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QUESTION for Skins Fans???


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Dear Friends,

I've been pondering this question for most of the day, and have not been able to come up with a suitable solution...

Recently, I needed money very badly (IRS issues) and was faced with a choice (handed to me by my brother in-law who is a Cowpoke fan)... he would help me out if I would rout for the Cowpokes for a game or walk 10 blocks on K street...naked with nothing but a Skins hat...

What time do you think I should do the walk? Am Rush? Noon Lunch time? PM Rush? East to West?

Brother needs y'all help... :(

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Just root for the Pokes when they play the eagles. That would be the lesser of all the evils. And won't require jail time (which is sorta immitating the cowpoke players anyway so its about as bad...immitation being the sincerest form of flattery)

You must however repent by singing "hail to the redskins" 100 times while viewing past superbowl victory footage.

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Originally posted by dks1240

pimp walk your naked butt down the street with pride :yes:

oh my mom would disown me if i ever considered cheering for the cowboys...id rather be arrested than have her know i cheered for the cowgirls for a game.

Thanks bro... should my hat by off the side or just straight down?

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Originally posted by dks1240

oh my mom would disown me if i ever considered cheering for the cowboys...id rather be arrested than have her know i cheered for the cowgirls for a game.

Your mother has done an exceptional job in raisng you:notworthy

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Originally posted by Die Hard

When you get arrested for public indecency.... are you going to be comfortable in a holding cell naked with other men?

I hope your joking about needing money this bad.

What time do you think I should do the walk?

Am Rush?

Noon Lunch time?

PM Rush?

East to West?



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now, I don't live in D.C, so I don't know what "K" street is like. But I say you grab up your nuts, and C-walk all the way til you get arrested cause unless people in D.C are a hell of a lot more free spirited than here, you're SOL.

And when your inlaw gives you the money, tell him to kiss your a*s

:cheers: :laugh:

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Originally posted by MrSilverMaC


now, I don't live in D.C, so I don't know what "K" street is like. But I say you grab up your nuts, and C-walk all the way til you get arrested cause unless people in D.C are a hell of a lot more free spirited than here, you're SOL.

And when your inlaw gives you the money, tell him to kiss your a*s

:cheers: :laugh:

Thanks for getting "it"!:cool:

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Originally posted by WilberMarshall

What time do you think I should do the walk?

Am Rush?

Noon Lunch time?

PM Rush?

East to West?



I think you should do it in the AM rush. That way you'll make the radio.

And if you're really looking for attention.

Spread your butt cheeks.... sit down on the sidewalk... and drag your @ss for 10 blocks like a dirty dog.

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