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QUESTION for Skins Fans???


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Beat me to it. That's exactly what you ought to do.

Originally posted by VaSkinsNut

Just root for the Pokes when they play the eagles. That would be the lesser of all the evils. And won't require jail time (which is sorta immitating the cowpoke players anyway so its about as bad...immitation being the sincerest form of flattery)

You must however repent by singing "hail to the redskins" 100 times while viewing past superbowl victory footage.

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Originally posted by WilberMarshall

Dear Friends,

I've been pondering this question for most of the day, and have not been able to come up with a suitable solution...

Recently, I needed money very badly (IRS issues) and was faced with a choice (handed to me by my brother in-law who is a Cowpoke fan)... he would help me out if I would rout for the Cowpokes for a game or walk 10 blocks on K street...naked with nothing but a Skins hat...

What time do you think I should do the walk? Am Rush? Noon Lunch time? PM Rush? East to West?

Brother needs y'all help... :(

Do it about 2 AM. Nobody will even notice.

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Originally posted by WilberMarshall

Dear Friends,

I've been pondering this question for most of the day, and have not been able to come up with a suitable solution...

Recently, I needed money very badly (IRS issues) and was faced with a choice (handed to me by my brother in-law who is a Cowpoke fan)... he would help me out if I would rout for the Cowpokes for a game or walk 10 blocks on K street...naked with nothing but a Skins hat...

What time do you think I should do the walk? Am Rush? Noon Lunch time? PM Rush? East to West?

Brother needs y'all help... :(

I would go with AM Rush. If you do it during the AM Rush, you will be giving thousands of people something to talk about at work. And wear a nice Redskins hat. One that cannot be mistakened as anything else. Paint a sign that says something along the lines of:





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Originally posted by Blondie

I believe the AM rush is the time.

Now, please tell me the date you will be doing this.

I need time to buy a plane ticket.


Hey, if I can wear a Redskin jersey to the Cowboy training facility, you can walk naked!!



Ok, why on Earth would you go to the Cowboys training facility? I didn't even know they allowed women inside the walls of maximum security prisons in Texas. ;)


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Originally posted by Die Hard

I think you should do it in the AM rush. That way you'll make the radio.

And if you're really looking for attention.

Spread your butt cheeks.... sit down on the sidewalk... and drag your @ss for 10 blocks like a dirty dog.

Damn...my stomach hurts from laughing so hard :laugh:

As for when to walk...I'd do it in the morning when the sun is up and it's warm outside. If you are going to walk naked you probably want to avoid the colder night when "shrinkage" might be a factor...

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Originally posted by WilberMarshall

Dear Friends,

I've been pondering this question for most of the day, and have not been able to come up with a suitable solution...

Recently, I needed money very badly (IRS issues) and was faced with a choice (handed to me by my brother in-law who is a Cowpoke fan)... he would help me out if I would rout for the Cowpokes for a game or walk 10 blocks on K street...naked with nothing but a Skins hat...

What time do you think I should do the walk? Am Rush? Noon Lunch time? PM Rush? East to West?

Brother needs y'all help... :(

Whether to walk during the AM or PM Rush would depend on whether you are a morning person or not. 2nd, I'm sure if you notify the mods of the day you will be doing it, they will advertise for donations to Extremeskins to help pay for your bail. :D

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  • 8 months later...
Dear Friends,

I've been pondering this question for most of the day, and have not been able to come up with a suitable solution...

Recently, I needed money very badly (IRS issues) and was faced with a choice (handed to me by my brother in-law who is a Cowpoke fan)... he would help me out if I would rout for the Cowpokes for a game or walk 10 blocks on K street...naked with nothing but a Skins hat...

What time do you think I should do the walk? Am Rush? Noon Lunch time? PM Rush? East to West?

Brother needs y'all help... :(

As sure as the world turns... my luck turned... am up, traveled to Dallas to watch the (my) Skins play the pokes with my brother in-law... I was in my full Skins gear behind the goal posts (I swear that place comes closer and closer to resembling an out house)... had a rough time for 45 minutes... even got some obligatory, redskins s... but in 2 minutes I was like Whitney Houston at a crack house (errr, coke house)... I was giddy, soooo many years of making this trip, always left with some (scratch that, a lot of) misery... I blamed it on the ultimate double agent (Nervous Norv)... <darn Squire, why did you have to hoist this despicable agent on the Skins nation... for 7 long winters... gaddem, life aint good> So I barely make my trip, not used to winning in Dallas... good thing our limo service was on time, cos I would have been stuck in Dallas...

So my brother in-law calls me up, "hey bud, can you hook me up with a ticket?" I was like, wha, wha, what! no shyte, you don't mean it? You must be drunk, stoned, hungry, have syphilis, or darn near gone senile...

I know Christmas is next week, bro you ain't getting squat... he was like, "but dude, I bailed you out when you had your little problem..." I was like, you gasto be kidding, I risked being arrested for exposing myself in public, and you talk about bailing me out...

Then the moron asked me what can he do for the tickets...

Brothers and sisters, life is good,(and pay back is a you know what) my chance to give it to a cowpoke fan royally... I can be diabolical but I need to come up with something before 3pm on Sunday... my question for the board, is what/how do you humiliate a low life?

It can't get any lower than a cowpoke...unless you include an iggle.

Brother needs y'all help... :dallasuck

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Its good that your problem is gone. Make him do the same thing to you except for 20 blocks and during the day.

Dude, cowpoke fans have no shame...

I think I should have made him write a book report, attend an Opera, go to a museum, learn a second language like English or something...

Well, dude is on his way... can I borrow an Iggle fan to knock a tooth out or something... so I don't have to hear him yap all afternoon?

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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