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Poll: Have you ever cheated?

Ancalagon the Black

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Originally posted by Henry

Do dirty movies count? :)

Tarhog got it in one. I've been with my wife and loyal for 14 years now, and the secret to male monogamy is really very simple: Don't put yourself in dangerous situations. It's not "just lunch" or "just a phone call." If you find yourself saying something like that to yourself, call it off right then.

Also, make it clear to the women you know (co-workers, freinds, whatever) that you are not 'that guy.' Don't flirt just to see if you've still got it. Be proper and respectful around women. I've learned over the years that for some reason that's a signal to them you aren't the cheating type. Go figure.

I'm a guy just like all other guys. In the wrong place at the wrong time I suppose I could do something stupid. I just make damn sure I'm never at that place at that time.

Either that or I'm just damn ugly. :)

Henry, I agree 100%. I for the most part have removed myself from just about ALL temptation. :) I don't go to bars anymore. I've pretty much given up my social life, and I'm not even married yet. Never say never, but I'd like to think I'd be able to pass up temptation.

I'm known with my female co-workers, as the sweet, faithful, guy. Who is sticking with his girlfriend while she's at Medical school getting her Doctorate. Isn't that sweet! :D Unfortunately, this seems to make me more of a "catch" to the women I work with. I think they have a poll going to see who can be the first to get me to screw around. Isn't that sad? They wanna corrupt me! :laugh:

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Damn, Pain, in light of recent events your post makes me even more sad. :(

I don't know, Ghost. Now he's free to be "corrupted!" Could be some positives there. :)

Pain, don't tell'em you're single.

Make them think THEY'RE the one(s) to make you stray. :laugh:

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Damn, Pain, in light of recent events your post makes me even more sad. :(

Ain't it the truth. It's funny sometimes how things work out. Well, I think I'm on the road to recovery now. The self loathing, and pity party seems to be coming to an end. I doubt there won't be some relapses, but I'm trying guys. I think I'm gonna leave the females alone for a while, and just concentrate on getting myself together.

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Originally posted by Brave

I don't know, Ghost. Now he's free to be "corrupted!" Could be some positives there. :)

Pain, don't tell'em you're single.

Make them think THEY'RE the one(s) to make you stray. :laugh:

I don't think I want much in the way of female companionship right now. I think I'm gonna let em be. I'm just gonna take some time for me now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Painkiller

I'm known with my female co-workers, as the sweet, faithful, guy. Who is sticking with his girlfriend while she's at Medical school getting her Doctorate. Isn't that sweet! :D Unfortunately, this seems to make me more of a "catch" to the women I work with. I think they have a poll going to see who can be the first to get me to screw around. Isn't that sad? They wanna corrupt me! :laugh:

Painkiller: Given recent developments, I really hope you've been corrupted! :cheers:

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

Painkiller: Given recent developments, I really hope you've been corrupted! :cheers:

Nope, not yet. ;)

I'm more open to the idea now though, more then I was a few weeks ago anyway. Progress has been made, but I'm still hurtin. I keep myself busy, passing the time. I'm actually gonna be moving into a new townhome soon in early April. A change of scenery, and my own place devoid of roommates with girlfriends, would do me some good.


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  • 3 months later...

Once...in a long term relationship back in high school....just a kiss/dancing, but even then in the middle of it I had to break it off and tell the girl that I couldn't do that to my girlfriend...I felt (and still feel) so badly about the dishonesty that I can't even come close anymore...sad thing is, that relationship ended because she cheated on me in college (even though now we're good friends again)...and I've been cheated on twice since...

I have real problems with trust ever since with the girls...but the best advice I can give is to be selective, and don't allow yourself to be a doormat. I made that mistake too many times...if you make it evident to someone else that you value them above your values and your emotion, the chances are pretty good that they'll push the limits of what is acceptable, which will bring you nothing, but pain.

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