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Poll: Have you ever cheated?

Ancalagon the Black

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Do dirty movies count? :)

Tarhog got it in one. I've been with my wife and loyal for 14 years now, and the secret to male monogamy is really very simple: Don't put yourself in dangerous situations. It's not "just lunch" or "just a phone call." If you find yourself saying something like that to yourself, call it off right then.

Also, make it clear to the women you know (co-workers, freinds, whatever) that you are not 'that guy.' Don't flirt just to see if you've still got it. Be proper and respectful around women. I've learned over the years that for some reason that's a signal to them you aren't the cheating type. Go figure.

I'm a guy just like all other guys. In the wrong place at the wrong time I suppose I could do something stupid. I just make damn sure I'm never at that place at that time.

Either that or I'm just damn ugly. :)

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The closest I've ever come to cheating is going out for a beer and dancing while I was dating my now wife. I've had many golden chances while traveling for work, and you know what, I was tempted. I had a ten+ sending me drinks all night in a bar in Kentuckey. I came out of the head, where I found her waiting for me. She said she knew that I was alone for the night, and her husbend was out of town and wanted some fun.

I told her that I was flatterd, but dearley love my wife, and that my wife didn't deserve me giving into drunken animal urges.

She told me that my wife was a very luckey woman, gave me a kiss and wakled away.

I could never live with myself.:cheers:

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I cheated once on a girlfriend in college. My girlfriend was spending the summer at home and I was still at school. A girl I knew from high school was at the school to visit friends and we hooked up. One time thing.

I am still surprised to this day how little that bothered me. The relationship ended on it's own within 6 months. Perhaps that's why.

Since being married I tend to not put myself in situations where temptation lurks. Most of the time if I'm away I'm playing cards with the fellas anyway.

To be completely honest, the biggest thing that keeps me straight is my kids. If I were to "mess around" I look at it like I'm giving this person the power to end my marriage and keep me from living with my kids full time. I couldn't bear that.

There is no one in the world that would make it worth losing my "full-time Dad" status with my kids.

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Never cheated. I was cheated on with a girl I dated before meeting my wife. That was a devastating feeling and I would never want to put anyone else through it. While I have nevver cheated, I will not say I'm above the temptation. As others have so wisely counseled, remove yourself from those situations. Don't let it go to far. There have been a few times over the last 15 years where I've had to back away because I felt I had crossed a "flirting" line.

It's helped me in the past to say how would I feel if my wife were "friendly" with another man. Evaluating the situation in that light brings things quickly into perspective for me.

(That, and the fact that my wife said if I ever did cheat it would break her heart to tell the kids that Daddy's mutilated body was discovered inside his burning car in the garage...she was kidding of course...I think...)

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I made the mistake of teaching my wife how to shoot a high power rifle................ and she has a tendancy to remind me of such.

A college professor of mine summed it up very well for me one time. I asked him if it was difficult in his position to turn down advances from coeds. He asked me how long the greatest climax ever could possibly last............ ten seconds maybe........... its just not worth the years of work in your marriage and professional life. I thought that was a great point personally.

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Originally posted by Henry

Also, make it clear to the women you know (co-workers, freinds, whatever) that you are not 'that guy.' Don't flirt just to see if you've still got it. Be proper and respectful around women. I've learned over the years that for some reason that's a signal to them you aren't the cheating type. Go figure.

This is absolutely true. There's a girl who works for a buddy of mine who I collaborate with on a lot of cases. I'm in his office a lot with her. She's gorgeous and we have chemistry. She's single, but I'm not. I've always kept it professional, and there hasn't been a hint of a problem.
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Sure. In every relationship I had prior to my wife.

I never understood why that's a problem. Obviously I didnt want to be with any of those people forever, so why not continue to look for my soulmate?

Once I went out on the first date with my wife though, that was it. I just knew.

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No. If you're in a mutually understood "exclusive" relationship, then it's dishonest to cheat; that's the whole point of it being "exclusive" after all. If you're attracted enough to another person that you want to cheat, but you want to stay with your exclusive partner, then you have a choice; be dishonest, or be honest. Honesty doesn't mean you stay with your exclusive partner; it simply means that you must dump your exclusive partner or talk him/her into an inclusive relationship prior to advancing a relationship with the new person.

By those semantics, no, I have never cheated. I was having problems in a long term relationship and was ready to end it. I then met someone else who was very attracted to me. I decided to try out that relationship to see how it would work out, but first I ended my long term. The other one lasted two dates (poor chemistry, largely one-sided attraction), but I had no regrets because like I said, I was ready to end it anyway.

So maybe I just haven't been put in the right spot, but I don't really understand the people who are saying "what's the difference until you're married" - because the difference is pretty clear, right?

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Originally posted by Fatty P For The Pulitzer

If you spread peanut butter on your balls and let your dog lick it off, does that count as cheating??

:laugh: I knew a guy in Jr. High that got accused of that with his dog named "Max"...until he graduated he was known as "Skippy".

We even had a rhyme for him:

I like dogs and all kinds of mutts,

I like when Max licks Skippy from my nutz!


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