we didn't improve our offense, how Gibbs is over the hill, etc. I say the Redskins will have a winning season! I propose a bet: The Redskins will have at least a 9-7 Record. If you bet me, and you win I'll have my icon changed to "<Name>'s B1tch" for one week! If you lose, you'll get your icon to state "Joe Gibb's B1tch". Also, if the Redskins make the playoffs then you'll make a donation of $5 to Extremeskins. So, I'm calling out all of you Chicken Little, the-sky-is-falling posters to either put up or shut up. ;)

Yes the Redskins are worse than they were 4 months ago, but yes they will also have a better record. Why? cuz Brunell won't be under center!!! Just b/c our record improves doesn't mean we're better. If Ramsey had started the whole season, we probably would've been 8-8 or 9-7. I doubt we'll do better than that this year.

However, if we had Smoot, Pierce, Coles (instead of Moss), and MIKE WILLIAMS, we might be looking at the playoffs.

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Originally posted by Darth Tater

Aren't allowed? Art, did you or one of the others ban him or somebody? I mean, you must have since he's saying you won't allow it.

Shony would never get banned. He's too damn cute.

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I think we will have 9-7 or better, or I will wear the whatever avatar people are talking about. Ive already pledged money for playoffs/super bowl in the other thread started by rayprils on april fool.

We are entitled to an opinion, as long as it isnt too consistent or blatanly wrong, in my opinion. I try to be a realist about things, and positive in some aspects. We may have given up a lot for Campbell, but I think he may be our guy for the future. He is a QB for the changed game of football that Gibbs came back to, where passers may need to throw on the run more often than before. Correct me if im wrong.

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I'm a so-called "Chicken Little." This offseason has been more damaging than even the Marty offseason of '01 (since Marty's housecleaning ended up being a long-term good). Sadly, we've mortgaged NEXT year's draft and are now looking at the prospect of cap problems in 06'. Not pretty.

I'll take this bet. We won't win 9 games in '05.

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A lot of people are misunderstanding my point. I am not saying you cannot disagree with Coach Gibbs and the Front Office. Dis agree all you want. Yell it off the rooftops! I don't care. What I am saying, is that all of you don't know what you are talking about. I believe that a Hall of Fame Coach knows more than you, and I am making a wager on it. If you are so convinced you are right, then take the bet.

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Originally posted by Blue Collar Skins

A lot of people are misunderstanding my point. I am not saying you cannot disagree with Coach Gibbs and the Front Office. Dis agree all you want. Yell it off the rooftops! I don't care. What I am saying, is that all of you don't know what you are talking about. I believe that a Hall of Fame Coach knows more than you, and I am making a wager on it. If you are so convinced you are right, then take the bet.

That's what's so frustrating about saying anything against the FO on this site. "Oh, so you think you know more than Gibbs does? How come you're not an NFL GM?"

Cripes, Gibbs does make mistakes now and then and it shouldn't be a mortal sin to point out if a person thinks the FO has made another one.

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Originally posted by Blue Collar Skins

A lot of people are misunderstanding my point. I am not saying you cannot disagree with Coach Gibbs and the Front Office. Dis agree all you want. Yell it off the rooftops! I don't care. What I am saying, is that all of you don't know what you are talking about. I believe that a Hall of Fame Coach knows more than you, and I am making a wager on it. If you are so convinced you are right, then take the bet.

I am one who took the bet.

I suppose Gibbs was dead-on about signing Mark Brunell, huh?

*edit to add* I am pretty damn adorable. Modest, too.

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